2025年1月1日 星期三

《 互動》(Interactions) :日誌0102 2025 相信: "Health, Life, Joy, Peace, Good Cheer, Hope." My Home Is Messy and I Don’t Feel Bad About It.昔日《紐約漫步》。 電影THE TEACHER WHO PROMISED THE SEA 教育大啟示。 香港富豪,逃最重要。吉米卡特 (1924-2024)的書反映了他對生活方式的強烈好奇心和活力。在全球健康領域默默無聞但具有里程碑意義的工作。“手寫”好處的科學依據:“整個大腦都被激活”去你的過路費:

 Just published: front page of the Financial Times, UK edition, Thursday 2 January https://on.ft.com/4j0Ivwo

可能是 3 個人、電子手錶和文字的圖像


找不回的共同體精神 sense of community 

It took decades for Americans to lose religion. It might take decades to understand the entirety of what we lost, Derek Thompson wrote in April: https://theatln.tc/R08tXrQO

Mosaic from Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum), depicting a wreath with Greek inscriptions: "Health, Life, Joy, Peace, Good Cheer, Hope." Created in the 4th century AD, it is currently in the collection of the British Museum.⁣

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, safe, prosperous, and productive 2025!⁣

Chiaheng Wu




“我國每個人都可以寫本書”,上世紀中台北的東方書局,指的是丹麥。在20 世紀初,先進國家的識字率都超過九成,大清帝國,二成。

C Hwa Chang


‘The term "developed countries" became widely used during the Cold War era, primarily in the mid-20th century, with the concept of "First World" countries representing developed nations like those in Western Europe and North America gaining prominence during this period; the term "Third World" was also coined around this time to describe less developed nations not aligned with either major Cold War power.’「已開發國家」一詞在冷戰時期,主要是在20世紀中葉開始被廣泛使用,代表西歐、北美等已開發國家的「第一世界」國家概念在此期間受到重視; 「第三世界」一詞也是在這個時候被創造出來的,用來描述不與任何一個冷戰主要大國結盟的欠發達國家。

Min-te Zhao

Min-te Zhao我近來覺得:識字率和文字本身有關:e.g., 漢字是QRcode,學生要起碼記得3000個QRcode,才馬馬虎虎算是識字。但是你只要能聽和會說,26個字母就夠了。Linearlize 是我們做研究的最起碼的出發點。如象形、會意。。。etc 都是“化linear為non-linear”的蛇足。

Hanching ChunMin-te Zhao :這也是我的看法。去年有部西班牙電影,只談這層面,教師到鄉下某地,不到一年,小學生就安在老師幫助下,畫圖寫字編班刊物,想像去海邊遠足…7…我受到很大的衝擊,一直思考這教育問題(雖然這是內戰白色恐怖片)

Festival Centrepiece THE TEACHER WHO PROMISED THE SEA is an emotional drama that tells the true story of teacher Antoni Benaiges in 1930s Burgos. Starring Enric Auquer and Laia Costa, the film shines a light on the power of education and historical memory.Jun 3, 2024

節日核心作品《承諾大海的老師》是一部情感劇,講述了 20 世紀 30 年代布爾戈斯老師安東尼·貝奈格斯 (Antoni Benaiges) 的真實故事。這部電影由恩里克·奧奎爾和萊婭·科斯塔主演,揭示了教育和歷史記憶的力量。


May be an image of 1 person, map and text

Shaun Yu、陳東榮和其他9人

Howard Chang
Hanching Chung 想不起來她有提過紐約

Hanching Chung

Howard Chang
Hanching Chung 這本書我送給女兒了
  • 紐約漫步

  • 作者:雷亞(Vincent Rea)
  • 出版社:貓頭鷹出版社
  • 出版日期:2015
  • 作者資料

    雷亞(Vincent Rea)



紐約必享體驗/筆直的現代建築物 屋頂之上 大銀幕上的紐約:從翠貝卡到格林威治村的影癡蹓躂 風雅紐約:前衛藝廊與場所 屬靈的紐約:東城心臟的老靈魂 紐約巴別塔:搭地鐵環遊世界 綠色天然的紐約:市場和花園 從此岸到彼岸:從哈德森河岸到東河河岸 搭公車暢遊布魯克林 逆哈德遜河而上逍遙遊 索引


  自從荷蘭人在曼哈頓築了一道木牆要防止印地安人入侵之後,曼哈頓注定要成為移民追夢者的天堂,雖然整個曼哈頓的大量開發不過是這一百年來的事情,但本書規劃了這九條漫步路線,讓你看到紐約不同的風情,也是美國能納入各國移民的重要因素。今日這道木牆就是華爾街(Wall Stree),轉變為全球金融中心。 *傳承轉化為曼哈頓精神   紐約擁有眾多的摩天大樓,如今看起來光鮮亮麗,但卻也發生了許多慘案,包括2001年發生的九一一事件;股市崩盤很多富人一夕之間一無所有,從高樓跳樓自殺;也發生許多大失火事件。但這些事件到了電影之中就轉變為一種浪漫的代名詞,在《金剛》與續集、《金玉盟》、《西雅圖夜未眠》的帝國大廈,都有著某種傳承的意義,這種傳承也被轉化了,我稱為曼哈頓精神。   曼哈頓也是世界的片場,散步在街頭經常看到電影的拍攝,有時候會覺得走入了電影之中,第一次去格林威治村,迎面而來兩個親密的男同志,令人尷尬的卻是自己的內心,本書介紹的眾多的電影,看過後都覺得又重返曼哈頓的街道,除了黑幫、動作、科幻片之外,伍迪艾倫發跡的城市,也是他作品中最常入景的地方,是多元文化在此安身立命的所在。   切爾西的空中綠蔭步道,讓我想到鬧哄哄的地鐵車廂在高架橋來來往往,紐約市長曾想要拆除,如今卻變成散步、慢跑的好地方,這樣的高廊也轉變為曼哈段藝術的集中點,串聯起了很多藝廊。原本藝廊的聚集區在蘇活區,但日漸高漲的房租,這些藝術家與藝廊遷移到切爾西,讓原本是陰暗的廢置倉庫,一改過去的樣貌,我想這也是曼哈頓精神吧! *漫步在各民族的城市   華人留學生可能會到中國城逛一逛,喝一杯珍珠奶茶,或是吃一頓港式燴飯,上海江浙菜,走一趟中國城就能滿足思鄉情懷,儘管風味不如故鄉美味,但的確滿足了華人的需求。   以前聚集的猶太區,也因為猶太人有錢了離開這個區域,書中寫著:「下東城仍保留著意第緒世界臨時駐留的小小氛圍。參觀廉價公寓博物館(果園街90號),很容易就想像得出這些移民家庭,塞到小到不行公寓裏面過的生活。」,不只如此,猶太文化的食物烹調也豐富了曼哈頓。   不僅如此,在曼哈頓你可以很輕易的找到韓國人的街,也可以找到日本書店,土耳其的食物等。在還沒有網際網路以前,曼哈頓已經是通往世界各地文化的集線器(HUB)。   尼采在《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》寫著:人們必須在心中懷著混亂,為了能夠創造一個舞動的新星。尼采用一輩子大部分的時間在散步中思考,我們有幸可以直接按圖索驥進入作者的漫步精隨,該書的作者並不是從小在此長大的紐約客,而是比利時人,描述紐約可以有千百種方式,讓我們透過《紐約漫步》重溫一場舊夢,無論這場夢是否令人回味! ◎文/水瓶子(青田七六文化長)   水瓶子是男人類水瓶星座,喜歡在無盡地深夜面對電腦螢幕,希望在有生之年完成拜訪書寫百大城市的容顏。   迷上了無目的的城市散步,到世界各大城市留下足跡,走過一座橋想像這條河流的身世,想更了解背後的故事。喜歡逛美術館,對一張畫作背後的故事有濃厚求知的慾望,有更甚於八卦雜誌的感知能力。 沉溺於咖啡的香氣與口感,享受各個咖啡館的獨特印象與美好時光。


相信: "Health, Life, Joy, Peace, Good Cheer, Hope." 

書,其實都很深的或者很淺。電影THE TEACHER WHO PROMISED THE SEA 教育大啟示。

Ruth 《隱藏在大師的陰影下:塞尚、莫奈和羅丹的模特兒妻子》序言,整體法國19世紀文藝界夫妻關係總評; 整本書

  台灣的《我的另一半》。藝術史學家露絲巴特勒 (Ruth Butler 1931~2024) 《羅丹:天才的形狀》Rodin : the shape of genius , 《隱藏在大師的陰影下:塞尚、莫奈和羅丹的模特兒妻子》“Hidden in the Shadow of the Master: The Model-Wives of Cézanne, Monet, and Rodin,”

唐山取二本《 大唐李白 》第25 。大唐李白三部曲, 新歷史小說

康正果 《 肉像與紙韻》談蘇煒的蓮花 貢布里西 藝術與幻覺 照相
快速誠品 天下 八方 姚仁喜 鋰戰 西班牙 FT
MIT Tech Review   
《麻煩製造者:黎智英如何成為億萬富翁、香港頭號異議人士,以及中國最令人畏懼的批評者》,馬克·L·克利福德著(THE TROUBLEMAKER: How Jimmy Lai Became a Billionaire, Hong Kong’s Greatest Dissident, and China’s Most Feared Critic, by Mark L. Clifford)

2024年難忘的電影:回Min-te Zhao :這也是我的看法。去年有部西班牙電影,只談這層面,教師到鄉下某地,不到一年,小學生就安在老師幫助下,畫圖寫字編班刊物,想像去海邊遠足……我受到很大的衝擊,一直思考這教育問題(雖然這是內戰白色恐怖片)

Festival Centrepiece THE TEACHER WHO PROMISED THE SEA is an emotional drama that tells the true story of teacher Antoni Benaiges in 1930s Burgos. Starring Enric Auquer and Laia Costa, the film shines a light on the power of education and historical




Ukraine Forces a Halt to Flow of Natural Gas From Russia to Europe

A transnational pipeline was shut down on Wednesday after Kyiv refused to renew an agreement that allowed for the transit of Russian gas through its territory.


🇷🇺俄羅斯洩密軍事文件:若與北約開戰 俄將攻擊日韓🇯🇵🇰🇷
據《金融時報》報導,近30份被洩露的 #俄羅斯軍方機密文件 顯示,俄羅斯軍方早已為可能 #與日韓兩國開戰 準備了周密的目標清單,其中包括打擊日本的核電站和其他民用基礎設施。
今年2月,《金融時報》已對這些洩密文件進行過報導。當時的報導稱,雖然2001年中國和俄羅斯承諾互不首先使用核武器,也不將戰略核導彈瞄準對方,但俄軍的防禦計劃暴露了莫斯科安全精英 #對中國深深的不信任
Tycoons like Chen Zhuolin, Hui Ka-yan and the Ho Shung-pun family sold homes and offices at significant losses. (Link in comments) #hongkong #hk #property #money #economy #wealth




My Home Is Messy and I Don’t Feel Bad About It 。

None of the methods for housekeeping are particularly complex or groundbreaking. As soon as I stopped using all my energy trying to change myself from a messy person to a tidy one, I discovered the creativity I needed to find the housekeeping systems that work for me. Embracing my messiness has made housekeeping easier, not harder.


如果我要找本書來看,它又有學術嚴謹度又有一定流通量(大家都在看的意思),我會參考 #漢學研究通訊電子報 的粉專,2024年它一共介紹了273本書,選擇其中轉貼數最高的三十本(假設該數字會反映在流通量),再放入博客來(佔書市三至四成)暢銷榜趨勢圖來判斷,可約略得到相片的銷售排序。蔡潔妮的《 #書寫一部台灣美術史,一段爭議的政治進程》、葉高華的《臺灣族群史解謎》、班那迪克.安德生的《比較的幽靈》是前三名,我過去以為的翻譯書較吃香依然有約一半的正確,十名內有三、四本是關於 #台灣藝術:《書寫一部台灣美術史,一段爭議的政治進程》、《戰爭中的美術》、《神明離去之後》、《美麗的書來自台灣》(這一本剛問世,但從轉貼量判斷應會在十名),#這是一個新興的出版趨勢。此外,吳叡人的博論中譯剛問世,但從轉貼量判斷應會在十名內。
ps: 相本漏置了《天堂春夢:二十世紀香港電影史論》,它次於《戰爭中的美術》


He wasn’t just prolific, publishing 32 books. His output also showed an unusual range that included memoirs and forays into historical fiction and even poetry.

has left behind a body of work that was vast and invaluable, researchers and those who knew him well said. His memoirs, which cover virtually every chapter of his life, could be strikingly candid and intimate. His forays into different genres revealed an embrace of adventure and willingness to take a creative risk. And taken together, his books reflect the abounding curiosity and vigor that defined his approach to life.


他不僅多產,出版了 32 本書。他的作品也顯示出不同尋常的範圍,包括回憶錄和對歷史小說甚至詩歌的嘗試。



e “Author in Chief: The Untold Story of Our Presidents and the Books They Wrote.” “In a very craftsman-like and humble way, when he decided to write something new, he worked to learn that genre from the inside and dedicated some time to becoming as good at it as he could be.”

“總作者:我們的總統不為人知的故事和他們寫的書。” “當他決定寫一些新的東西時,他以一種非常工匠般和謙虛的方式,努力從內部學習這種類型,並投入一些時間盡可能地擅長它。”


He added: “That’s the story of him as a writer, but I also think that’s a story about him as a human being.”



在擔任前總統的幾十年裡,他和妻子羅莎琳卡特 (Rosalynn Carter) 幫助為世界各地的窮人提供了救生治療和衛生設施。


他不僅多產,出版了 32 本書。他的作品也顯示出不同尋常的範圍,包括回憶錄和對歷史小說甚至詩歌的嘗試。


「手書き」の恩恵、科学的な根拠 「脳全体が活性化」
【2024年11月 読まれた記事】
「手書き」の恩恵、科学的な根拠 「脳全体が活性化」 ナショナル ジオグラフィック - 日本経済新聞
「手書き」の恩恵、科学的な根拠 「脳全体が活性化」 ナショナル ジオグラフィック - 日本経済新聞
「手寫」好處的科學依據:「激活整個大腦」 國家地理 - 日本經濟新聞
手寫好處的科學基礎:激活整個大腦 國家地理 - 日本經濟新聞


歐洲議會決議 台灣民選政府唯一代表

徐繼畬【(1795年- 1873年),山西代州五臺縣人】,曾在清廷主管洋務,擔任過總理各國事務衙門大臣,兼同文館總管,《瀛寰志略》在當時具有權威性,廣為流傳後,相關譯名自然成為人們常用的名詞。
徐氏在廈門結識了美國傳教士雅裨理(Rev. David Abeel),對他帶來的世界地圖極感興趣,並問其各國之名,記錄下來,這就成了日後編纂《瀛寰志略》的最初稿本。雅裨理長期住在廈門,講的是閩南話,上述葡萄牙的幾種譯名,如果用閩南話來讀,差不多都與閩南音的葡萄牙相近。而比較波爾杜葛爾與葡萄牙兩種寫法,後者顯然省事易讀,前者遂被摒棄不用。
【關於西班牙】 西班牙,早期翻譯爲『日斯巴尼亞』(日字須以粵語讀才音近),簡稱「日國」。羅馬帝國時代,西班牙是當時帝國轄下的一個行省(Hispania),Hispania 音譯即『日斯巴尼亞』。其他曾經出現過的譯法,則有:是班牙、實班牙、斯扁亞、士便、大呂宋等。

From IKEA to Novo Nordisk, many of Europe’s top firms come from the region. Four reasons explain why: https://econ.st/3BPPs2q

"A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories" is a collection of short stories by Flannery O'Connor, first published in 1955. This anthology includes some of her most renowned works, showcasing her distinctive style that blends dark humor, Southern Gothic elements, and profound religious themes.

The title story, "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," is particularly famous and follows a dysfunctional family on a road trip that takes a tragic turn when they encounter an escaped convict known as The Misfit. This story, like many in the collection, explores themes of morality, grace, and the complexities of human nature.

Other notable stories in the collection include "The Life You Save May Be Your Own," "Good Country People," and "The Displaced Person." Each story delves into the lives of characters facing moral dilemmas, often revealing the darker aspects of their personalities and the societal issues of the time.

O'Connor's writing is characterized by its sharp dialogue, vivid imagery, and a keen understanding of the human condition. Her works often reflect her Catholic faith, exploring the concepts of sin, redemption, and the search for meaning in a flawed world. "A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories" remains a significant contribution to American literature, celebrated for its depth and insight into the complexities of life in the American South.

BOOK:  https://amzn.to/3ZvpZDl

You can also get the audio book for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the audio book on Audible and start enjoying it

"The Years" is a novel by Virginia Woolf, published in 1937. It is notable for being the last of her works to be released during her lifetime. The novel spans approximately fifty years, chronicling the lives of the Pargiter family, an upper-middle-class family in London, from the 1880s to the 1930s.

The narrative unfolds through a series of vignettes that capture the passage of time and the intimate moments of the characters' lives. Woolf employs her signature style, blending stream-of-consciousness techniques with social critique, to explore themes such as the effects of time, gender roles, and the shifting dynamics of British society. The novel serves as a reflection on the societal changes occurring during this period, particularly regarding women's roles and the impact of historical events on personal lives.

Woolf's portrayal of the Pargiter family is rich and complex, with a focus on characters like Eleanor Pargiter, who navigates her responsibilities within the family while grappling with her own desires and aspirations. The narrative captures both the mundane and the profound, illustrating how small, private moments contribute to the larger tapestry of life.

Critically acclaimed, "The Years" is often regarded as one of Woolf's most significant works, showcasing her literary prowess and her ability to convey the intricacies of human consciousness and experience. The novel stands as a poignant exploration of the passage of time and the enduring nature of personal and familial connections amidst the backdrop of societal change.

BOOK:  https://amzn.to/3ZHmsmJ

You can also get the audio book for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the audio book on Audible and start enjoying it.


The Glass Bead Game (originally titled Das Glasperlenspiel) is the last full-length novel by Hermann Hesse, published in 1943. This ambitious work took nearly a decade to complete and is often regarded as Hesse's magnum opus, reflecting his deep engagement with philosophical and spiritual themes.

The novel is set in a distant, possibly post-apocalyptic future, in a region known as Castalia, which is a monastic community dedicated to the pursuit of intellectual and artistic endeavors. The story follows Joseph Knecht, who rises through the ranks of this elite society, ultimately becoming the Magister Ludi (Master of the Game). The titular Glass Bead Game symbolizes the synthesis of all human knowledge and culture, combining elements of music, mathematics, and philosophy into a complex and abstract form of expression.

As Knecht navigates his life in Castalia, he grapples with the tension between intellectual pursuits and the realities of the outside world. The narrative explores themes of individuality, the nature of knowledge, and the role of art in society. Knecht's journey reflects Hesse's own struggles with the balance between the spiritual and the material, as well as the search for meaning in a fragmented world.
The novel is structured as a fictional biography, detailing Knecht's education, his relationships with fellow scholars, and his eventual disillusionment with the confines of Castalia. Hesse's prose is rich and lyrical, inviting readers to reflect on the deeper philosophical questions posed throughout the narrative.

The Glass Bead Game won Hesse the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946, solidifying its place in the literary canon. It continues to resonate with readers for its profound insights into the human experience and its exploration of the interplay between intellect and spirituality. The novel challenges readers to consider the value of knowledge and the importance of connecting with the world beyond academia, making it a timeless work that remains relevant today.

BOOK:  https://amzn.to/41tHQwY

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台灣 張大春 周芬玲


(2019/04/25 不怎麼新的科學新聞,溫故知新篇)
不過雖然有種種優點,但是鈣鈦礦太陽電池確有一個致命傷:不穩定。在潮濕的環境下很容易分解而壽終正寢。加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)的研究團隊,4月25日在期刊「Joule」上面發表了一篇文章「Caffeine Improves the Performance and Thermal Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells」(咖啡因改善了鈣鈦礦太陽電池的效率與熱穩定性),指出在鈣鈦礦製程中加入咖啡因,可以與其中的鉛離子產生「分子鎖」(molecular lock)效應,此效應提高了鈣鈦礦薄膜開始反應所需的最小能量,將發電效率從17%提升到20%,此外,這個分子鎖在高溫下也能持續存在,能夠防止結構破壞。
圖上左:自由行星同盟「不敗的魔術師」楊威利提督 vs 銀河帝國神聖不可侵犯萊因哈特皇帝陛下(銀河英雄伝説Ⓒ田中芳樹/徳間書店)

