2015年5月11日 星期一

Jane Stanford, Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve: “There are no longer any stars in France. A star is someone who should should be seen a little and then remain discreet, reserved. With the introduction of the digital age, the intrusion is into everything, everywhere and all the time ... We see a huge amount about people who are very famous, who have millions of followers ... and who have done absolutely nothing.”

Bafta-winning actor, whose new film La Tête Haute opens the 68th...

On Mother's Day, we celebrate Jane Stanford, who founded the university with her husband after the death of their only son. In 1905, Jane established a "Jewel Fund" to use proceeds from the sale of her jewelry for library purchases. To this day, the fund supports the purchase of hundreds of books and materials for students and faculty.

