2025年1月11日 星期六

善意、遠見,科技。When My Coffee Reaches Someone. Creative Coatings Increase Convenience and Safety. Biden 下台前德政:台積電4奈米晶片在美量產:美國半導體復興的重要里程碑. 烏克蘭軍援、最強力俄羅斯制裁:石油輸出;廢死;授自由勳章...Issues Sweeping Deportation Protections.. Biden Commutes Sentences of Nearly All Inmates on Federal Death Row. 【上任當天】拜登簽17項行政命令 重返WHO、巴黎氣候協定More than half of Americans approve of Biden at 100 days 2021, Mr. Biden signed three executive orders in the presence of reporters. "It's hard sometimes to remember," President-elect Joe Biden said at a COVID-19 memorial held at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. "

Creative Coatings Increase Convenience and Safety
This episode features an easily applicable paste that can dramatically bolster the resiliency of masonry walls and a treatment that makes removing heavy stains from a variety of surfaces much easier.

《互動》 2025 0112 5 相信:

When My Coffee Reaches Someone
A small cafe in the city of Kumamoto. From across Japan, people dealing with the death of a loved one are drawn to this special spot. A story of loss and renewal that begins with a cup of coffee.


Biden Issues Sweeping Deportation Protections Ahead of Trump Administration

The move from President Biden allows hundreds of thousands of people from Sudan, Ukraine and Venezuela to stay in the country temporarily.



These two smaller competitors have really set investors’ pulses racing

More than half of Americans approve of Biden at 100 days, though many Republicans in D.C. remain bitterly opposed to his ambitious agenda.

【上任當天】拜登簽17項行政命令 重返WHO、巴黎氣候協定
美國當選總統拜登(見圖)週三上任當天立即簽署17項行政介口令,推翻特朗普針對移民、氣候和其他問題的政策,包括扭轉美國退出《巴黎氣候協定》和世界衛生組織(WHO)的做法,並停止修建美墨邊境圍牆。拜登還撤銷有爭議的Keystone XL石油管道的許可證,以及在聯邦物業強制要求佩戴口罩,並結束特朗普對某些主要是穆斯林和非洲國家的旅行禁令。

Biden signs executive actions on COVID, climate change ...
www.cbsnews.com › news › biden-ex...

2 時間前 — Mr. Biden signed three executive orders in the presence of reporters — implementing a mask mandate on federal property, increasing support for underserved communities and rejoining the Paris climate accord.


【經濟樂觀】高盛調高美國增長預期 因拜登提1.9萬億美元救援計劃


 "It's hard sometimes to remember," President-elect Joe Biden said at a COVID-19 memorial held at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. "But that's how we heal. It's important to do that as a nation. That's why we're here."

