勞勃.阿特曼(Robert Altman)是美國二十世紀最具才華、又特立獨行的大導演,作品不知影響了多少後進。有人如此形容他的作品;他的電影總是有好幾個人同時講話、角色在窗戶外面或在較遠的距離表演、角色眾多,幾組故事在片中同時進行。
只有高中學 歷,他早年就在洛杉磯參與電視製作。希區考克發現了這位有想法又有能力的年輕人,大膽任命阿特曼當導演,拍攝了多集每周一次的半小時《希區考克》電視劇。 之後阿特曼導過多集美國最當紅的電視劇集「Combat」、「Bonanza」等。積累了豐富的製作經驗,也受夠了好萊塢咄咄逼人、市儈型的商業環境,便 毅然自立門戶,投入獨立電影製作的行業。頭兩部片子推出後,沒有獲得太多的注意,直到1970年,他以韓戰為背景,拍攝了《外科醫生》,發行成功,成為當 時轟動全美國的猛片,勞勃阿特曼自此成為美國家喻戶曉的名導演。
《外科醫生》下片後欲罷不能,電視工業搶著拍劇集,以同名《外科醫生》製作了每周一小時的電視喜劇,當然,阿特曼沒有參與電視集製作。電 視劇一連製作播放了十一個季節,完結篇長兩小時半,創下美國電視史上收視率最高的紀錄。以後的二十年,《外科醫生》電視集還不停的重播,它所產生的影響, 實在難以估計。《外科醫生》講的是戰爭,卻避開血腥殺戮,專注描寫一個戰地醫療站 的趣事。格調輕鬆,情節荒誕但不離譜,極盡嬉笑怒罵之能事。身兼編導的阿先生,高度痛恨戰爭的殘暴、厭惡軍事體系的虛偽、蠻橫、藐視人權。透過成年人的惡 作劇,以喜劇手法處理情節。對白尤其精彩,常常使用雙關語,用意深遠。熱鬧之餘,又有領悟人生的會心微笑,老少咸宜。數百集《外科醫生》電視劇,雖是續貂 之作,續貂者還算延續了原電影的精神,每集都有點看頭。
我正式成為阿特曼的影迷,是看了他的《納許維爾》一片之後。片中有二十多位主要角色,幾條脈絡同時發展,俱是些人間情愛的小故事,用超過 一小時動聽的鄉村西部音樂,穿針引線。有著名演員扮演吃重角色,也有真實的鄉村歌手亦唱亦演,融合得非常自然。音樂在他的影片中發揮著不可思議的功能;不 落痕跡的剪接、主催氣氛的營造、節奏的變幻。全片貫穿著一個強而有力的主題:反越戰。世間竟然有人這麼說故事的。
多年後我在紐約拍片,結識了一位名導演魯道夫(Alan Rudolph)。他是《納許維爾》的副導演,算是阿特曼的嫡傳弟子,師徒關係親密,他師傅還為他監製過兩部片子。老魯說;只要阿特曼有了劇本,各方的大 牌明星都來搶角色,不計報酬、不爭排名。他的劇本角色很多,只要演員有料,都有機會在現場盡興的作即興發揮。阿特曼對演員說:「你看了劇本嗎?有什麼想 法?我很期待你的詮釋,到時候演來給我瞧瞧。人們說我不指導演員演戲,怎麼指導?他們要演的戲我也是頭一次看。」演員受到無比的挑戰,導演和演員之間啟動 著正面的激發,往往使表演達到更高的層次。
阿特曼最後的一部作品《大家來我家》(A Prairie Home Companion)。根據Garrison Keillor的原著小說改編。Keillor是美國中西部的廣播名人,聽眾近千萬人。故事是一個老廣播節目的最後一次現場播出,各廣播者前場後場出入忙 碌,他們的現實生活與 現場廣播表演,串接起來戲中有戲,緊湊的交叉呈現。名演員梅莉史翠普等,在片中都有精湛、幽默、感人的演出。然而最搶戲的是原作者Garrison Keillor演他自己,一位中年胖子沒演過電影,現身說法,在片子裏有如樂隊指揮,帶領著劇情的脈動。他深刻的描繪出一名資深廣播人的心歷路程,妙語如 珠、揮灑自如、臨危不亂、富情感而收斂。Keillor的光芒蓋過了其他大明星。
《大家來我家》投資一千萬美元(連付給梅莉史翠普平常的薪水都不夠),票房接近兩千萬,算總賬還是賠了些。阿導演的作品,除了《外科醫 生》其它都不是賣座片,因為他不去爭取主要電影市場的觀眾。他畢生與好萊塢的恩怨情仇,也一言難盡。極度痛恨好萊塢系統的粗鄙、貪婪、無情,又必須仰仗這 頭怪物的發行運作能力。
English 版更詳細
勞勃·阿特曼(Robert Altman,1925年2月20日-2006年11月20日)是一位美國電影及電視導演,曾經5次入圍奧斯卡最佳導演獎,於2006年獲得奧斯卡榮譽獎。知名的作品包括《外科醫師》與《納許維爾》。
目錄[隐藏] |
[編輯] 作品
[編輯] 電影
- Honeymoon for Harriet (1949) (short industrial film, International Harvester)
- Modern Football (1951) (short industrial film, Official Sports Film Service)
- The Dirty Look (1951) (short industrial film, Gulf Oil)
- King Basketball (1952) (short industrial film, Official Sports Film Service)
- The Last Mile (1952) (short industrial film, Caterpillar Tractor Company)
- The Sound of Bells (1952) (short industrial film, Goodrich Corporation)
- Modern Baseball (1953) (short industrial film, Official Sports Film Service)
- The Builders (1954) (short industrial film, Wire Reinforcement Institute)
- Better Football (1954) (short industrial film, Official Sports Film Service)
- The Perfect Crime (1954) (short industrial film, Caterpillar Tractor Company)
- The Magic Bond (1955) (short industrial film, Veterans of Foreign Wars)
- The Delinquents (1957)
- The James Dean Story (1957) (documentary) (co-dir: George W. George)
- The Katherine Reed Story (1965) (short documentary)
- Pot au feu (1965) (short)
- Girl Talk (1966) (ColorSonics short)
- The Party (1966) (ColorSonics short)
- Speak Low (1966) (ColorSonics short)
- Ebb Tide (1966) (ColorSonics short)
- Countdown (1968)
- That Cold Day in the Park (1969)
- 《外科醫師》(MASH,1970)
- Brewster McCloud (1970)
- 《花村》McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
- Images (1972)
- The Long Goodbye (1973)
- Thieves Like Us (1974)
- California Split (1974)
- 《納許維爾》Nashville (1975)
- 《西塞英雄譜》Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
- 3 Women (aka Robert Altman's 3 Women) (1977)
- 《婚禮》A Wedding (1978)
- Quintet (1979)
- A Perfect Couple (1979)
- HealtH (1980)
- Popeye (1980)
- Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (1982)
- Streamers (1983)
- Secret Honor (1984)
- O.C. & Stiggs (1984) (released in 1987)
- Fool for Love (1985)
- Beyond Therapy (1987)
- Aria (1987) - segment: Les Boréades
- 《梵谷與我》 Vincent and Theo (1990)
- 《超級大玩家》The Player (1992)
- 《銀色、性、男女》Short Cuts (1993)
- 《雲裳風暴》Prêt-à-Porter,英文譯名Ready to Wear (1994)
- Kansas City (1996)
- The Gingerbread Man (1998)
- 《藏錯屍體殺錯人/玩謝嫌疑犯》Cookie's Fortune (1999)
- 《浪漫醫生》Dr. T & the Women (2000)
- 《謎霧莊園》Gosford Park (2001)
- 《舞動世紀》The Company (2003)
- 《大家來我家》A Prairie Home Companion (2006),又名The Last Show
[編輯] 電視
[編輯] 電視電影及短劇
"I could prove God statistically. Take the human body alone — the chances that all the functions of an individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity." — George Gallup
n. 奇形; 奇怪巨大; 行為, 忍.
《中英對照讀新聞》Movie director Robert Altman finally gets his Oscar 電影導演勞勃.阿特曼終獲奧斯卡 ◎ 鄭寺音2006/1/21
Maverick movie director Robert Altman is to receive his first Oscar, an honorary award saluting his 55-year career.
The 80-year-old writer and filmmaker has directed 86 films, including such classics as the Korean War drama "M*A*S*H," as well as "The Player" -- which pokes fun at Tinseltown -- "Short Cuts" and "Gosford Park."
But despite keeping Hollywood at arms length for decades, the Board of Governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which organizes the Oscars, has voted to present him with an honorary award on March 5.
Famed for his eclectic work, fierce cinematic independence and his often-cynical social and political eye, Altman has been responsible for a staggering variety of films.
"My films may not satisfy a mass audience, but they were never made to do that," the director, who has produced 39 and written 37 of his 86 films, once told an interviewer.
poke fun at︰ 戲弄、嘲弄。The children often poke fun at him because of his stammer. (孩子們常譏笑他有口吃)。
keep (somebody) at arms length ︰疏遠,保持距離。
eclectic adjective FORMAL
Methods, beliefs, ideas, etc. that are eclectic, combine whatever seem the best or most useful things from many different areas or systems, rather than following a single system:
an eclectic style/approach
an eclectic taste in literature
very shocking and surprising:
It costs a staggering $50 000 per week to keep the museum open to the public.
Obituary: Robert Altman
Colourful, maverick film-maker who refused to toe the studio line.
Jonathan Romney
Tuesday November 21, 2006
Guardian Unlimited
Robert Altman: made the impossible look easy
Success in Hollywood came late to Robert Altman, and by the time he became a celebrity at 45, it seemed he had already settled into the role that suited him - the grand old man, cantankerous and wayward. He was compared to Fellini, as a creator of a cinematic world entirely his own, to Welles and to Stroheim. Like the latter two, he knew spectacular decline after glory, but unlike them, had a journeyman's pragmatism that allowed him to carry on, and more than once to resurface triumphantly.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
toe (OBEY) verb
toe the line to do what you are ordered or expected to do:
Ministers who wouldn't toe the party line were swiftly got rid of.
cantankerous adjective
arguing and complaining a lot:
He's getting a bit cantankerous in his old age.
wayward adjective OLD-FASHIONED
(especially of a person's behaviour) changeable, selfish and difficult to control
resurface (APPEAR)
verb [I]
1 to rise to the surface of the water again:
When the divers did not resurface after an hour, three crew members dived down to look for them.
2 to appear again after being lost, stolen or absent:
Please contact me if any of the stolen paintings resurface.
Jill resurfaced last week, after spending the past few months doing research in the library.
3 If a memory resurfaces, you remember it again after you had forgotten about it:
Memories of his childhood resurfaced when he saw the photographs.