2024年8月19日 星期一

France24 至少兩片報導。 BBC 法国电影传奇人物阿兰·德龙Alain Delo去世,享年88岁。他在1960年代曾风靡欧洲,但晚年却因家庭的分崩离析而备受困扰,而公众则在惊恐与迷恋之间挣扎。


Alain Delon and Claudia Cardinale were two iconic actors of the French and Italian cinema during the mid-20th century. Delon, known for his striking good looks and intense performances, rose to fame in the 1960s with films like "Purple Noon" and "Le Samourai." Cardinale, on the other hand, captivated audiences with her beauty and talent in classics such as "8 1/2" and "Once Upon a Time in the West."

Both actors were not only successful in their respective countries but also gained international recognition for their work. Delon's collaborations with renowned directors like Jean-Pierre Melville and Luchino Visconti solidified his status as a cinematic legend, while Cardinale's versatility in both dramatic and comedic roles showcased her range as an actress.

Their on-screen chemistry in films like "The Leopard" and "The Pink Panther" further cemented their status as one of the most iconic duos in film history.

