2016年3月19日 星期六

巴西總統Dilma Rousseff 壓力倍增:But can she stomach it? 死不下台, Vladimir Putin:怒土國總統......神隱...... How Putin Came Out On Top in Ukraine Ceasefire Dea;普京 Putin 在國內失寵

Just published: front page of the Financial Times international edition for March 18


一段被竊聽到的羅塞夫與盧拉的通話內容證實了人們的懷疑。羅塞夫在電話中向盧拉表示,已任命他擔任總統辦公廳主任,"如有需要"可擁有特殊的全權。這段錄音是由本週一接手盧拉腐敗案調查的聯邦法官莫羅(Sergio Moro)曝光的。檢察院指控盧拉捲入巴西國營石油公司(Petrobras)的 腐敗案。而作為總統辦公廳主任,只有最高法院有權針對盧拉進行審理。

Brazil's currency and the stockmarket have strengthened on hopes that the president, Dilma Rousseff, may soon be forced out. Their celebration may be premature

Protesters call for Dilma Rousseff’s head as markets and political allies…

Brazil needs its president to make tough choices and face up to the political and economic turmoil she helped cause. But can she stomach it?

Our cover story this week explores Brazil's spectacular fall from grace

Brazil already faced a severe recession and a massive corruption scandal under Dilma Rousseff. Now comes a constitutional crisis

It makes it more likely that she will remain in power until the end of her term.

Brazil’s poor have turned their backs on Dilma Rousseff, calling for the president to quit over a corruption scandal at the state oil group Petrobras.

How will Brazil’s president, Dilma Rousseff, respond to huge anti-government demonstrations that took place in dozens of cities across the country on Sunday? In São Paulo police estimated the size of the crowd on Avenida Paulista at more than 1m http://econ.st/1MFiQBY

Vladimir Putin has not been verifiably seen in public since March 5th, and no one knows why. What is one to make of it all? In the absence of better information, one might ask what it has meant in the past when rulers of secretive governments vanished from public view. Of course, analogising current Russian politics to a distant and vastly different past can easily mislead. But in situations like this such comparisons can be educational, and they are certainly lots of fun http://econ.st/1ArzH5r

BREAKING NEWS: Ukraine president has declared a ceasefire in effect between the Ukrainian military and pro-Russian militants in east Ukraine. http://cnn.it/1vuw2BS

This week's KAL's cartoon http://econ.st/1A4GXGt

The Minsk ceasefire is fragile and leaves major issues unaddressed. But the biggest issue cannot be addressed by any ceasefire: Vladimir Putin wants to break Ukraine, and believes he is at war with the West http://econ.st/1EfOaEb

“It was not the best night of my life,” the Russian president remarked with a smirk when he appeared before the news cameras in the capital of Belarus. “But the morning is good.”

The Russian president just dodged another round of Western...

The crisis in Ukraine began with Ukrainians’ desire to tilt towards the EU—and Vladimir Putin’s determination to stop them. Better than arms, the West must urgently give Ukraine as much aid as it needs to build a state and realise that dream (and as much advice as it takes to ensure the cash is not misspent or stolen). Mr Putin wants Ukraine to be a lesson in the perils of leaning West. It should instead be an exemplar of the rewards http://econ.st/1KO0iAo

2014年12月18日 14:41 PM
英國《金融時報》 席佳琳 莫斯科報道

在經歷了幾個月的民族主義亢奮後,俄羅斯的金融動盪終於給該國激進的政治議程澆了一盆涼水,甚至連總統弗拉基米爾•普京(Vladimir Putin)也開始面對來自國內的批評。




周三,通常忠誠於俄羅斯政府的《莫斯科共青團報》(Moskovsky Komsomolets)發文稱,普京已無計可施。“突然之間,那種穩定感、或者政治進程仍然可控的感覺再次從我們的生活中消失。那種普京是一位掌控一切(克裡米亞、西伯利亞虎以及盧布)的魔術師的感覺消失了。”


一些觀察者認為,目前的情形反而讓人們有理由樂觀。“此次危機表明,普京的迴旋餘地有限,”俄羅斯總理德米特裡•梅德韋傑夫(Dmitry Medvedev)前顧問、莫斯科智庫當代發展研究院(Institute for Contemporary Development)主席伊格爾•尤爾根斯(Igor Yurgens)說。“有明確跡象顯示,所有人都願意試著去給烏克蘭危機降溫,如果成功,形勢可能會開始逐漸好轉。”


普京周三似乎傳遞出另一種務實信號,當天,因石油公司Bashneft私有化爭議在9月被捕的俄羅斯寡頭弗拉基米爾•葉夫圖申科夫(Vladimir Yevtushenkov)被釋放。
“這是自由主義者們的機會。普京現在完全依賴他們解決此次匯率危機,”尤爾根斯說。“我們將拭目以待,看看在新年長假中形勢將如何發展。但如果危機得不到解決,我們可能會走向運動式政治(mobilisation politics),甚至是新斯大林主義(neo-Stalinism)。”

  1. Political mobilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Political mobilization is "the activity of rousing masses of people both to express themselves politically and also to undertake political action." Mobilization takes ...

