2025年3月6日 星期四

英國與烏克蘭,首相Sir Keir Starmer學邱吉爾,要跟英國國民說清楚百年合約/增國防費用的錢如何籌.....倫敦地鐵最老牌最貴?

 After price increases on March 2, London's Tube is now the world's most expensive metro system.

A single pay-as-you-go fare in Zone 1 will now cost £2.90, and a daily cap for Zones 1-2 will cost £8.90. It now costs £15.30 for a day ticket that covers all zones.
The prices in London are some of the highest compared to other big towns. Single fares are triple those in Seoul and more than double those in Madrid. In Paris, Washington, and Tokyo, one-day travel cards are a b……
可能是顯示的文字是「 kfosters ckfosters 9:28:13 mins I mins 2 mins Enthueva 口口 LONDON'S UNDERGROUND IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN THE WORLD 」的圖像

Crisis has revealed a different side to Sir Keir Starmer. But he must be upfront with Britons about how the extra money for defence will be found https://econ.st/3QNJ2Vt
Image: Barry Falls
可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「 Danger signals for Trumponomics Time း to lift Syria's sanctions The Economist Germany rearms RIP foreign aid MARCT -147 STII-14T MARCITSTI1-14T7T2025 4TIT 2025 WINSTON STARMER Can he pull it off? 」的塗鴉

“It was pretty academic, so she asked, ‘Can you rework this and draw the characters out more?’ and I got a contract,” Mr. Taylor recalled in a phone interview. “It was the first time I got paid upfront for anything.”

Australia was "upfront, open and honest" with France about its concerns over a deal for French submarines, its defence minister said on Sunday, as a new deal with the United States and Britain continued to fuel a multinational diplomatic crisis.

Whereas Mr Davis painted an idyllic vision of Brexit, Mr Raab has been upfront about the fact that the process may be difficult

Dominic Raab takes the Brexit helmA former housing minister takes over the Brexit negotiations after David Davis’s departure

 BBC England 都分享了 1 條連結

Primary school boys & girls should be free to dress up in a tutu & tiara or helmet & superhero cloak without comment, the Church of England says.

Interpublic to Shift $250 Million in TV Ad Spending to YouTube - WSJ

6 days ago - Magna Global signs upfront deal with YouTube for October 2016 through December 2017, as TV ratings remain under pressure. ... Magna Global, the ad buying arm of Interpublic Group of IPG 1.11 % Cos., has signed an upfront advertising deal with YouTube, shifting spending from television ...

Forget the tiaras and sequinned gowns - this Sao Paulo beauty pageant was looking for the city's "Most Handsome Elderly Man''

Heterosexuals get drunk and pregnant, producing unwanted children; their reward is to be allowed to marry. Homosexual couples do not produce unwanted children; their reward is to be denied the right to marry. Go figure.
Would figure skating be taken more seriously if they wore uniforms instead of costumes? http://wapo.st/1dMfMlA

Two-time world champion Asada wins women's short programSA TODAY
Mao Asada of Japan competes in the women's short program during the ISU Four Continents Figure Skating Championships at World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Asada, a two-time world champion, won the event. Mao Asada of Japan competes in the ...


In Shift, Iran's President Calls for End to Syrian Crackdown

In a surprising turn, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is calling for Syria to end its crackdown on antigovernment protesters.

  • 音節úp-frónt

  1. 1((話)) 前もっての,あらかじめの,事前の;〔金融〕 先払いの,前払いの,原始資本として投資された,期首投下資本としての
  2. 2((話)) 率直な,正直な;あけっぴろげな,隠し隔てのない,大胆な;偏見のない
    • up-front behavior
    • あけっぴろげな振る舞い
    • He's very up-front about discussing his past.
    • 自分の過去を論じるのに少しも包み隠そうとするところがない.
  3. 3((話))
  4. (1)顕著な,傑出した,目立つ;重要な,主要な;最新流行の
  5. (2)(会社などの)経営陣に関する[の],重役[管理職]の
    • an up-front job
    • 管理職
  6. 4((話)) 前部[前方]に位置する,最前列の
    • request up-front seats on a plane
    • 飛行機の前部座席を求める.
  7. (また up・front)
━━ [副詞] (また up front)
  1. 1((話)) 〔金融〕 先払いとして,前金で,原始投下資本として,期首投資額として
  2. 2((話)) (他の支払い,諸控除または利益の還元よりも)優先して,最優先払いで
    • Estimated operating expenses will be deducted up-front.
    • 前もって営業費用の見積額が差し引かれることになろう.
  3. 3((話)) 隠し立てなく,正直に.
  4. 4((話)) 正面に,(デモなどの)最前列に
    • Chicks up-front.
    • 女は前列に出ろ(◆デモを規制する警官の矛先をかわすために行われる常套じょうとう手段).

tiara (tɪˈɑːrə 

