2015年7月24日 星期五

Ray Kroc:我如何打造麥當勞王國, Grinding It Out: The Making Of McDonald's Mass Market

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Grinding It Out: The Making Of McDonald's Mass Market
Paperback – April 15, 1992
Few entrepreneurs can claim to have actually changed the way we live, but Ray Kroc is one of them. His revolutions in food service automation, franchising, shared national training and advertising have earned him a place beside the men who founded not merely businesses but entire new industries.

But even more interesting than Ray Kroc the business legend is Ray Kroc the man. Not your typical self-made tycoon, Kroc was 52 when he met the McDonald brothers and opened his first franchise.

Now meet Ray Kroc, the man behind the business legend, in his own words. Irrepressible enthusiast, perceptive people-watcher, and born storyteller, he will fascinate and inspire you. You'll never forget Ray Kroc.

顏擇雅在天下雜誌專欄中談麥當勞, 自1984年進入台灣, 帶來了台灣人排隊的習慣, 清潔的標準(每25分鐘打掃一次廁所), 開創兒童遊樂設施等等....當然也提到麥當勞的偉大創業家 雷‧克洛克(Ray Kroc)激勵人心的創業故事.
她在717 在 "張大春泡新聞. Joyce時間" 有一個加長版, 更細緻的談論
這個推薦大家可以聽聽, 說得精彩..
她也提到, 目前好萊塢正在拍攝雷‧克洛克(Ray Kroc)創立麥當勞的動人故事, 由 Michael Keaton ("鳥人"男主角) 演這位歐吉桑. 片名是The Founder (2016),
Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald’s
作者: 雷‧克洛克, 羅伯特‧安德森
麥當勞在台灣,將從直營改成授權。 我們與其悲嘆市場高成長不再,不如想想:它的企業史可帶給台灣什麼啟示。

