2025年1月3日 星期五

昨日的世界(mit Stefan Zweig,佛洛伊德 und Dali) 2018-02 漢清講堂。《弗洛伊德的最後歲月: 他晚年的思緒》華東師範大學出版社 2011 。 最後讀的小說: 巴爾扎克《驢皮記》(La Peau de chagrin)The Death of Sigmund Freud By Mark Edmundson, 2007. last two years of Freud's life

 漢清講堂(YouTube) 介紹過他去畫晚年的S. Freud.

可能是 1 人和紀念碑的黑白圖像
Alberto Giacometti's arrival in Paris in 1922 marked the beginning of a transformative period in the world of modern sculpture. Although Auguste Rodin, the towering figure of late 19th and early 20th-century sculpture, had passed away five years earlier in 1917, his influence was still felt throughout the art world. Giacometti, a Swiss artist born in 1901, came to Paris to study at the Grande Chaumière, where he immersed himself in the teachings of his mentor, Antoine Bourdelle. Bourdelle had been an assistant to Rodin, and thus, Giacometti found himself directly linked to the legacy of one of the most innovative sculptors in history.
In 1950, Giacometti’s admiration for Rodin’s work was clearly reflected when he visited the foundry of Eugène Rudier in Le Vésinet, just outside Paris. It was here that he was able to engage with the iconic Bourgeois de Calais, a series of sculptures by Rodin that had become emblematic of the artist’s dramatic and expressive approach to form. As Giacometti wandered through the park, surrounded by Rodin’s monumental figures, he was filled with both admiration and a sense of humor, using the opportunity to explore his own sculptural techniques. This moment was not only a tribute to Rodin’s genius but also a continuation of Giacometti’s evolving exploration of the human form, which would later be immortalized in his celebrated L'Homme qui marche series.
Giacometti’s artistic evolution was significantly influenced by his encounters with the works of Rodin, whose sculptures combined expressive humanism with intricate detail. Giacometti, like Rodin, sought to depict the human figure with a deep sense of psychological intensity. While Rodin focused on dynamic, muscular forms, Giacometti, particularly in his later years, honed a style that emphasized the fragility and existential solitude of the human condition. His elongated figures and sparse, haunting sculptures captured a surrealist vision that mirrored the emotional isolation of the post-war era. Giacometti’s reverence for Rodin, combined with his unique perspective on human fragility, made him a key figure in modern art, with his work continuing to resonate in both sculpture and the broader art world.

 漢清講堂(YouTube) 介紹他去畫晚年的S.佛洛伊德。

1922 年阿爾貝托·賈科梅蒂 (Alberto Giacometti) 抵達巴黎,標誌著現代雕塑世界變革時期的開始。儘管奧古斯特·羅丹這位 19 世紀末和 20 世紀初雕塑界的巨匠早在五年前的 1917 年去世,但他的影響力仍然波及整個藝術界。出生於1901年的瑞士藝術家賈科梅蒂來到巴黎,在Grande Chaumière學習,在那裡他沉浸在導師安托萬·布爾代爾的教誨中。布爾代爾曾是羅丹的助手,因此賈科梅蒂發現自己與歷史上最具創新性的雕塑家之一的遺產直接相關。
1950 年,賈科梅蒂參觀巴黎郊外勒維西內 (Le Vésinet) 的尤金·魯迪埃 (Eugène Rudier) 鑄造廠時,清楚地體現了他對羅丹作品的欽佩。正是在這裡,他能夠接觸到標誌性的《加來布爾喬亞》,這是羅丹創作的一系列雕塑,這些雕塑已成為藝術家戲劇性和表現形式的象徵。當賈科梅蒂漫步在公園裡,周圍環繞著羅丹的紀念雕像時,他充滿了欽佩和幽默感,並利用這個機會探索自己的雕塑技巧。這一刻不僅是對羅丹天才的致敬,也是賈科梅蒂對人體形態不斷探索的延續,這項探索後來在他著名的《行進之人》系列中永垂不朽。

Hitler would perhaps have drawn back in shame at his threadbare overcoat and his broken shoes. Though he might, if things were bad enough, have extended his hand to beg. Whether Freud gave or not (he could well have; he was generally good-hearted) would have made no difference; the encounter would still have left young Adolf seething.
希特勒和佛洛伊德有可能真的見過面。第一次世界大戰開始前,希特勒在維也納度過了他一生中最不快樂的幾年。一次而是兩次。很快,他的錢就花光了,只能睡在門口,甚至不時乞討。如果希特勒和佛洛伊德在維也納的街道上擦肩而過,那麼在佛洛伊德從1909 年非常成功的美國之行歸來後,佛洛伊德就會看到一隻過街老鼠,即暴民中的普通居民。 (佛洛伊德不是民粹主義者。)希特勒會看到一個維也納市民(他鄙視上層中產階級),也可能認為佛洛伊德是猶太人。希特勒或許會因為他破舊的大衣和破鞋而羞愧地退縮。不過,如果情況夠糟糕的話,他可能會伸手乞討。佛洛伊德是否給予(他很可能給予;他通常是善良的)都沒有什麼區別;這次遭遇仍讓年輕的阿道夫心潮澎湃。

a Viennese burgher .
  1. 1.
    a citizen of a town or city, typically a member of the wealthy bourgeoisie.
    "the poem is not the sort of thing the sturdy burghers of Manchester would wish to read"
  2. 2.
    (in southern Africa) an Afrikaans citizen of a Boer Republic.

《弗洛伊德的最後歲月》The Death of Sigmund Freud By Mark Edmundson, 2007. last two years of Freud's life


驢皮記》(La Peau de chagrin),法國作家巴爾扎克巨著《人間喜劇》系列作品,1831年發表,是「哲理研究」中最有世界影響的一篇,甫出版就引起了德國文豪歌德的強烈興趣,他說「生命裡有二種悲劇,一是得不到任何的悲劇;一是得到一切後的悲劇。」並斷言「這是一部新型的小說」。


At the center of Freud's work lies a fundamental perception: human beings are not generally unified creatures. Our psyches are not whole, but divided into parts, and those parts are usually in conflict with one another. The id, or the "it," is an agent of pure desire: it wants and wants and does not readily take no for an answer. The superego, or over-I, is the internal agent of authority. It often looks harshly upon the id and its manifold wants. The superego, in fact, frequently punishes the self simply for wishing for forbidden things, even if the self does not act on those wishes at all. Then there is the ego, trying to broker between the it and the over-I, and doing so with the greatest of difficulty, in part because both agencies tend to operate outside the circle of the ego's awareness. The over-I and the it often function unconsciously. Add to this problem the fact that "the poor ego," as Freud often calls it, must navigate a frequently hostile outside world, and it is easy to see how, for Freud, life is best defined as ongoing conflict. In a passage in "The Ego and the Id," Freud observes that the ego is a "poor creature owing service to three masters and consequently menaced by three dangers: from the external world, from the libido of the id and from the severity of the superego. Three kinds of anxiety correspond to these three dangers, since anxiety is the expression of a retreat from danger."

In his last days, Freud became increasingly concerned about our longing for inner peace -- our longing, in particular, to replace our old, inconsistent and often inscrutable over-I with something clearer, simpler and ultimately more permissive. We want a strong man with a simple doctrine that accounts for our sufferings, identifies our enemies, focuses our energies and gives us, more enduringly than wine or even love, a sense of being whole. This man, as Freud says in his great book on politics, "Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego," must appear completely masterful. He must seem to have perfect confidence, to need no one and to be entirely sufficient unto himself. Sometimes this man will evoke a god as his source of authority, sometimes not. But in whatever form he comes -- whether he is called Hitler, Stalin, Mao -- he will promise to deliver people from their confusion and to dispense unity and purpose where before there were only fracture and incessant anxiety. But, of course, the price is likely to be high, because the simplifications the great man offers will almost inevitably involve hatred and violence.


Freud's implicit morality is counterintuitive. Though Freud acknowledged the uses of mild intoxicants like love and art, he was nonetheless extremely suspicious of any doctrine or activity that promised to unify the psyche -- or to unify the nation, the people -- without remainder and to do so forever. Freud believed that the inner tensions that we experience are by and large necessary tensions, not because they are so enjoyable in themselves -- they are not -- but because the alternatives to them are so much worse. For Freud, a healthy psyche is not always a psyche that feels good. For Herbert Marcuse, author of a brilliant meditation on Freud, "Eros and Civilization," Freud's politics are potentially the politics of ecstasy. We can collectively undo our repressions and regress toward collective erotic bliss. For Philip Rieff, author of the equally perceptive and original "Freud: The Mind of the Moralist," Freud appears to be a deep political pessimist who thinks that the healthiest individuals will probably be those who turn completely away from politics. But another way to look at Freud is to see him as someone who suggests that a considerable measure of freedom and even relative happiness can come from following a self-aware middle way. If we are willing to live with some inner tension, political as well as personal, we need never be overwhelmed by tyranny or fall into the anarchy that giving into the unconscious completely can bring.


For Freud, we might infer, a healthy body politic is one that allows for a good deal of continuing tension. A healthy polis is one that it doesn't always feel good to be a part of. There's too much argument, controversy, difference. But in that difference, annoying and difficult as it may be, lies the community's well-being. When a relatively free nation is threatened by terrorists with totalitarian goals, as ours is now, there is, of course, an urge to come together and to fight back by any means necessary. But the danger is that in fighting back we will become just as fierce, monolithic and, in the worst sense, as unified as our foes. We will seek our own great man; we will be blind to his foibles; we will stop questioning, stop arguing. When that happens, a war of fundamentalisms has begun, and of that war there can be no victor.


  • The Death of Sigmund Freud. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007. Translations: French, German, Dutch, Chinese, Hebrew, Korean, Turkish, Portuguese (Brazil), Greek.[24]

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mark Edmundson is an American author and professor at the University of Virginia.[1] He received a B.A from Bennington College in 1974 and a Ph.D from Yale University in 1985.[2] Edmundson specializes in Romanticism, Poetry, and 19th-Century English and American Literature.[1] He is the author of sixteen books, and his essays appear in The Wall Street JournalThe AtlanticHarper's MagazineThe Chronicle of Higher Education, and The New York Times Magazine. Edmundson was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship[3] and was a National Endowment for the Humanities/Daniels Family Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Virginia.[4]


《 互動》(Interactions) 2025 0105 補廖志峰──在台大總圖書館日然廳。。相信:禮拜天的虔誠 願上主的名受到讚美! 日誌1229 2024 wsj 讀 The Economist,經濟學人》 聖誕節特刊 2期合 。首爾 慶洲 (NHK); South Korea’s Worst Plane Crash in Decades 光炎先生手稿資料特展:劇場幕後的迷人小旅行;可惜沒有雲門舞集的舞台設計展


The most famous quote from the Book of Job in the Old Testament is, "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised" (Job 1:21), which encapsulates Job's unwavering faith even in the face of immense suffering.


nhk somewhere


Anger and Agony in South Korea After Plane Crash-Lands, Killing 179

Only two people survived the crash, which happened as the plane was landing at an airport in the southwest. Officials said they were investigating the cause.

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What to Know About South Korea’s Worst Plane Crash in Decades


Hidden in the shadow of the master : the model-wives of Cézanne, Monet, and Rodin / Ruth Butler.
Butler, Ruth, 1931-2024

Rodin : the shape of genius / Ruth Butler.
Butler, Ruth, 1931-

藝術史學家露絲巴特勒 (Ruth Butler 1931~2024) 《羅丹:天才的形狀》 《隱藏在大師的陰影下:塞尚、莫奈和羅丹的模特兒妻子》“Hidden in the Shadow of the Master: The Model-Wives of Cézanne, Monet, and Rodin,”
羅丹:天才的形狀 平裝本 – 1993年
After Ms. Butler retired, she created a scholarship fund at UMass Boston to send studio art and art history students who might not otherwise be able to afford it abroad, so they could see artwork firsthand.
“Having had a wonderful education herself,” Ms. Poulet said, “she wanted students to have the same opportunities. And she made it happen.”

[展覽] 2024.12.4-2025.1.15 聶光炎先生手稿資料特展:劇場幕後的迷人小旅行。

[展覽]2024.12.3-2025.1.12 不隨時光消逝的美-方瑜教授紀念展

社會科學院辜振甫先生紀念圖書館. 特色建築 · 名人故居/紀念館/文化館 · 公共圖書館.



故居 殷海光,臺靜農.....梁實秋


中原大學張靜愚紀念圖書館   建築師12月號

The Year in Pictures: Far From Ordinary

Photographers captured historic moments of war, grief and wonder that defined 2024.


臺大圖書館到期通知單 NTU Library Courtesy Notice

背影 / 巴尼等著 ; 周怡芳等译

民俗美術探訪錄 / 莊伯和作

五常談藝術 / 張五常著

纽约现代艺术馆精品 : 350件纽约现代艺术馆最优秀的作品 / [纽约现代艺术馆编著] ; 海鹰,杨晓宾译

包豪斯 / 让尼娜.菲德勒, 彼得.费尔阿本德编著 ; 查明建等翻译

寄生上流 : 原著劇本= Parasite : screenplay / 奉俊昊原著劇本 ; 韓珍元編劇 ; 葛增娜譯

月亮與六便士 / 毛姆著 ; 傅惟慈譯













  • 中國法院判處樊維秋死刑,先前該男子在珠海駕車衝撞人群,造成35人死亡。這起襲擊事件促使中國政府採取措施平息社會動盪。
