Panasonic has created an AI clone of its late founder Konosuke Matsushita based on his writings, speeches, and over 3,000 voice recordings.
Wikipedia article "Benjamin Graham".
Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs of the Dean of Wall Street.
Learn about the man who taught investing to the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett. The Intelligent Investor: Benjamin Graham
Read about the achievements of those who have mastered the art of investing. The Greatest Investors
Learn nine simple rules to success from the talented Buffett, Gartman and Pearson. Financial Wisdom From Three Wise Men
Kick back and learn something new! These are 10 reads worth adding to your bookshelf. Books Worth Investing In
We provide some classic and lesser-known titles to add to your collection. Investing Books It Pays To Read
Balance risk and return to produce adequate income despite inflation. Build A Dividend Portfolio That Grows With You
We look at the Sage of Omaha's methodology for evaluating value stocks. Warren Buffett: How He Does It
We take a close look at the main principles the 'Oracle of Omaha' uses in assessing a company. What Is Warren Buffett's Investing Style?
Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs of the Dean of Wall Street.
《本杰明·格雷厄姆:华尔街院长回忆录》Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs Of The Dean Of Wall Street
作者:本杰明·格雷厄姆、西摩·查特曼(编辑)海南出版社 1999?1894年出生于英国伦敦,卒于1976年
班傑明·格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham,1894-1976),美國投資家。
A scholar and financial analyst who is widely recognized as the father of value investing. His famous book, "The Intelligent Investor", has gained recognition as one of the best and most important investment pieces written illustrating the fundamentals of a value-investing strategy.
Investopedia Says:
Graham had a profound influence on his pupil Warren Buffett, who would become the most famous investor of all time, in grad school at Columbia University. Graham instilled the fundamental principles of value investing into Buffett - principles upon which he relied to amass one of the world's largest personal fortunes.
Learn about the man who taught investing to the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett. The Intelligent Investor: Benjamin Graham
Read about the achievements of those who have mastered the art of investing. The Greatest Investors
Learn nine simple rules to success from the talented Buffett, Gartman and Pearson. Financial Wisdom From Three Wise Men
Kick back and learn something new! These are 10 reads worth adding to your bookshelf. Books Worth Investing In
We provide some classic and lesser-known titles to add to your collection. Investing Books It Pays To Read
Balance risk and return to produce adequate income despite inflation. Build A Dividend Portfolio That Grows With You
We look at the Sage of Omaha's methodology for evaluating value stocks. Warren Buffett: How He Does It
We take a close look at the main principles the 'Oracle of Omaha' uses in assessing a company. What Is Warren Buffett's Investing Style?
目錄[隱藏] |
[編輯] 經歷
- 班傑明·格雷厄姆1894年5月9日出生於英國倫敦,嬰兒的時候隨父母移居紐約。
- 1914年格雷厄姆從哥倫比亞大學畢業,同年夏天,格雷厄姆來到紐伯格·亨德森·勞伯公司做了一名信息員,不久被提升為證券分析師。
- 1920年格雷厄姆成為紐伯格·亨德森·勞伯公司的合伙人。
- 1923年年初,格雷厄姆離開了紐伯格·亨德森·勞伯公司。他成立了格蘭赫私人基金,資金規模為50萬美元。
- 在1929年9月5日開始的華爾街崩盤中,格雷厄姆幾乎到了破產的邊緣。
- 1934年年底出版《有價證券分析》(Security Analysis)。
- 1936年出版《財務報表解讀》。
- 1942年出版《智慧型股票投資人》(The Intelligent Investor )。
[編輯] 投資理論
[編輯] 橫斷法
[編輯] 預期法
- 短期投資法:
- 成長股投資法:
[編輯] 安全邊際
约翰.崔恩在自己的投资著作《财富大师》(The Money Masters,1980)中,对格雷厄姆的智慧及影响力作出了这样的评价:“本杰明·格雷厄姆是本世纪,乃至历史上,投资界最重要的思想家。他把投资从 一门基于感官、内幕消息、和个人才华的艺术带到了近乎科学、有章可循的领域。他凭借过人的智慧、丰富的经历以及刻苦的钻研,潜心致力于投资研究,帮助那些 迷信消息、臆测的投资者们走出困境。”
他于1914年从哥伦比亚大学毕业,之后立即在华尔街的Newburger, Henderson & Loeb公司任职,职位为通讯员。1920年,格雷厄姆荣升为该公司的合伙人。
“1984年,沃伦·巴菲特重回哥伦比亚大学的讲台,发表了纪念《证券分析》问世50周年的演说。他在那次演说中介 绍了自己和同门师兄们的投资经验,如:比尔·鲁安(Bill Ruane)、汤姆·科拿普(Tom Knapp)和沃特·斯科劳斯(Walter Schloss)。他们都曾在哥伦比亚大学师从格雷厄姆,都是股市叱诧风云的人物。巴菲特说,股票在数量和种类上有各种各样的组合,但唯一不变的就是遵循 格雷厄姆的投资准则。”
他创造了“安全边际”一词来解释他的常识性选股法则,既挑选那些暂时股价跌落,但是长期来看基本面牢靠的公司股票。 任何投资的安全边际产生于其购买价格和内在价值之间的差距,两者差别越大(购入价低于实际价值),就越值得投资,无论从安全还是回报角度来看都是如此。投 资界通常将这些情况称为低估值(如市盈率、市净率、市销率)倍数股票。
《证券分析》Security Analysis
《聪明的投资者》The Intelligent Investor
《本杰明·格雷厄姆:华尔街院长回忆录》Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs Of The Dean Of Wall Street
Benjamin Graham On Value Investing: Lessons From The Dean Of Wall Street