2025年2月9日 星期日

杜魯多(Justin Trudeau):相信特朗普是真的想要吞併加拿大202502 Taylor Swift 2023 Person 0f the Year. She Gives Kansas City Its Own Love Story美國創作歌手泰勒絲從7日開始在東京巨蛋連續四天表演,為第一位在東京巨蛋表演的外國女藝人。美國主流媒體網站首頁缺不了Tayor Swift (紐約時報、NPR)。How to be a power couple like Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce。泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 詞曲作者、表演者和企業家 'Taylor Swift and Her World' 世界之頂端 美國巡迴演唱 21億美金;Jane Birkin. Justin Trudeau Separates From Wife, Sophie Grégoire中加貿易關係惡化特魯多六四發言 Justin Trudeau:Canada's PM personally welcomes Syrian refugees以我們與世界各地的人們共享的價值、理想、希望和夢想來定義加拿大人...... to return Canada to its liberal and humanitarian values

14 hours ago — The tight end the right turned against: why Travis Kelce is the man for Taylor Swift. Ramon Antonio Vargas. Like the singer, the Chiefs football ...
30 minutes ago — People roll a photo backdrop of Travis Kelce and his number, 87, across a. The Chiefs will play in the Super Bowl for the fourth time in five ...

16 hours ago — As Swift continues an international tour while putting out a new album and Kelce heads to the Super Bowl, here is what we can learn from two ...

30 minutes ago — People roll a photo backdrop of Travis Kelce and his number, 87, across a. The Chiefs will play in the Super Bowl for the fourth time in five ...
佳美 (35)    
美國主流媒體網站首頁缺不了Tayor Swift (紐約時報、NPR)。

Taylor Swift won the album of the year Grammy on Sunday for her 2022 album “Midnights,” becoming the artist with the most wins in the coveted category with four.
Prior to her win of the coveted award, Swift was tied with Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder and Paul Simon, who along with her all previously won album of the year three times. She took home golden gramophones for album of the year in 2009 for “Fearless,” 2015 for “1989” and 2021 for “Folklore.” https://cnn.it/4bskQAY


Energetic performances and wins by women — and the announcement by Taylor Swift of a new album — have dominated the 66th Grammy Awards.

哈佛大學將於2024年 開設名為'Taylor Swift and Her World' 的課程,探討她的歌詞、音樂以及對於文學的影響力

TIME magazine explains why they chose Taylor Swift as their Person of the Year: “No one else on the planet today can move so many people so well. Achieving this feat is something we often chalk up to the alignments of planets and fates, but giving too much credit to the stars ignores her skill and her power.”

“In a divided world, where too many institutions are failing, Taylor Swift found a way to transcend borders and be a source of light. No one else on the planet today can move so many people so well. Achieving this feat is something we often chalk up to the alignments of planets and fates, but giving too much credit to the stars ignores her skill and her power. 

Swift is the rare person who is both the writer and hero of her own story. Her path is untraveled, something she’s known for some time. “I can’t find anyone, really, who’s had the same career trajectory as mine,” Swift told us in 2014 when she first appeared on the cover of TIME upon releasing her fifth album, 1989. “So when I’m in an optimistic place I hope that my life won’t match anyone else’s life trajectory, either.”

While her popularity has grown across the decades, this is the year that Swift, 33, achieved a kind of nuclear fusion: shooting art and commerce together to release an energy of historic force. She did it by embracing what she does better than anyone, entertaining and writing songs that connect with people. Now she becomes the first Person of the Year to be recognized for her success in the arts, in a year when we were reawakened to questions about who makes and who owns our cultural expressions. Swift is also a symbol of generational change: she is only the fourth solo Person of the Year born in the past half century.
In the 17 years since her debut, Swift has notched more No. 1 albums than any other woman in history. This year alone she had three. She was everywhere in 2023, filling stadiums and breaking records, which meant we were forced to find novel ways to measure the magnitude of her reach. Seismograms were deployed to show the literal impact caused by her fans. As Swift reportedly became a billionaire, countries’ gross domestic products became the yardstick for her financial contributions. University classes to study Swift’s lessons in literature, business, and law were announced. Swift was showered with keys to cities and street signs changed to her name.

In 2023, world leaders and mayors competed to bring her monumentally successful Eras Tour to their jurisdictions. Swift has become a feature of American soft power: a U.S. diplomat told me how meaningful it was to get Swift to agree to play in his host country. And Swift, as we now know, has had a Midas touch, improving the fortunes of every place she visits and business she celebrates. Just ask the NFL about its millions of new fans. Or your secretary of state: tens of thousands of fans registered to vote after she encouraged them on Instagram, spiking visits to Vote.org. “She’s done a great job of sticking to her guns and being vocal and political in the ways that she wants to,” says the Chicks’ front woman Natalie Maines.

At the same time, much of what Swift accomplished in 2023 exists beyond measurement. She mapped her journey and shared the results with the world: She committed to validating the dreams, feelings, and experiences of people, especially women, who felt overlooked and regularly underestimated. They know she respects her audience, and trusts them with her story. She held up a mirror to her own life, helping people better see themselves. She embraced her past, foibles and all, and in doing so encouraged others to do the same.

While Swift’s success can feel like a counterweight to traditional forms of power, the secret to her mastery has ancient roots. She is writing her own myth, informed by her own journey. And it has been an epic. So many have turned to those tales because they’ve been so disappointed by the storylines that emerge elsewhere in society. Any student of that Great Man Theory of history knows how deeply intertwined it is with centuries of sexism and the exclusion of women from power. Indeed, this isn’t the first time Swift has been part of TIME Person of the Year; in 2017, she was among the “Silence Breakers” we recognized for standing up and speaking out against discrimination, harassment, and assault faced by too many women for far too long.

Swift has been both avatar and author of shifting narratives, never more so than in 2023. Where do they take us? It might look something like what Swift has created, making a space for 70,000 people, night after night, to experience joy together. What is a higher form of influence, after all, than giving millions of fans, young and old, the time of their lives, where they can revel not only in Swift’s voice but in finding their own? These moments were all the more magical for taking place as we exited a pandemic, rediscovering the communal experiences that were so recently taken from us. 
For building a world of her own that made a place for so many, for spinning her story into a global legend, for bringing joy to a society desperately in need of it, Taylor Swift is TIME’s 2023 Person of the Year.”


Today’s Headlines

August 3, 2023

How big a deal is Taylor Swift? Fed tracks her.

Harvard experts assess pop superstar as songwriter, performer, and entrepreneur who is breaking records for album sales, tour revenue.

泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 身穿閃亮的緊身衣,在 Eras 巡演中大展身手。 泰勒·斯威夫特有多重要? 美聯儲追踪她。 哈佛大學的專家將流行巨星評估為詞曲作者、表演者和企業家,他們的專輯銷量和巡演收入都打破了記錄。

Conquered the World With Her Eras Tour.whipping up demand at a level thought unachievable in a fragmented age. https://word-watcher.blogspot.com/....../conquered......
Conquered the World With Her Eras Tour.whipping up demand at a level thought unachievable in a fragmented age.
Conquered the World With Her Eras Tour.whipping up demand at a level thought unachievable in a fragmented age.
Conquered the World With Her Eras Tour.whipping up demand at a level thought unachievable in a fragmented age.



泰勒來自一個保守派粉絲較多的國家,所以有一段時間她無法發表任何政治言論,但在2018年她宣布支持民主黨,並明確公開反對墮胎和反對同性戀禁令。進入了階段。 》

34歲的男人,不缺話題。我們採訪了音樂作家小川志乃,講述了他自 16 歲出道以來的成長歷程。

【失去與懸念】 鍾文音/代號的背後






















Does Anyone Care About Justin Trudeau’s Separation?
A stable marriage (publicly at least) used to be a cornerstone of any world leader’s résumé. Not in 2023.

【礦產資源】杜魯多:相信特朗普是真的想要吞併加拿大 因其關鍵礦產資源豐富
一位高級政府官員透露,加拿大總理特魯多(Justin Trudeau)上週五表示,他相信美國總統特朗普是真正地希望吞併加拿大這個北部鄰國,因為加國擁有豐富的關鍵礦產資源。加拿大擁有30多種對手機、電動車電池和國防應用等現代技術至關重要的關鍵礦物。
可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「相信特朗普是 真的想要 吞併加 併加拿大 加拿大 因其關鍵 礦產資源豐富 加享大總理 加拿大總理杜魯多: 杜魯多: (Justin (JustinTrudeau) Trudeau) Bloomberg Businessweek 彭博商業周刊/中文版 中文版」的圖像

Washington Post

Whatever his talents as clickbait, a strong case can be made that Trudeau is not very good at the governing side of his job.

Opinion | The world needs to stop mindlessly fawning over Justin Trudeau
Living in a country run by a social media celebrity is a lot less fun than the…

noun: click bait
  1. (on the Internet) content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.

Canada's PM personally welcomes Syrian refugees

Shih-Ling Wang 分享了 Global News 的影片

加拿大總理 Justin Trudeau:「今晚,他們以難民的身分步下飛機,但將以永久居留者的身分步出航廈。」
首批由加拿大政府專機接運的敘利亞難民,共163人,於昨晚飛抵多倫多。今年 11 月甫上任的 Trudeau 所領導的自由黨政府承諾,將接納 25,000 名敘利亞難民,其中 1 萬人將在今年年底之前完成安置,另外 15,000 人則預定於明年 2 月底之前陸續抵達加拿大。
Trudeau 在機場的講話:「在這個美好的夜晚,我們不只向這整架飛機上的新加拿大人展現加拿大本色,更向世界示範了如何敞開心胸來歡迎這些試圖逃離危險處境的人們。

C'est un moment ce soir don't nous allons tous se souvenir pendant des années à venir. Ce moment, ce soir, on a commencé à démontrer c'est quoi, les valeurs des canadiens; comment on sait que cette diversité que on va accueillir ce soir est une source de force et non une source de faiblesse. Que de comprendre que d'offrir une chance réelle de réussir à des gens qui ont vécu des moment extrêmement difficiles dans les dernières années. De leur offrir un(à) bras ouvert, un(à) cœur ouvert, un avenir pour eux certainement, et surtout pour leurs enfants et pour leurs eventuels(éventuels) petits-enfants. C'est vraiment ce qui fait la force de ce pays.

1,616,328 次觀看
Global News
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives at Pearson International Airport to cheers from the crowd as he speaks about the first government sponsored Syrian refugees to arrive in Canada.

A New Trudeau Era in Canada

As prime minister, Justin Trudeau promises to return the country to its liberal and humanitarian values.

Stunning Rout in Canada by Justin Trudeau and His Party


Mr. Trudeau unseated the Conservative prime minister, Stephen Harper, in a sweeping victory for the Liberal Party on Monday.

Justin Trudeau of the Liberal Party and his wife before giving his victory speech in Montreal, Canada. CreditJim Young/Reuters

Tonight, Canadian politics veered left. Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party captured a majority in Canada’s 338 seat-Parliament -- thereby putting an abrupt end to nearly a decade of Conservative governance under Stephen Harper. Harper’s Conservatives went into the campaign pledging balanced budgets. In sharp contrast, Trudeau promised three years of deficits in order to more than double spending on infrastructure. The Liberals also promised to raise taxes on Canada's "wealthiest one per cent" — earning more than $200,000 — so taxes on middle-class families could be lowered. Trudeau and the Liberals argued now is the time for Canada to invest in its future rather than embrace austerity economics, and that Canada’s rich should pay their fair share. Evidently most Canadians agree.
Are there lessons here for us, south of the border?

加拿大成功變天 自由黨終結保守黨長期執政
新頭殼newtalk |  綜合報導

加拿大19日(當地時間)舉行國會大選,賈斯汀‧杜魯道(Justin Trudeau)所領導的自由黨順利擊敗已執政長達9年的保守黨,成為國會第一大黨。

路透社報導,加拿大前總理皮耶‧杜魯道(Pierre Trudeau)的兒子,現任自由黨黨魁賈斯汀‧杜魯道,在19日的國會大選,順利終結保守黨長達9年的執政。儘管目前開票仍未完全結束,不過,根據加拿大環球郵報的預測,自由黨已經拿下188個席次,成功取得過半的席次。




