

佔領國會》李遠哲讚學運 籲馬與學生對談 【11:31】
最新更新時間:2013/12/25 17:31:00

前中研院長李遠哲說,台灣現在平均每名新生兒一出生就負債新台幣90萬元,他認為退休制度領18%不公平,已選擇放棄。(中央社記者魏紜鈴攝 102年12月25日)
李遠哲:扁當年邀我選總統 自己當副手
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前中研院院長李遠哲昨日出席《李遠哲與台灣首次政黨輪替》的新書發表會並致詞。 (記者叢昌瑾攝) |
【邀請函】 自由入座 歡迎參加
主 講 人:盧世祥(作者)
貴 賓:李遠哲、李鴻禧、蕭新煌、李筱峰(其他人士陸續邀請中)
時 間:10月3日(週四) 下午2:00~4:00
地 點:台北凱撒飯店四樓會議廳(台北市中正區忠孝西路一段38號)
玉山社出版公司 魏淑貞 敬邀
聯絡電話:(02)2775-3736 許家旗
政爭》對王趕盡殺絕 李遠哲:馬臉充滿仇恨 【15:38】

教改近20年多了 豈是這些風涼話能了事
昔日1980s 張忠謀先生回國的工研院院長的薪水 記得是64萬.....
李遠哲 (Yuan Tseh Lee) 1936年11月29日生於臺灣新竹,他的父親是一名畫家。李遠哲1959年臺灣大學畢業後到新竹清華大學讀研究生,獲得碩士學位。1962年赴美國柏克 利加州大學,1965年獲博士學位。後到哈佛大學化學係隨赫施巴赫(D.Herschbach)從事分子反應動力學的研究。1968年任芝加哥大學化學係 助教,1971年任副教授,1973年任教授。1974年後在柏克利加州大學化學係任教授,同時擔任勞倫斯·柏克利實驗室高級主任研究員。1979年當選 美國國家科學院院士。1980年當選為中央研究院院士。1994-2006任中央研究院院長。李遠哲在任期間利用自己的聲望,從當局到民間爭取了大量研究經費。此外,他大力延請海外有成就的傑出學者回到臺灣工作,認為這批學者“對其他研究人員,有非常深遠的影響,使整個中研院的研究風氣進步很多”。
李遠哲- Wikipedia
■李遠哲氏 1936年11月、台湾新竹市生まれ。台湾大学、台湾の清華大学を経て米カリフォルニア大学バークリー校で博士号取得。シカゴ大などで教鞭 (きょうべん)を執り、86年、ノーベル化学賞受賞。94年の帰台後、中央研究院院長に就任し、台湾社会の発展に貢献したと評価される。2007年10月から ローマ法王庁科学アカデミー会員。
台湾のノーベル賞受賞者、李遠哲氏「謝氏のバランス感覚に期待」 (1/2ページ)
【台北=長谷川周人】台湾唯一のノーベル賞受賞者(化学賞)である李遠哲・中央研究院前院長が、与党・民主進歩党 (民進党)が惨敗した今月中旬の立法委員(国会議員)選後、海外メディアの単独取材に初めて応じ、最大野党・中国国民党が立法委員選に続き3月の総統選で 勝利すれば、台湾政治はバランスを欠いて「危険な状態に陥る」と指摘、民進党の総統候補、謝長廷氏の調整力に期待感を表明した。
李氏は小 泉純一郎元首相や中国の胡錦濤国家主席らとの会談経験を持ち、域内では「台湾の良心」といわれる国際派の本省人(台湾出身)学者。2000年総統選では、 民進党支持を打ち出して陳水扁総統を初当選に導いた立役者でもあり、明確な態度表明を避けてきた李氏の発言は、今後の選挙動向にも影響を与えそうだ。李氏はまず陳政権の執政8年を振り返り、陳総統が民進党政権の発足に大きな役割を果たしたとの認識を示す一方、「理想の総統かといえば欠点もある」と指 摘。総統が提起した台湾名義による国連加盟構想を例に、「無理なことを言って(台湾独立派の)人を喜ばせるだけ。そう人々は見抜いており、陳氏はそれをよ く理解していなかった」と厳しい評価を下し、民意との乖離(かいり)が立法委員選での敗北を招いたと分析した。
Taiwan Nobel Laureate Y.T. Lee takes up ICSU presidency :
ICSU( International Council for Science)
Taiwan News, Staff Reporter
Page 1 2011-10-01 09:13 PM | |||||
In his visionary statement, he said Taiwan has the ability to contribute to society, and called attention to the world’s unsustainable over-development. He argued that, while the developed countries must drastically reduce their carbon footprint, the emerging and developing countries have to refrain from following the path Europe and the United States took to obtain national wealth.
Taiwan’s Academia Sinica and the National Science Council, as well as local entrepreneurs, have provided much assistance to ICSU activities over the past three years. Their help has won recognition of the international society, said Lee after his inaugural speech. It means that “we are capable of making contributions to society,” the 75-year-old scientist said. “I am willing to contribute myself to this work,” he added.
In this inaugural speech, Dr. Lee also said that, for humanity to face down this crisis of survival, governments, companies and societal groups must all band together, recognize the cost to be paid, and take immediate actions to build a new human civilization that is sustainable, fair, and just. To help mankind construct this new world, science must be far more global, integrating all disciplines and knowledge systems. It should inspire young researchers and define a closer, more constructive relationship with the rest of society – from governments to businesses and civil society.
Dr. Lee’s term as President of ICSU will last for three years until 2014. Dr. Lee has a long history of involvement with ICSU and also with other international scientific committees. From 1994 to 2006 he chaired the National Committee of ICSU in Taiwan, and from 1994 to 2005 he served on the Standing Committee on Freedom in the Conduct of Science. From 2005-2006 he served on the Council’s Standing Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the Conduct of Science.
ICSU was founded in 1931 and is a non-governmental organization with 121 national members and 30 scientific union members. Its mandate is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society. The organization has regional offices in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The ICSU General Assembly is held every three years. This year, the Italian national member is the host of the 5-day event, which in addition to inaugurating the new president, has for the first time invited leading scientists to give lecturers on topical issues in science. Academia Sinica has been an active member of ICSU since 1937.
Lee’s inauguration speech is as follows:
Dear [Representative of the Host Country-to be named], [rep of CNR], [rep of FAO], dear members, colleagues and friends of ICSU, ladies and gentlemen: First I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the National Research Council of Italy and the Food and Agriculture Organization, for being such gracious hosts, and for helping to make the 30th ICSU General Assembly a resounding success.
Ever since its founding 80 years ago, ICSU has been a standard-bearer for international science cooperation. The International Geophysical Year of 1957-58, in particular, began a golden age of Earth system science, whose legacies live on today. It was a defining experience. Bringing together the global science community to organize research on critical issues facing our world would become ICSU’s strength and calling. This gave birth to the Global Environmental Change programmes in the 80s, which continue to push the frontiers of our understanding. And along the way, ICSU also became one of the main representatives of science to international policy.
The past three years have continued this rich tradition. The International Polar Year concluded as a huge success. Earth System Visioning became a major global initiative. And many other efforts took concrete shape, such as the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) and the World Data System (WDS).
These achievements were possible only because of the foresight, commitment, diplomacy and teamwork of many individuals and bodies, both inside and outside of ICSU. We should therefore express our sincere appreciation for President Brechnigac, Vice Presidents Raivio and Kuroda, Executive Director Chen, and other Officers, the EB, the CSPR, the Committee on Finance, the CFRS, the Secretariat, and the Regional Offices of ICSU. We must thank our National Members, Unions, Associates and Inter-Disciplinary Bodies. And not to be forgotten, we must thank our great partners, many of who are present here today.
But unfortunately, this is not the time to celebrate. Because as hard as we have worked, we have not yet succeeded in laying the foundation for a sustainable and equitable global civilization, in which the entire Earth community is secure and prosperous. On the contrary, human pressure on Earth’s buffering capacity continues to rise.
Human population keeps climbing. And, even while poverty and starvation persist, global consumption, CO2 emissions and other impacts are still going up sharply. Indeed, as we heard Professor Rockstrom explain so well, we are going dangerously beyond many of the key planetary boundaries. The consequences are already beginning to show: from the decline of biodiversity and ecosystem functions to more severe and frequent extreme weather and climate events. A major concern is that there may be large “discontinuities” which could truly jeopardize human survival on Earth.
Science, Technology, and Our Transformation towards a Sustainable Civilization
If we are to avoid catastrophe and ensure humanity’s continuation on this planet, the keyword for the next few decades will be transformation. That is, we must begin to transform our global society into a truly sustainable civilization.
This transformation should begin by breaking with the past. We must accede to the fact that we are living beyond our means, and that our world as a whole is over-developed. There is no question that the developed countries must reduce their carbon footprint substantially, for instance through drastic energy conservation. And the emerging and developing countries must recognize that they cannot simply follow the path that the industrialized countries took in their development. They will have to find new ways to proceed.
Our transformation must in part be scientific and technological. Historically, the spread of science and technology, as well as sophisticated new materials and products, have boosted economic growth and industrial production. And they have improved almost every aspect of our lives, from health and food to energy and mobility – although much more so in the developed world. However, these advancements have also led to an array of health and environmental problems. Thus, our application of science and technology now needs to be re-oriented towards the sustainability transformation.
For instance, we must heavily invest in technologies to take humanity back to sunshine. For most of the past 1.5 million years, humanity depended and thrived almost entirely on what the Sun provided. However, in the last 250 years, we have come to depend on fossil fuels instead. It is so important that we go back to the Sun.
Also, the development of technology should no longer focus on the individual consumer. Science and technology should not be about making profit by promoting individual consumerism; it should be about building a better world for all.
However, this transformation must go beyond science and technology, because there is no high-tech magic pill for this crisis. A core problem is with how we live, and how we dream of growing our economies forever and consuming without limit. With an exploding population, unlimited desires are simply not compatible with a limited world. So our attitudes, habits, and ways of life themselves must change. This will involve redefining progress and the lifestyles we want. It must transcend big cars and TVs, and give us more happiness and meaning, as well as a healthy and resilient Earth. Our cultures and traditions will be critical here. After all, our ancestors lived for thousands of years in better balance with nature than we have. Surely there are profound wisdoms in their ways of life from which we can learn. Of course, we are not talking about going backwards, but rather better applications of science and technology.
Such is the challenge for mankind: to fundamentally transform and reinvent our civilization within the next few decades.
What Can We Do?
Since science must have a role in this great transformation, how can global scientific organizations like ICSU and its partners help humanity continue and survive? For ICSU, this naturally starts with our mission: to strengthen international science for the benefit of society. And for the next 6 years, that mission must be delivered through the second Strategic Plan – which was carefully crafted with close consultation of the entire ICSU membership. We are fully determined to push ahead, and see all of the plan’s major components to their success. While we do that, ICSU must not forget to critically re-examine itself. A fast-changing world requires constant improvement and renewal. Therefore, an independent assessment of ICSU will be commissioned before the next General Assembly in 2014.
I firmly believe that, in fulfilling our mission and carrying out our strategy, the primary theme for the near future must be Action, and Solutions, Now. Generating knowledge has been ICSU’s core strength, which must continue. But frankly, we already know enough about both problems and potential solutions to respond. What we do not have enough of is time. In my election speech three years ago, I expressed concerns for people in developing countries. Today they still face huge daily challenges in food security, water, infectious diseases and so on. Improving their situation, preventing population explosion and reducing poverty and starvation are priorities that need our attention right away. We must take immediate actions to see that they are resolved.
Taking actions now will require more resources. In the past, many excellent ideas were abandoned because there was no funding. This is really heartbreaking. If there is a worthy idea, we must do all we can to find the resources. Last year alone, the Secretariat and the EB worked together to raise more than 1.5 million US dollars for ICSU’s activities in Rio+20 and the Earth System Sustainability Initiative, proving that this can be done. ICSU should establish a fund-raising committee charged with finding the means to further great initiatives.
But to strive for action globally, global science overall must also have much greater resources at its disposal. At the present time, in order to maintain security for their citizens, nations of the world together spend more than 1 trillion US dollars per year on defense. But today, the greatest threats of all – climate change and human un-sustainability – are entirely new and different. These are not threats between nations, but by humanity and to humanity itself. They are global in nature, affecting all of us. What if we could take just 1% of that 1 trillion USD, and use it for global sustainability research? That would be 10 billion US dollars per year. That is a lot of money, but that is the scale to which we must aspire.
Taking action now will also require that we better utilize our impressive human resources. The past several years, I have met many outstanding scientists, who are deeply concerned about our world. Many of them say to me: “Yuan, I want to help! But how? What can I do?” They have the passion and the energy, but they lack the appropriate channel. So we must build platforms to channel these energies into positive change.
Lastly, we must not only act quickly, we must act together. This is true within ICSU itself, and it is true for the greater community of which ICSU is a part. The world has become much too complex for any one or two entities to go it alone. We all need each other now. It is not about who leads and who follows, or who gets more credit. We have to put aside the little differences and focus on what each of us can contribute as a team to save our planet.
Dear colleagues and friends: Many of our best scientists believe that, if we do not “bend the curves” by 2020 or even 2015, it will be too late to prevent catastrophe. To survive the crisis, we need nothing less than a deep transformation and reinvention of human civilization. There is absolutely no time to waste. We need actions and solutions quickly. There are already many outstanding organizations at work, but ICSU can bring the weight of the global science community to bear. And we are absolutely ready to do our part. Let us get to work!
譬如說 我的日本朋友川瀨先生訪問他 他可以用日語接受訪問 侃侃而談
他在中研院做一件小事 而我認為很了不起 他讓院長職有退休制 並找(求)翁院長來接班
(想一下前吳院長垂老之際仍無法或不肯下台 真慘不忍睹)
李遠哲反建國光/不該開發 海內外都不宜
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前中研院院長李遠哲表示,從全球觀點而言,國光石化在台灣與海外都不該開發。(記者湯佳玲攝) |