Xiaomi has lost its shine. A shift to cheaper models has tarnished the air of exclusivity.
投行Sanford C Bernstein分析師接受彭博訪問時指出,過去市場對小米故事受落,主要由於公司銷售策略與蘋果相似,加上增長快速。不過隨著公司未能達到預期目標,增長不再快速,同時公司亦不如蘋果,此表示小米根本不可能再支持到450億美元的高估值。
From Espresso: Lei Jun, the chief executive of Xiaomi, a fast-growing Chinese smartphone-maker, unveils his firm’s latest handsets today, prompting the usual comparisons with Apple. Steve Jobs-style jeans and and black top? Check. Minimalist black stage? Check. Crowd of adoring fans? Check. Cryptic invitation to build online buzz? Check. In truth, though, Xiaomi’s model is much closer to Amazon’s: sell hardware at low margins and then make money from services and downloads. This works well in China, not least because Google’s services have been blocked by the government, leaving the field clear for domestic firms. But things are harder abroad: in India, its most promising foreign market, Xiaomi faces patent disputes and increasingly capable local rivals. Of the 61m handsets Xiaomi sold last year, only 1m were in India. A new partnership with Bharti Airtel, India’s biggest mobile operator, will help. But building its brand and distribution outside China will be a slog http://econ.st/1545i48
Xiaomi: A bluffer's guide to 'China's Apple'

It is known as "China's Apple", not least because of the perceived similarities between some of its devices and the iPhone.
In fact, some have accused Xiaomi, which currently operates only in Asia, of blatant copying - a charge it has denied.
And analysts predict legal challenges as it seeks to move into new markets in the West.
"Ericsson [temporarily] blocked the sales of the Xiaomi handsets in India for patent infringement, and Apple has publicly accused Xiaomi of stealing some of its designs," said Ronan de Renesse, lead analyst in consumer technology at Ovum.
But, as Xiaomi prepares to unleash its latest smartphone this week, the company will be hoping comparisons to Apple become altogether more flattering.
It may be less well-known in the West, but it recently leaped into third position in the global smartphone market.

And, in December last year, Xiaomi, launched in 2010, was valued at $45bn (£29.8bn), making it the world's most valuable technology start-up.
Moreover, in what was a major coup, it hired former senior Google executive Hugo Barra to lead its expansion.
At the launch of its Mi 4 phone last year, of which Xiaomi later claimed to have sold more than a million handsets in a 24-hour period, its chief executive Lei Jun admitted approaching the same manufacturers that produced the parts for Apple's iPhone.
The devices he has produced are relatively low-cost - often half the price of the competition - with thin profit margins. They are sold only online, lowering Xiaomi's overheads. And, while some have called them flimsy, other critics have praised many of the phones' features.
Last year, the firm said it had surpassed its target of selling 60 million phones, up from less than 20 million in the previous 12 months.

And, in an interview with the New York Times, Mr Lei dismissed the idea that his company was just a bargain-basement alternative, saying: "We're not just some cheap Chinese company making a cheap phone. We're going to be a Fortune 500 company."
According to Mr De Renesse, "Xiaomi represents a new generation of smartphone companies based in developing Asia".
He said that Xiaomi's focus on online sales allowed it to focus on distribution and limiting supply, "so that no devices remains unsold and inventory is gone in record time".

He added: "Its success can also be attributed to its excellent work at managing customer experience. It takes into account customer feedback and constantly update its devices' software and content offering accordingly.
"This helps the company build a very strong smartphone brand in its core market China, which is key to maintain customer loyalty."
Besides China, Xiaomi is operating in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, as well Malaysia, the Philippines, India and Indonesia.
In September 2013, Mr Lei told the BBC Xiaomi would be entering Western markets within "one or two years".

And there has been speculation that Xiaomi will use this week's launch to make its move on the US market.
Also in 2013 the company appointed Mr Barra, with a plan to make people talk about Xiaomi "in the same way that they talk about Google and Apple".
"There are several roadblocks to Xiaomi international expansion," said Mr De Renesse. "Smartphones are distributed differently across countries. For example, operators are key distributing partners in Europe, and Xiaomi would have to work with them if it were to launch in the UK.
"The software and services the company has developed for its phones need to be customised for each country to handle different languages and tastes in content."
《新 京報》報導,中國國務院總理李克強前天在中南海主持座談會,聽取經濟、社會等方面專家學者和企業界人士的建議。小米科技董事長雷軍藉此機會抱怨山寨機讓小 米感到「很痛苦」。他表示,市場賣的小米手機有一半是假的,有些地方還認為山寨手機創造了GDP(國內生產毛額),導致跨區域打擊難度很大。他呼籲加強市 場監管。
年9月中國智能手機生產商小米公司(Xiaomi Inc.)舉辦的新款手機發布會上,現場一片喧囂,而當小米創始人雷軍公布最新款手機的價格時,手拿發光棒、身穿小米T恤衫的粉絲們更是發出了震耳欲聾的喊聲。
小米公司創始人雷軍在獲得《華爾街日報》中文版2013“創新人物獎”提名時接受採訪,談論了他認為中國在移動互聯網領域有希望實現超越的幾個原因,小米為何能引起轟動,以及他創辦小米的初衷。他說,他希望像喬布斯一樣辦一家世界一流的公司。小米Mi3手機價格為人民幣1,999元(合326美元),相當於蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)新款低價手機iPhone 5C的近一半。其價格也同樣低於三星電子(Samsung Electronics Co.)等手機巨頭生產的具備類似功能的手機。
這 樣的定價幫助推動了小米在全球最大的智能手機市場中國的飛速增長。據研究公司Canalys說,雷軍創立小米以來的三年裡,截至2013年第二季度,這家 公司已奪取了中國智能手機市場5%的份額。據該公司說,它今年計劃銷售2,000萬部手機,去年銷售量約為700萬部。
據 小米說,按最近一輪融資情況衡量,該公司價值100億美元。該公司說,它去年實現收入人民幣126.5億元(合20.7億美元)。在中共中央政治局上周一 次以科技為主題的集體學習活動中,雷軍等科技公司高管受邀參加了國家主席習近平出席的一個會議,小米的知名度隨之得到進一步的提升。
研究公司國際數據公司(IDC)的智能手機分析師黃德俊(TZ Wong)說,為在市場中獲得更多的信譽來証明自己的估值,他們需要開始考慮向鄰近的硬件市場和軟件擴張。
雷 軍說,小米是通過軟件提供手機應用程序和電影等服務賺錢的。小米的軟件基於谷歌(Google Inc.)的安卓(Android)移動操作系統。小米將其網站作為主要銷售平台,該公司還提供各種配件,從彩色電池和手機外殼到帽子,甚至是小米的卡通 形象米兔的玩偶。截止2013年底的兩年時間內,僅米兔玩偶預計就將賣出68萬個,每個米兔的價格從人民幣19元到149元不等。
小 米的品牌知名度從中國最富裕的城市延伸至規模較小的地區性中心城市,在這些地區,引領潮流的年輕人往往選擇小米手機。馬濤(音)在中國北部城市石家莊某電 子產品商場二樓的一個櫃台銷售小米手機和其他牌子的手機,他說,小米是購買國產手機的顧客的首選,銷量略高於華為技術有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)的產品。
雷軍還從蘋果公司創始人喬布斯(Steve Jobs)眾所周知的經歷中得到了借鑒。在主持小米的高調新品發布會時,他常常像喬布斯一樣身著黑色運動衫。他說,自己最初是從一本叫《矽谷之火》的書中了解喬布斯的,這本書講述了20世紀80年代個人電腦行業的崛起過程。
雷軍說,他並不想成為“雷布斯”,只是希望學習喬布斯的創新。構成小米業務模式的“互聯網思維”一定程度上根植於雷軍在金山軟件有限公司 (Kingsoft Co.) 16年的職業生涯。金山是中國軟件行業最早取得成功的企業之一。雷軍說,金山的業務方向很多,從辦公軟件到安全軟件再到網絡遊戲,基本上打了一個遍,滿足 了他嘗試新事物的願望。
雷軍在金山工作期間,該公司創辦了卓越網(Joyo.com),這家網站最終在2004年被尋求在華擴張的亞馬遜公司(Amazon.com Inc.)收購。離開金山之後,雷軍在中國進行了一系列投資,但三年前他有了創業的想法。
小米的估值為100億美元,已經超過了諾基亞公司(Nokia Corp.)和黑莓(BlackBerry Ltd.)分別達成被收購交易時的估值。8月份,小米吸引到原谷歌安卓業務高管巴拉(Hugo Barra)前來加盟,他將負責開拓國際業務及推進與谷歌的合作。
Paul Mozur
德国新闻周刊《明镜》2月3日一期发表文章,介绍了中国现代汉语拼音发明者、现年108岁的 周有光。上世纪50年代,周有光受命完成三项任务:建立规范化语言标准、简化字体和研发字母标音方案。"周有光接受任务时已经快50岁了。不过与毛泽东不同的是,周有光曾见识过大千世界:1960年,作为中华帝国一个富裕家庭子弟,他在上海和日本学习经济和语言学,后来成为一名银行家。1946年他前往纽约为新华银行工作。
周有光发明的拼音系统不但提高了中国人的识字率,也让信息时代的人们在电脑手机上输入中文成为可能。尽管如此,中国政府对他却有所怀疑,少有褒奖,这一切 都与周有光的政治立场有关。"‘我一生中只对一件事情感到遗憾,’他表示。'共产党没有遵守承诺,中国始终没有民主。'正如大部分知识分子一样,周有光在 60年代文革期间曾被下放农村。
18億美元買下沃爾沃(Volvo)汽車品牌三年後﹐中國汽車業先驅李書福押下重注﹐他要通過主打中國市場的方式讓這個瑞典汽車生產商恢復生機。
沃 爾沃的這個新工廠年產量將達到12萬輛﹐最初將生產S60L轎車﹐今年底量產﹐全部投產後最終雇員將在2,500人左右。2010年﹐李書福的浙江吉利控 股集團(Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co.)從福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Co.)手裡買下了沃爾沃。
儘管如此﹐沃爾沃仍在奮起直追。大眾汽車(Volkswagen AG)旗下的豪華品牌奧迪(Audi)和寶馬汽車公司(BMW AG)在中國市場上銷售的大多數汽車都產自中國﹐這樣可免除25%的進口稅﹐降低運輸成本﹐並且可對需求變化做出更加迅速的反應。
沃爾沃計劃今年在中國推出六款新車型。沃爾沃總裁兼首席執行長薩穆埃爾松(Hakan Samuelsson)承諾﹐沃爾沃新車將躍上一個空前的台階。

在遭受衰退重 創的歐洲﹐疲弱的銷售給沃爾沃帶來了沖擊。歐洲是該公司的關鍵市場﹐佔沃爾沃全球銷量的比重超過一半。此外﹐沃爾沃在銷售復蘇的美國也失掉了部分市場。今 年年初至5月31日﹐沃爾沃在美國的銷量下降了近6%﹐至2.59萬輛﹐遠落後於豪車領導者梅賽德斯-奔馳(Mercedes-Benz)、寶馬和雷克薩 斯(Lexus)。
沃 爾沃需要“俘獲”像Allan Song這樣的車主。40歲的Allan Song是北京一家跨國公司的總經理﹐他喜歡沃爾沃XC60 SUV以及該品牌的安全口碑。但他開的是奧迪A6。他說:我聽說過沃爾沃汽車很安全﹐但這只是一個概念﹐我沒有任何實際的體驗。沃爾沃從來沒有聯繫過我試 駕。
沃爾沃成都一家經銷商的總經理Michael Xu說﹐該品牌需要提供更多的車型供客戶選擇﹐特別是定價在人民幣100萬元以上的高檔車型。
薩穆埃爾松說﹐沃爾沃每年斥資約70億瑞典克朗用於研發。他曾任卡車生產商MAN SE的首席執行長﹐去年秋季出任沃爾沃首席執行長。之前沃爾沃公佈2012年上半年虧損後﹐董事會解除了當時的首席執行長雅各比(Stefan Jacoby)的職務。
沃 爾沃最近敲定了三筆重要的融資交易﹐包括一筆與中國國家開發銀行(China Development Bank)規模9.22億歐元(合12.1億美元)的再融資交易﹐一筆與瑞典出口信貸公司(Swedish Export Credit Corp.)規模10億瑞典克朗的信貸安排﹐以及多家銀行提供的更多融資。

Jason Lee/Reuters
北京——中國的仿冒產品臭名昭著。不過現在,代表美國才智的一個神一樣的人物,史蒂芬·P·喬布斯(Steven P. Jobs)也有了仿冒者。
在蘋果公司(Apple)和三星電子(Samsung Electronics)這兩家智能手機巨頭聽來,這種說法或許令人吃驚。但小米去年的確在中國售出了價值20億美元的手機,在這個世界最大的手機市場,它正在崛起為一支重要的力量,該公司預期今年的利潤還會翻一番。
小米的投資者包括啟明創投(Qiming Venture
Partners)、高通(Qualcomm)的風險投資部門,以及尤里·米爾納(Yuri Milner)經營的數碼天空科技公司(Digital
Sky Technologies),後者也是Facebook、Groupon和Zynga的早期投資人。
「對於一家初創企業來說,他們所獲得的成就相當令人矚目,」高德納(Gartner)分析師沈哲怡(Sandy Shen)說,「但問題是:怎樣才能突破目前瞄準的狹窄客戶群,擴大市場份額?」
Xu Yan對本文有研究貢獻。
In China, an Empire Built by Aping Apple
June 06, 2013
BEIJING — China is notorious for its knockoffs. But now comes a knockoff of one of the gods of American ingenuity: Steven P. Jobs.
In a country where products
like iPhones are made but rarely invented, Lei Jun — entrepreneur,
multimillionaire and professed Jobs acolyte — is positioning himself and
his company as figurative heirs of Mr. Jobs. The Chinese media have
nicknamed his company, Xiaomi, the “Apple of the East.”
- XiaomiThe Mi-2A phones, introduced in April.
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Jason Lee/ReutersLei Jun unveiled Xiaomi’s Mi-2 smartphone last August, and it sold out quickly.
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Ryan Anson/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesSteven P. Jobs introduced the iPhone 4 in 2010.
The title is a stretch, by
almost any measure. But Mr. Lei nonetheless is carefully cultivating a
Jobsian image here, right down to his jeans and dark shirts. He is also
selling millions of mobile phones that look a lot like iPhones. Chinese
consumers — and deep-pocketed investors overseas — seem to be believers.
And yet Mr. Lei’s biggest
believer may be himself. He bounds onto podiums to introduce new
cellphones. He proclaims things that may, to many, sound outlandish. For
“We’re making the mobile
phone like the PC, and this is a totally new idea,” Mr. Lei, Xiaomi’s
chief executive, said during an interview at the company’s spacious,
high-rise headquarters here. “We’re doing things other companies haven’t
done before.”
That might come as a
surprise to Apple and Samsung Electronics, the twin giants of
smartphones. But Xiaomi (pronounced SHAO-mee) did sell $2 billion in
handsets in China last year. It is emerging as a force in China, the
world’s largest mobile phone market, and it expects its revenue to
double this year.
Mr. Lei, for his part,
hardly discourages comparisons to Apple and Mr. Jobs. And why would he?
Founded by a group of Chinese engineers three years ago, his company
sold seven million mobile phones last year by using designs that mimic
the look and feel of the iPhone and using marketing that seems right out of Apple’s playbook.
It’s no surprise that
entrepreneurs aspire to create a Chinese Apple. Many talk about moving
China beyond the dead end of assembling devices for other companies.
So far, however, true innovators have been scarce. At best, they have adapted others’ technology to the Chinese market.
Mr. Lei has attracted
believers because no company’s annual revenue has reached the $1 billion
mark in China faster than Xiaomi, not even Amazon, which took five
years to get there. Xiaomi did it while earning a profit.
Its backers include Qiming
Venture Partners, the venture capital arm of Qualcomm and Digital Sky
Technologies, an investment firm run by Yuri Milner, an early backer of
Facebook, Groupon and Zynga.
Xiaomi, which is privately
held, says an initial public offering is years away. But the company is
worth $4 billion, according to its latest round of financing last June.
If that valuation holds up,
it would make Xiaomi one of China’s most valuable technology companies,
behind Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent and Netease.
The company caters to
young, college-educated people who want a smartphone but cannot quite
afford one, people like Lu Da, a 26-year-old education consultant in
“I chose Xiaomi because it’s good value for the money,” he said.
Skeptics say the company
produces low-price iPhone imitations with no significant software or
hardware advantages. They also say the company faces stiff challenges
from Apple and Samsung, which are in a position to offer low-price
The marketing power of
bigger local handset makers like Lenovo, Huawei and Taiwan’s HTC, which
together recently sold about 25 percent of all smartphones in China,
cannot be discounted either.
Whether the company
succeeds, its rise has solidified Mr. Lei’s reputation as a start-up
wizard. Part entrepreneur and part start-up investor, he spent more than
a decade at the Chinese software company Kingsoft and took it public in
2007. (He remains chairman and holds a $300 million stake.)
He also invested in a
string of successful software and Internet companies, including YY, an
online social platform that went public on the Nasdaq stock exchange in
the United States last year and is now worth about $1.5 billion. One of
Mr. Lei’s earliest successes came in 2004, when Amazon paid $75 million
to acquire his e-commerce company Joyo.com.
“Lei Jun is a phenomenal
entrepreneur,” said Kai-Fu Lee, the former Google executive who now runs
Innovation Works, a Beijing-based firm that invests in Chinese
start-ups. “He’s insightful about user needs and markets, and now he has
this incredible desire to create a household brand in technology.”
Mr. Lei has revealed little
about his personal life, but he has nearly five million followers on
Sina Weibo, a sort of Chinese Twitter, and is treated like a celebrity
in technology circles.
He grew up near Wuhan, a
gritty industrial city in central China, and studied computer science at
Wuhan University. It was during college, in 1987, he says, that he read
a book about Mr. Jobs, and decided to emulate him.
“I was greatly influenced
by that book, and I wanted to establish a company that was first class,”
Mr. Lei said. “So I made a plan to get through college fast.”
After finishing his
coursework in two years, he joined Kingsoft, a Chinese software company.
A talented engineer with sharp marketing skills, he worked his way up
into the executive ranks, and was named chief executive in 1998.
At Kingsoft, he also found time to set up Joyo.com and to become an angel investor in dozens of other companies.
“He has vision,” said Liu
Ren, a longtime friend who runs an investment fund. “He sees trends
earlier than others and is always ready to adjust. For instance, Joyo
started as a downloading platform and at the beginning YY was just doing
RSS subscription.”
With $41 million in initial
financing, Mr. Lei teamed up with a former Microsoft and Google
engineer, Bin Lin, and five other engineers to set up Xiaomi in a small
office on the outskirts of Beijing.
Work began in 2010 on a
software platform for the phone adapted from Google’s Android system.
The company also sought out many of the same suppliers and contract
manufacturers that worked with Apple, including Qualcomm, Broadcom and
In August 2011, Xiaomi
introduced its first smartphone, the Mi-1, which sold out in two days.
The Mi-2 was released last August, and sold out so quickly that some
analysts claimed Xiaomi was creating artificial shortages to generate
buzz through “scarcity marketing.”
To lower costs, the company
cut out middlemen and distributors, selling directly through its Web
site. The marketing was not just innovative for China, the company said,
but allowed Xiaomi to sell smartphones for just half the price of the
iPhone or Samsung Galaxy phones.
Xiaomi also outsources
designs and features online from its so-called Mi-Fans, and releases a
new version of the operating system every Friday, to add new features
and keep the Mi-Fans excited.
“For a start-up it’s quite
impressive what they’ve achieved,” Sandy Shen, an analyst at the
research firm Gartner, said. “But the question is: how are they going to
grow their market share beyond the narrow segment they’ve targeted?”
Many technology analysts
and investors in China say that the company’s valuation is a bubble and
that it will be difficult for Xiaomi to maintain its growth.
Mr. Lei insists his company
could sell more than 15 million phones this year. Xiaomi — like Apple —
is also looking at television.
Mr. Lei, listed by Forbes
as one of China’s wealthiest entrepreneurs, worth $1.7 billion, has
already helped create three multibillion-dollar start-ups in the last
decade. Little wonder, then, that he comes across as confident, even a
little cocky.
“We’re not just some cheap Chinese company making a cheap phone,” he said. “We’re going to be a Fortune 500 company.”
Xu Yan contributed research.