2017年12月31日 星期日

Nikola Tesla. Marlene Dietrich

マレーネ・ディートリヒ - Wikipedia


マレーネ・ディートリヒ(Marlene Dietrich、1901年12月27日 - 1992年5月6日)は、ドイツ出身の女優・歌手。 1920年代のヴァイマル共和国のドイツ映画全盛期に花開き、1930年代からはハリウッド映画に出演、1950年代以降は歌手としての活動が多かった。 目次. [非表示]. 1 経歴. 1.1 生い立ち; 1.2 映画デビュー; 1.3 アメリカへ; 1.4 歌手活動; 1.5 引退; 1.6 死去. 2 主な出演作品. 2.1 その他. 3 受賞歴. 3.1 アカデミー賞; 3.2 ゴールデングローブ賞. 4 通称; 5 参照; 6 参考文献; 7 関連項目; 8 外部リンク. 経歴[編集].

The inventor Nikola Tesla around 1896. Tesla died a poor man in 1943 at age 86, but thanks to Elon Musk and his electric car company,
Tesla the Car Is a Household Name. Long Ago, So Was Nikola Tesla.


The star of a man once renowned as the prototype of a genius inventor has faded. But his reputation is having a revival, and his creations still resonate.

Marlene Dietrich - Wikipedia


Marie Magdalene "MarleneDietrich was a German actress and singer who held both German and American citizenship. Throughout her long career, (which spanned from the 1910s to the 1980s) she maintained popularity by continually reinventing herself. In 1920s Berlin, Dietrich acted on the stage and in silent films. Her performance as Lola-Lola in The Blue Angel (1930) brought her international fame and a contract with Paramount Pictures. Dietrich starred in Hollywood films such ...


Marlene Dietrich dreamed of a dress adorned with flowers illuminated by light bulbs. "My Sweethearts,” she wrote to designer Jean Louis and his team, "I needed time for technical research on our project. Now I've solved the problem and I won’t have to carry batteries with me...” Few women have expressed themselves through their clothes like Marlene Dietrich did. Her creative drive was infinite. She tinkered with increasingly remarkable creations that were intended to mask signs of her advancing age. One previously unknown project she pursued with great ambition toward the end of her career. She functioned as designer, effects specialist and marketing expert. Like an engineer, she obsessed over a design that was too sensational to be realized in her lifetime. Drawings and specifications can be found in the Marlene Dietrich Collection archive at the Deutsche Kinemathek in Berlin. It was meant to be the most magnificent gown of all time.

