朱自清《倫敦雜記》(重慶: 開明書局)1943年
English hours 英國風情 蒲隆譯 北京三聯 2001及其他 English hours 23 editions
當時hc案:「如果是greyhound已不翻譯成「灰狗」(grey為古字,意思為bitch(母狗)),而是靈(犬+更)狗。」【後補入「根據」:Dictionary of Britain by Adrian Room, OUP, ……Greyhounds are not necessary grey in colour: 'grey' comes from an old word for 'bitch'. p.121—】
[英]西蒙‧特拉斯勒 著《劍橋插圖英國戲劇史》(The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theatre) 濟南:山東畫報出版社,2006
The Oxford illustrated history of Britain
The Oxford illustrated history of English literatu...
《英國莊園生活- 1150-1400年農民生活狀況研究》
by H S Bennett )龍秀清等譯,上海人民出版社, 2005
這本書的許多英國日常用品的翻譯都不過用心。譬如說, bacon .非「烤肉」也。
manor (house) noun [C]
a large old house in the country with land belonging to it
━━ n. 【英史】領地, 荘園; (地主などの)大邸宅; 領主の邸宅; 〔英話〕 (警察の)管轄区.UK SLANG the area in which a person works or which they are responsible for lord of the manor (the ~) 領主.
manor house 荘園領主の邸宅.
Sir William More (1520-1600), when he found time to spare from his numerous other posts, which included 'Her Majesty's Deputy Master of the Swans', was the 'Treasurer of the Lottery in Surrey'. The Loseley Manuscripts are a unique archive of the More-Molyneux family who have for centuries lived in beautiful Tudor manor house Loseley Park. The manuscripts contain a unique record of life in Tudor and Stuart England and include More's description of the lottery:
"A verie rich Lotterie ... without any blancks."
serf━━ n. 【史】農奴; こき使われる者.
vassal ━━ n. (封建時代の)家臣; 従者, 奴隷.
What to Get the Person who has Everything
There are only a few shopping days left until Christmas, and the question on many peoples' minds is "What do I get the person who seems to have everything?". How about a Manorial title? The days of the feudal system are long gone - at least in Europe where it flourished in the Middle Ages. The hierarchy of serfs, vassals, and lords of the manor, collapsed back in the 17th century. But remnants remain - especially in Britain. Old feudal titles are frequently bought and sold there for fun. However, this apparently harmless trade has led to a bizarre and bitter dispute. A clash between a modern day Lord of the Manor and his unruly serfs.

英國近代經濟史 / 柯特(W. H. B. Court)著; 周憲文譯 Ying kuo chin tai ching chi shih |
台北市 : 台灣銀行, 民66[1977] |
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館藏地 | 索書號 | 條碼 | 狀態 說明 |
總圖2F人社資料區 | 552.41 4124 [鄰近架位館藏] | 1218755 | 可流通 |
總圖2F人社資料區 | 552.41 4124 | 1847348 | 可流通 |
小女遊學英倫(陳淑玲 ) 台北: 天下遠見出版股份有限公司出版社 1996
"一位母親,利用隨夫出差的時間,陪伴兩個女兒在英國遊學,一年後又重返台灣教育體系。母親深刻觀察的用心透過真切細膩的筆觸,翔實記錄了兩姊妹遊學過程以 及返台後的適應情形。注重開放式教學的英國公立學校,在教育理念、學校制度、教學方式、學生對待以及與家長的互動各方面,對教育改革的有志者,提供了相當 多的啟發與反思空間。"
書內每章都附有「本章啟示」,分享他選中學、準備工夫、選科、考大學及考試與面試的心得,讓讀者知道赴英留學的注意事項。這是最實用的「溫馨提示」,讀 者可從中得到很多赴英留學必須注意的具體事項,免走彎路,獲得成功。書內更附有《週末泰晤士報》私立中學排名榜、《泰晤士報》大學排名榜、作者投考大學個 人陳述短文(Personal Statement)等,相當實用。
現為劍橋大學二年級經濟學系學生。他小學畢業於九龍禮賢學校,在喇沙書院完成中一後,便赴英國跳讀中三,就讀著名的私立寄宿中學沙特豪斯 (Charterhouse)。七年的留學生涯,王君舜累積了不少有關英國教育制度的經驗和留英學生生活的體驗。他對於選中學、準備工夫、選科、考大學及 考試與面試之成功要訣等有著不少心得,也曾多次代表學校在香港安排家長招待會,對家長及學生就赴英留學的種種疑問作了深入的分析和探討。