2024年11月23日 星期六

JJP. 普拉多博物館PRADO Museo Nacional del Prado 2019 的三位解說者 Joyce DiDonato. Dr Matt Lodder. Norman Foster 八大博物館 巡禮


 影片系列八大博物館 巡禮之一:西班牙普拉多博物館 (PRADO  Museo Nacional del Prado,  2019)

主要解說員有三: Joyce DiDonato (歌劇); Norman Foster (建築師); Dr Matt Lodder (藝術史)

Dr Matt Lodder(史麥特勞德) 為ESSEX 大學 藝術老師,一身刺青,很明顯。查其專長:其一:contributed forewords for many popular books on tattooing.

His first monograph, Painted People: Humanity in 21 Tattoos was published by HarperCollins in 2022. His latest major exhibition, 'British Tattoo Art Revealed', began at the National Maritime Museum Falmouth in March 2017 and toured nationwide through 2020.

google 翻譯:為許多流行的紋身書籍撰寫序言。

他的第一本專著《彩繪人物:21 個紋身中的人性》於2022 年由哈珀柯林斯出版社出版。國家海事博物館開幕,並於2020 年在全國巡迴展出。

美國萊斯大學建築學院(The Rice University School of Architecture),11/1(五)於Farish Gallery舉行年度傑出校友獎頒獎典禮,2024年由JJP創辦人潘冀建築師獲獎,潘建築師以「The Journey of JJP – Creating and Sustaining a Professional Career」為題,回顧這段驚奇的執業旅程。



ESSEX 大學 藝術史麥特勞德   一身刺青

艾塞克斯大學(英語:University of Essex,又譯愛希大學、艾塞克斯大學、雅希世大學或愛希克斯大學)是位於英國艾塞克斯郡科赤斯特和威文霍鎮的一所綜合性大學

Dr Matt Lodder
Senior Lecturer
School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies


Such emotional extremes are famously tackled in Goya’s works, on display in Madrid’s Prado, as well as in the performances of multi-Grammy award-winning opera singer Joyce DiDonato. As she stands alone in front of Goya’s paintings, Joyce recognizes a kindred spirit reaching beyond the frame and speaking to her own artistic endeavours.

建築師 Norman Foster

Jan 22, 2024 — The Norman Foster Institute has officially opened in Madrid, focusing on urban sustainability and global city challenges.
Norman Foster Institute officially opens in MadridNorman Foster Foundation · 1.9K views ; Motion. Autos, Art, Architecture - Guided Tour by ...


Dr Matt Lodder is a Senior Lecturer in Art History and Theory, and Director of American Studies at the University of Essex, and one of the University of Essex' Public Voice Scholars. He teaches European, American and Japanese art, architecture, visual culture and theory from the late 19th century to the present, including modern and contemporary art post-1945, digital and "new media" art, and the intersections between art & politics. His research primarily concerns the application of art-historical methods to history of Western tattooing from the 17th century to the present day, with a principal focus on the professional era from the 1880s onwards. His expertise also extends to wider histories of body modification practices in the West, including tongue splitting, implants, and other procedures. He has also published work on feminist debates in pornography, and on the intersections of consent, culture and the law in the context of 1970s and '80s queer subcultures. He has given invited lectures at venues including the V&A, the National Museum of Scotland, the Tokyo National Museum, and the Museum of London. He has published academic papers in venues including the Sculpture Journal, and contributed forewords for many popular books on tattooing. He has contributed articles to the Royal Academy Magazine, History Today, The Guardian and others, and appeared on broadcast media across the globe. His first monograph, Painted People: Humanity in 21 Tattoos was published by HarperCollins in 2022. His latest major exhibition, 'British Tattoo Art Revealed', began at the National Maritime Museum Falmouth in March 2017 and toured nationwide through 2020. Matt also served as the presenter of the landmark television series "Art of Museums" / 'Magie des Grands Musées' / 'Magie der Museen', which aired across Europe and beyond in late 2018 and early 2019.

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