阿巴斯補充說,巴勒斯坦權力機構是#PalestinianTerritories 唯一合法的治理和軍事力量。
阿巴斯表示,他將對所有被統治#WestBank 的法塔赫運動開除的成員實行大赦。
At the Arab summit in Cairo, #Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he was ready to organise presidential and legislative elections "if the conditions are right".
Abbas added the Palestinian Authority was the only legitimate governing and military force in the
Meanwhile, he welcomed an Egyptian plan to rebuild the
#Gaza Strip and urged US President Donald Trump to support such a plan that would not involve displacing Palestinian residents of
the enclave.
Abbas said that he would issue a general amnesty for all those dismissed from the Fatah movement, which rules the