President Trump假愛美國之名亂政,關閉獨立機關USAID等等, 。美國淪為「尋租的地主」。川普和范斯抨擊歐洲,這可能會是一個分水嶺時刻,因為這是從根本上對歐洲價值觀的攻擊。或者只是提醒歐盟一項常識:世上沒有永遠白吃不必埋單的霸王餐 (陶傑)。 副總統萬斯JD Vance 呼籲歐洲人停止排斥極端政黨(慕尼黑安全會議) : 警告集 。 呼吁欧洲国家增加各自的国防预算。 Rauchet Hegseth, the wife of U.S. Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth,
President Trump's dismantling of USAID is raising questions about the role of Congress. The scope and speed of Trump’s reach for power may be unprecedented.
After teachers learned that Jennifer Rauchet Hegseth, the wife of U.S. Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth, planned to visit the American schools at NATO headquarters in Belgium, the Harriet Tubman posters, origami paper cranes and rainbows began disappearing from their campus, a response to the Trump administration’s rollbacks of diversity, equity and inclusion programs. Read more:
the Alternative for Germany, or AfD, by name, but directly referred to the longstanding agreement by mainstream German politicians to freeze out the group, parts of which have been formally classified as extremist by German intelligence.
Vance Tells Europeans to Stop Shunning Parties Deemed Extreme
His comments shocked attendees at the Munich Security Conference and seemed to target efforts to sideline the hard-right party the Alternative for Germany.
Vance Lectures Europe on Democracy at Security Meeting
Vice President JD Vance criticized European governments at the Munich Security Conference on Friday, saying that they are failing to uphold democratic values and suppressing forms of free speech.
While the Trump administration is very concerned with European security and believes that we can come to a reasonable settlement between Russia and Ukraine. And we also believe that it’s important in the coming years for Europe to step up in a big way to provide for its own defense. The threat that I worry the most about vis-à-vis Europe is not Russia, it’s not China, it’s not any other external actor. And what I worry about is the threat from within. Shutting down elections or shutting people out of the political process protects nothing. I’ve heard a lot about what you need to defend yourselves from, and of course, that’s important. But what has seemed a little bit less clear to me, and certainly I think to many of the citizens of Europe, is what exactly it is that you’re defending yourselves for? And I believe deeply that there is no security if you are afraid of the voices, the opinions and the conscience that guide your very own people. Europe faces many challenges. But the crisis this continent faces right now, the crisis, I believe, we all face together, is one of our own making. If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you.
Vance Lectures Europe on Democracy at Security Meeting
Vice President JD Vance criticized European governments at the Munich Security Conference on Friday, saying that they are failing to uphold democratic values and suppressing forms of free speech.CreditCredit...Leah Millis/Reuters 萬斯呼籲歐洲人停止排斥極端政黨他的言論震驚了慕尼黑安全會議的與會者,似乎是為了排擠極右翼德國選擇黨。萬斯在安全會議上向歐洲訴說民主副總統 JD Vance 週五在慕尼黑安全會議上批評歐洲各國政府,表示他們未能維護民主價值並壓制言論自由。而川普政府非常關心歐洲安全,並相信俄羅斯和烏克蘭之間能夠達成合理的解決方案。我們也認為,未來幾年歐洲必須大力加強自身防禦。我最擔心的歐洲威脅不是俄羅斯,不是中國,也不是其他外部力量。而我擔心的是來自內部的威脅。停止選舉或將人們排除在政治過程之外並不能起到任何保護作用。我聽到了很多關於你們需要保護自己的事情,當然,這很重要。但對我來說,而且我想對許多歐洲公民來說,似乎不太清楚的是,你們究竟為何而戰?我深信,如果你害怕引導自己人民的聲音、觀點和良知,那麼就不會有安全。歐洲面臨諸多挑戰。但我相信,這塊大陸現在面臨的危機,是我們共同面臨的危機,是我們自己造成的。如果你因為害怕自己的選民而參選,那麼美國就無能為力了。 萬斯在 Securi 發表歐洲民主演講 JD Vence 出身於一個肯塔基貧困普通的工人家庭,在俄亥俄的小鎮長大; 更因為他從小父母離異,對父親幾乎沒有什麼印象,而人生被完全screwed up的母親,又酗酒磕藥,不斷結婚不斷離婚。他本來是不應該來到這個世界上的,因為他的母親是在高中意外懷上了他(實際上他母親是挺著大肚子參加自已的畢業典禮的)。身為一個“青少年媽媽”,他母親的人生之路第一步就走錯,之後陷入了狂亂而失敗的深淵。她結了四五次婚 ,從沒碰到過一個能負起碼責任的男人,以致最後沉溺於藥品而不能自拔。實際上他母親遇上的男人,正是那些阿巴拉契亞山區白種男人們的常態。這些人帶領政府救濟,成天罵罵咧咧拒絕工作,喝酒渡日,醉酒之後就是打老婆罵孩子,鬧來鬧去之後就是拋妻棄子,離家出走。 JD後來分析説:阿巴拉契亞山區白人家庭,比起黑人和西裔人群並不是最窮的。儘管經濟蕭條,製造業工廠倒閉,這些人並不是找不到工作,沒有活路,重要的是,他們不去找,也不願工作。他們堅信世界虧欠了自已,搞得自已無法改變惡運,於是就只能在這種生活裡消沉著。真正讓JD從浸淫其中的消極態度中掙脫的,發生在他高中畢業後加入海軍陸戰隊的四年。魔鬼般的訓練,讓他一開始就對「全力以赴」這個概念有了新的認知。軍營走出來的JD已經22歲,他進了俄亥俄州立大學,過著同時打三份工的工讀生活。四年後,他做到了一件家鄉的「鄉下人」想都不敢想的事 --- 進入了美國最牛的法學院 --- 耶魯法學院,畢業後成為大律師行的一名律師,也找到他心愛的人生伴侶。JD説,他的少年時代最為致命的,是一種「習得性的無助感」。瀰漫在生活每個角落的,都是那句話:「你改變不了你操蛋的命運!」。JD沒有什麼特別,唯一特別的,只是他能掙脫出身給他套上的失敗者宿命,完成了一次「向上移動」。在美國夢逐漸式微的今天,JD Vence將再次燃起希望。