Representative Al Green, Democrat of Texas, interrupts President Trump.
Mr. Trump: Likewise, small business optimism saw its single largest one-month gain ever recorded, a 41-point jump.川普:同樣,小企業樂觀情緒也出現了有史以來最大的單月增幅,躍升了 41 個百分點。
Speaker Mike Johnson, Republican of Louisiana: Members are directed to uphold and maintain decorum in the house, and to cease any further disruptions. That’s your warning. Members are engaging in willful and continuing breach of decorum, and the chair is prepared to direct the sergeant-at-arms to restore order to the joint session.路易斯安那州共和黨議長麥克約翰遜:指示議員們維護議會禮儀,停止任何進一步的擾亂秩序的行為。這是對你的警告。成員們正在故意並持續違反禮儀,主席準備指示警衛恢復聯席會議秩序。翰遜先生:格林先生,請就座。先生,請就座。就座。發現成員們繼續故意、有組織地破壞正常禮儀後,主席立即指示警衛恢復秩序。請將這位先生帶出會議廳。約翰遜先生:要求議員們維護並維持議會的禮儀。總統先生,您繼續。Mr. Johnson: Mr. Green, take your seat. Take your seat, sir. Take your seat. Finding that members continue to engage in willful and concerted disruption of proper decorum, the chair now directs the sergeant-at-arms to restore order. Remove this gentleman from the chamber.
Mr. Johnson: Members are directed to uphold and maintain decorum in the house. Mr. President, you continue.
Mr. Trump: Thank you. Over the past six weeks, I have signed nearly 100 executive orders and taken more than 400 executive actions, a record to restore common sense, safety, optimism and wealth all across our wonderful land. The people elected me to do the job, and I’m doing it.
In fact, it has been stated by many that the first month of our presidency — it’s our presidency — is the most successful in the history of our nation. By many.
And what makes it even more impressive is that do you know who No. 2 is? George Washington. How about that? How about that? I don’t know about that list, but. But we’ll take it. Within hours of taking the oath of office, I declared a national emergency on our southern border. And I deployed the U.S. military and Border Patrol to repel the invasion of our country. And what a job they’ve done. As a result, illegal border crossings last month were by far the lowest ever recorded ever.
They heard my words and they chose not to come. Much easier that way. In comparison, under Joe Biden, the worst president in American history, there were hundreds of thousands of illegal crossings a month and virtually all of them, including murderers, drug dealers, gang members, and people from mental institutions and insane asylums, were released into our country. Who would want to do that?
This is my fifth such speech to Congress, and, once again, I look at the Democrats in front of me and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud. Nothing I can do. I could find a cure to the most devastating disease, a disease that would wipe out entire nations or announce the answers to greatest economy in history or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded, and these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements. They won’t do it no matter what. Five, five times I’ve been up here. It’s very sad. And it just shouldn’t be this way.
So, Democrats sitting before me, for just this one night, why not join us in celebrating so many incredible wins for America? For the good of our nation, let’s work together and let’s truly make America great again.
Every day my administration is fighting to deliver the change America needs to bring a future that America deserves, and we’re doing it. This is a time for big dreams and bold action. Upon taking office, I imposed an immediate freeze on all federal hiring, a freeze on all new federal regulations and a freeze on all foreign aid.我的政府每天都在努力實現美國所需的變革,以創造美國應有的未來,我們正在這樣做。這是一個需要遠大夢想和大膽行動的時代。我就職後立即凍結了所有聯邦招聘、凍結所有新的聯邦法規並凍結所有對外援助。
I terminated the ridiculous “green new scam.” I withdrew from the unfair Paris climate accord, which was costing us trillions of dollars that other countries were not paying. I withdrew from the corrupt World Health Organization. And I also withdrew from the anti-American U.N. Human Rights Council. We ended all of Biden’s environmental restrictions that were making our country far less safe and totally unaffordable. And importantly, we ended the last administration’s insane electric vehicle mandate, saving our auto workers and companies from economic destruction.
To unshackle our economy, I have directed that for every one new regulation, 10 old regulations must be eliminated — just like I did in my very successful first term.
And in that first term, we set records on ending unnecessary rules and regulations like no other president had done before. We ordered all federal workers to return to the office. They will either show up for work in person or be removed from their job. And we’ve ended weaponized government where, as an example, a sitting president is allowed to viciously prosecute his political opponent, like me. How did that work out? Not too good. Not too good.
And I’ve stopped all government censorship and brought back free speech in America. It’s back. And two days ago, I signed an order making English the official language of the United States of America. I renamed the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. And likewise, I renamed, for a great president, William McKinley, Mount McKinley again. Beautiful Alaska, we love Alaska. We love Alaska.
We’ve ended the tyranny of so-called diversity, equity and inclusion policies all across the entire federal government. And indeed the private sector and our military. And our country will be woke no longer. We believe that whether you are a doctor, an accountant, a lawyer or an air traffic controller, you should be hired and promoted based on skill and competence, not race or gender. Very important. You should be hired based on merit. And the Supreme Court, in a brave and very powerful decision, has allowed us to do so. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you.
We have removed the poison of critical race theory from our public schools, and I signed an order making it the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female. I also signed an executive order to ban men from playing in women’s sports.
Three years ago, Payton McNabb was an all-star high school athlete, one of the best, preparing for a future in college sports. But when her girls’ volleyball match was invaded by a man, he smashed the ball so hard in Payton’s face, causing traumatic brain injury, partially paralyzing her right side and ending her athletic career. It was a shot like she’s never seen before. She’s never seen anything like it. Payton is here tonight in the gallery, and Payton, from now on, schools will kick the men off the girls’ team or they will lose all federal funding.
And if you really want to see numbers, just take a look at what happened in the women’s boxing, weight lifting, track and field, swimming or cycling, where a male recently finished a long-distance race five hours and 14 minutes ahead of a woman for a new record by five hours — broke the record by five hours. It’s demeaning for women, and it’s very bad for our country. We’re not going to put up with it any longer.
What I have just described is only a small fraction of the common-sense revolution that is now — because of us — sweeping the entire world. Common sense has become a common theme, and we will never go back, never — ever going to let that happen. Among my very highest priorities is to rescue our economy and get dramatic and immediate relief to working families. As you know, we inherited from the last administration an economic catastrophe and an inflation nightmare.
如果你真的想看數字,只要看看女子拳擊、舉重、田徑、游泳或自行車項目的情況就知道了,最近一名男子在一場長距離比賽中比一名女子提前 5 小時 14 分鐘完成比賽,創造了新紀錄,比女子快 5 個小時——打破了 5 小時的紀錄。這對女性來說是一種侮辱,而且對我們的國家來說非常糟糕。我們不會再忍受這種事了。
喬·拜登尤其讓雞蛋價格失控。雞蛋價格,失控。我們正在努力將其降下來。部長,請好好處理這件事吧——上屆政府給你繼承了一片混亂。做好工作。我們抑制通貨膨脹的一個主要重點是迅速降低能源成本。上一屆政府將新的石油和天然氣租約數量削減了 95%,放緩了管道建設速度,並關閉了 100 多座發電廠——而我們現在正在開放許多發電廠。
Their policies drove up energy prices, pushed up grocery costs and drove the necessities of life out of reach for millions and millions of Americans. They’ve never had anything like it. We suffered the worst inflation in 48 years. But perhaps even in the history of our country, they’re not sure. As president, I’m fighting every day to reverse this damage and make America affordable again.
Joe Biden especially let the price of eggs get out of control. The egg prices, out of control. And we’re working hard to get it back down. Secretary, do a good job on that — you inherited a total mess from the previous administration. Do a good job. A major focus of our fight to defeat inflation is rapidly reducing the cost of energy. The previous administration cut the number of new oil and gas leases by 95 percent, slowed pipeline construction to a halt and closed more than 100 power plants — we are opening up many of those power plants right now.
追蹤川普上任 100 天 › 川普政府先前對北美關稅的行動 3 月 1 日 下令增加美國木材產量 › 2 月 27 日 表示對墨西哥和加拿大徵收的關稅將於 3 月 4 日生效 › 2 月 3 日 延遲對加拿大徵收關稅 › 2 月 3 日 推遲對墨西哥關稅 › 2 月 1 日正式對墨西哥進口產品月 21 日 承諾對加拿大和墨西哥徵收關稅 › 查看特朗普政府的每一個重大行動 › 閱讀特朗普總統對國會講話的完整記錄 - 《紐約時報》 我的政府還在阿拉斯加修建一條巨大的天然氣管道,這是世界上最大的天然氣管道之一,日本、韓國和其他國家都希望成為我們的合作夥伴,每個國家都投資了數萬億美元。從來沒有發生過這樣的事情。這將是真正壯觀的。一切準備就緒。已取得許可。
謝謝你,埃隆。他工作非常努力。他不需要這個。他不需要這個。非常感謝,我們很感激。我相信,這裡的每個人 — — 甚至我們這邊的人都會對此表示感激。他們只是不想承認這一點。只要聽聽我們已經發現的一些令人震驚的浪費現象。
來自衛生與公共服務部(H.H.S.)的220億美元為非法移民提供免費住房和汽車。為緬甸提供多元化、公平和包容性獎學金4500萬美元。 4000萬美元用於改善定居移民的社會和經濟融入。沒有人知道那是什麼。 800 萬美元用於在非洲國家萊索托推廣 L.G.B.T.Q.I.+,儘管沒有人聽說過這個國家。
為中美洲土著人民和非裔加勒比人賦權提供 6000 萬美元——6000 萬美元。花費 800 萬美元讓老鼠變性——這是真的。 3200萬美元用於摩爾多瓦的左翼宣傳活動。為莫三比克男性割禮提供 1000 萬美元援助。為中東的阿拉伯「芝麻街」提供 2000 萬美元。這是一個程序。為這個項目花費了 2000 萬美元。
為新成立的住房脫碳委員會撥款 19 億美元,並由她領導 — — 我們知道她也參與其中 — — 就在最後一刻,這筆錢被一位名叫斯泰西·艾布拉姆斯 (Stacey Abrams) 的女性轉交給了。你聽過她嗎?
一份價值 350 萬美元的豪華魚類監測諮詢合約。 150 萬美元用於利比里亞選民信任計畫; 1400萬美元用於馬利社會凝聚力; 5900 萬美元用於紐約市非法移民的酒店房間。他是一名房地產開發商。他做得很好。 25 萬美元用於增加贊比亞的素食當地氣候行動創新。 4200萬美元用於烏幹達的社會和行為改變。
1400萬美元用於改善塞爾維亞的公共採購。 4700萬美元用於改善亞洲的學習成果。亞洲的學習成績非常好。你知道我們在做什麼——我們自己可以使用它。以及 1.01 億美元用於 D.E.I.教育部的合約——這是有史以來最高的合同,從未有過這樣的合約。
聯邦政府辦公室政府問責局估計,我國每年的詐欺行為超過 5,000 億美元。我們正在努力阻止這一現象。我們會的。我們還發現,針對老年人以及我們所愛之人所依賴的社會安全計畫中存在著令人震驚的無能和可能的詐欺行為。
不管你信不信,政府資料庫列出了 470 萬名年齡在 100 歲到 109 歲之間的社會安全會員。上面列出了年齡在 110 歲到 119 歲之間的 360 萬人。我認識一些人,年紀比較大,但還沒到那麼大年紀。 120 至 129 歲人口
And frankly, we have never seen anything like it. That’s why, on my first day in office, I declared a national energy emergency. As you’ve heard me say many times, we have more liquid gold under our feet than any nation on earth, and by far, and now I fully authorize the most talented team ever assembled to go and get it. It’s called drill, baby, drill.
- Mar. 1Ordered an increase in U.S. lumber production ›
- Feb. 27Said that tariffs on Mexico and Canada would go into effect on March 4 ›
- Feb. 3Delayed tariffs on Canada ›
- Feb. 3Delayed tariffs on Mexico ›
- Feb. 1Officially announced tariffs on imports from Canada ›
- Feb. 1Officially announced tariffs on imports from Mexico ›
- Jan. 21Promised to impose tariffs on Canada and Mexico ›
My administration is also working on a gigantic natural gas pipeline in Alaska, among the largest in the world, where Japan, South Korea and other nations want to be our partner with investments of trillions of dollars each. It has never been anything like that one. It will be truly spectacular. It’s all set to go. The permitting has gotten.
And later this week, I will also take historic action to dramatically expand production of critical minerals and rare earths here in the U.S.A.
To further combat inflation, we will not only be reducing the cost of energy, but will be ending the flagrant waste of taxpayer dollars. And to that end, I have created the brand new Department of Government Efficiency. DOGE. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. Perhaps. Which is headed by Elon Musk, who is in the gallery tonight.
Thank you, Elon. He’s working very hard. He didn’t need this. He didn’t need this. Thank you very much, we appreciate it. Everybody here — even this side appreciates it, I believe. They just don’t want to admit that. Just listen to some of the appalling waste we have already identified.
$22 billion from H.H.S. to provide free housing and cars for illegal aliens. $45 million for diversity, equity, and inclusion scholarships in Burma. $40 million to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants. Nobody knows what that is. $8 million to promote L.G.B.T.Q.I.+ in the African nation of Lesotho, which nobody has ever heard of.
$60 million for Indigenous peoples and Afro-Caribbean empowerment in Central America — $60 million. $8 million for making mice transgender — this is real. $32 million for a left-wing propaganda operation in Moldova. $10 million for male circumcision in Mozambique. $20 million for the Arab “Sesame Street” in the Middle East. It’s a program. $20 million for a program.
$1.9 billion to recently created decarbonization of homes committee, headed up — and we know she’s involved — just at the last moment, the money was passed over by a woman named Stacey Abrams. Have you ever heard of her?
A $3.5 million consulting contract for lavish fish monitoring. $1.5 million for voter confidence in Liberia; $14 million for social cohesion in Mali; $59 million for illegal alien hotel rooms in New York City. He’s a real estate developer. He’s done very well. $250,000 to increase vegan local climate action innovation in Zambia. $42 million for social and behavioral change in Uganda.
$14 million for improving public procurement in Serbia. $47 million for improving learning outcomes in Asia. Asia is doing very well with learning. You know what we’re doing — could use it ourselves. And $101 million for D.E.I. contracts at the Department of Education — the most ever paid, nothing even like it.
Under the Trump administration, all of these scams — and there are far worse — but I didn’t think it was appropriate to talk about them. They’re so bad. Many more have been found out and exposed and swiftly terminated by a group of very intelligent, mostly young people headed up by Elon, and we appreciate it. We found hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud.
And we’ve taken back the money and reduced our debt to fight inflation and other things — taken back a lot of that money. We got it just in time. This is just the beginning.
The Government Accountability Office, the federal government office, has estimated annual fraud of over $500 billion in our nation. And we are working very hard to stop it. We’re going to. We’re also identifying shocking levels of incompetence and probable fraud in the Social Security program for our seniors, and that our seniors and people that we love rely on.
Believe it or not, government databases list 4.7 million Social Security members from people aged 100 to 109 years old. It lists 3.6 million people from ages 110 to 119. I don’t know any of them. I know some people who are rather elderly but not quite that elderly. 3.47 million people from ages 120 to 129. 3.9 million people from ages 130 to 139. 3.5 million people from ages 140 to 149. And money is being paid to many of them, and we are searching right now.
In fact, Pam, good luck. Good luck. You’re going to find it. But a lot of money is paid out to people, because it just keeps getting paid and paid and nobody does — and it really hurts Social Security, it hurts our country. 1.3 million people from ages 150 to 159, and over 130,000 people, according to the Social Security databases, are age over 160 years old. We have a healthier country than I thought, Bobby.
Including, to finish, 1,039 people between the ages of 220 and 229. One person between the age of 240 and 249 — and one person is listed at 360 years of age. More than 100 years — more than 100 years older than our country. But we’re going to find out where that money is going, and it’s not going to be pretty. By slashing all of the fraud, waste and theft we can find, we will defeat inflation, bring down mortgage rates, lower car payments and grocery prices, protect our seniors and put more money in the pockets of American families.
And today, interest rates took a beautiful drop, big beautiful drop — it’s about time. And in the near future, I want to do what has not been done in 24 years: balance the federal budget. We are going to balance it. With that goal in mind, we have developed in great detail what we are calling the gold card, which goes on sale very, very soon. For $5 million, we will allow the most successful job-creating people from all over the world to buy a path to U.S. citizenship.
It’s like the green card but better and more sophisticated. And these people will have to pay tax in our country. They won’t have to pay tax from where they came. The money that they’ve made, you wouldn’t want to do that. But they have to pay tax, create jobs. They’ll also be taking people out of colleges and paying for them so that we can keep them in our country instead of having them be — being forced out. No. 1 at the top school, as an example, being forced out and not being allowed to stay and create tremendous numbers of jobs and great success for a company out there.
So while we take out the criminals, killers, traffickers and child predators who were allowed to enter our country under the open-border policy of these people, the Democrats, the Biden administration — the open border, insane policies that you have allowed to destroy our country — we will now bring in brilliant, hard-working, job-creating people. They’re going to pay a lot of money, and we’re going to reduce our debt with that money.
Americans have given us a mandate for bold and profound change. For nearly 100 years, the federal bureaucracy has grown until it has crushed our freedoms, ballooned our deficits and held back America’s potential in every possible way. The nation founded by pioneers and risk-takers now drowns under millions and millions of pages of regulations and debt: Approvals that should take 10 days to get instead take 10 years, 15 years and even 20 years before you rejected.
Meanwhile, we have hundreds of thousands of federal workers who have not been showing up to work. My administration will reclaim power from this unaccountable bureaucracy, and we will restore true democracy to America again.
And any federal bureaucrat who resists this change will be removed from office immediately. Because we are draining the swamp. It’s very simple. And the days of rule by unelected bureaucrats are over.
And the next phase of our plan to deliver the greatest economy in history is for this Congress to pass tax cuts for everybody. They’re in there. They’re waiting for you to vote. And I’m sure that the people on my right, I don’t mean the Republican right, but my right — right here — I’m sure you’re going to vote for those tax cuts, because otherwise I don’t believe the people will ever vote you into office. So I’m doing a big favor by telling you that. But I know this group is going to be voting for the tax.
Thank you. It’s a very, very big part of our plan. We had tremendous success in our first term, with a very big part of our plan, we’re seeking permanent income tax cuts all across the board. And to get urgently needed relief to Americans hit especially hard by inflation, I’m calling for no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on Social Security benefits for our great seniors.
And I also want to make interest payments on car loans tax deductible — but only if the car is made in America. And by the way, we are going to have growth in the auto industry like nobody has ever seen. Plants are opening up all over the place. Deals are being made — never seen. That’s a combination of the election win and tariffs. It’s a beautiful word, isn’t it?
million people from ages 140 to 149. And money is being paid to many of them, and we are searching right now.
追蹤川普上任 100 天 › 川普政府先前對北美關稅的行動 3 月 1 日 下令增加美國木材產量 › 2 月 27 日 表示對墨西哥和加拿大徵收的關稅將於 3 月 4 日生效 › 2 月 3 日 延遲對加拿大徵收關稅 › 2 月 3 日 推遲對墨西哥關稅 › 2 月 1 日正式對墨西哥進口產品月 21 日 承諾對加拿大和墨西哥徵收關稅 › 查看特朗普政府的每一個重大行動 › 閱讀特朗普總統對國會講話的完整記錄 - 《紐約時報》 我的政府還在阿拉斯加修建一條巨大的天然氣管道,這是世界上最大的天然氣管道之一,日本、韓國和其他國家都希望成為我們的合作夥伴,每個國家都投資了數萬億美元。從來沒有發生過這樣的事情。這將是真正壯觀的。一切準備就緒。已取得許可。
謝謝你,埃隆。他工作非常努力。他不需要這個。他不需要這個。非常感謝,我們很感激。我相信,這裡的每個人 — — 甚至我們這邊的人都會對此表示感激。他們只是不想承認這一點。只要聽聽我們已經發現的一些令人震驚的浪費現象。
來自衛生與公共服務部(H.H.S.)的220億美元為非法移民提供免費住房和汽車。為緬甸提供多元化、公平和包容性獎學金4500萬美元。 4000萬美元用於改善定居移民的社會和經濟融入。沒有人知道那是什麼。 800 萬美元用於在非洲國家萊索托推廣 L.G.B.T.Q.I.+,儘管沒有人聽說過這個國家。
為中美洲土著人民和非裔加勒比人賦權提供 6000 萬美元——6000 萬美元。花費 800 萬美元讓老鼠變性——這是真的。 3200萬美元用於摩爾多瓦的左翼宣傳活動。為莫三比克男性割禮提供 1000 萬美元援助。為中東的阿拉伯「芝麻街」提供 2000 萬美元。這是一個程序。為這個項目花費了 2000 萬美元。
為新成立的住房脫碳委員會撥款 19 億美元,並由她領導 — — 我們知道她也參與其中 — — 就在最後一刻,這筆錢被一位名叫斯泰西·艾布拉姆斯 (Stacey Abrams) 的女性轉交給了。你聽過她嗎?
一份價值 350 萬美元的豪華魚類監測諮詢合約。 150 萬美元用於利比里亞選民信任計畫; 1400萬美元用於馬利社會凝聚力; 5900 萬美元用於紐約市非法移民的酒店房間。他是一名房地產開發商。他做得很好。 25 萬美元用於增加贊比亞的素食當地氣候行動創新。 4200萬美元用於烏幹達的社會和行為改變。
1400萬美元用於改善塞爾維亞的公共採購。 4700萬美元用於改善亞洲的學習成果。亞洲的學習成績非常好。你知道我們在做什麼——我們自己可以使用它。以及 1.01 億美元用於 D.E.I.教育部的合約——這是有史以來最高的合同,從未有過這樣的合約。
聯邦政府辦公室政府問責局估計,我國每年的詐欺行為超過 5,000 億美元。我們正在努力阻止這一現象。我們會的。我們還發現,針對老年人以及我們所愛之人所依賴的社會安全計畫中存在著令人震驚的無能和可能的詐欺行為。
不管你信不信,政府資料庫列出了 470 萬名年齡在 100 歲到 109 歲之間的社會安全會員。上面列出了年齡在 110 歲到 119 歲之間的 360 萬人。我認識一些人,年紀比較大,但還沒到那麼大年紀。 120 至 129 歲人口為 347 萬人。
Tǎnbái shuō, wǒmen cóng wèi jiànguò zhèyàng de shìqíng. Zhè jiù
In fact, Pam, good luck. Good luck. You’re going to find it. But a lot of money is paid out to people, because it just keeps getting paid and paid and nobody does — and it really hurts Social Security, it hurts our country. 1.3 million people from ages 150 to 159, and over 130,000 people, according to the Social Security databases, are age over 160 years old. We have a healthier country than I thought, Bobby.
Including, to finish, 1,039 people between the ages of 220 and 229. One person between the age of 240 and 249 — and one person is listed at 360 years of age. More than 100 years — more than 100 years older than our country. But we’re going to find out where that money is going, and it’s not going to be pretty. By slashing all of the fraud, waste and theft we can find, we will defeat inflation, bring down mortgage rates, lower car payments and grocery prices, protect our seniors and put more money in the pockets of American families.
And today, interest rates took a beautiful drop, big beautiful drop — it’s about time. And in the near future, I want to do what has not been done in 24 years: balance the federal budget. We are going to balance it. With that goal in mind, we have developed in great detail what we are calling the gold card, which goes on sale very, very soon. For $5 million, we will allow the most successful job-creating people from all over the world to buy a path to U.S. citizenship.
It’s like the green card but better and more sophisticated. And these people will have to pay tax in our country. They won’t have to pay tax from where they came. The money that they’ve made, you wouldn’t want to do that. But they have to pay tax, create jobs. They’ll also be taking people out of colleges and paying for them so that we can keep them in our country instead of having them be — being forced out. No. 1 at the top school, as an example, being forced out and not being allowed to stay and create tremendous numbers of jobs and great success for a company out there.
So while we take out the criminals, killers, traffickers and child predators who were allowed to enter our country under the open-border policy of these people, the Democrats, the Biden administration — the open border, insane policies that you have allowed to destroy our country — we will now bring in brilliant, hard-working, job-creating people. They’re going to pay a lot of money, and we’re going to reduce our debt with that money.
Americans have given us a mandate for bold and profound change. For nearly 100 years, the federal bureaucracy has grown until it has crushed our freedoms, ballooned our deficits and held back America’s potential in every possible way. The nation founded by pioneers and risk-takers now drowns under millions and millions of pages of regulations and debt: Approvals that should take 10 days to get instead take 10 years, 15 years and even 20 years before you rejected.
Meanwhile, we have hundreds of thousands of federal workers who have not been showing up to work. My administration will reclaim power from this unaccountable bureaucracy, and we will restore true democracy to America again.
And any federal bureaucrat who resists this change will be removed from office immediately. Because we are draining the swamp. It’s very simple. And the days of rule by unelected bureaucrats are over.
And the next phase of our plan to deliver the greatest economy in history is for this Congress to pass tax cuts for everybody. They’re in there. They’re waiting for you to vote. And I’m sure that the people on my right, I don’t mean the Republican right, but my right — right here — I’m sure you’re going to vote for those tax cuts, because otherwise I don’t believe the people will ever vote you into office. So I’m doing a big favor by telling you that. But I know this group is going to be voting for the tax.
Thank you. It’s a very, very big part of our plan. We had tremendous success in our first term, with a very big part of our plan, we’re seeking permanent income tax cuts all across the board. And to get urgently needed relief to Americans hit especially hard by inflation, I’m calling for no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on Social Security benefits for our great seniors.
年齡在 140 歲到 149 歲之間的人。
事實上,帕姆,祝你好運。祝你好運。你會找到它的。但是很多錢都支付給了人們,因為錢一直在支付,卻沒有人真正去付錢——這確實損害了社會保障,損害了我們的國家。根據社會安全資料庫,年齡在 150 歲至 159 歲之間的人有 130 萬人,年齡超過 160 歲的人數超過 13 萬人。我們的國家比我想像的還要健康,鮑比。
其中,年齡在 220 歲至 229 歲之間的有 1,039 人,1 人年齡在 240 歲至 249 歲之間,還有一人年齡為 360 歲。 100多年了——比我們的國家還要古老100多年。但我們很快就會發現這些錢的去向,結果一定不妙。透過消除一切詐欺、浪費和竊盜行為,我們將戰勝通貨膨脹,降低抵押貸款利率,降低汽車還款和食品雜貨價格,保護老年人,並讓美國家庭賺更多的錢。
今天,利率出現了一次漂亮的下降,大幅漂亮的下降——是時候了。並且在不久的將來,我想做24年來未能完成的事情:平衡聯邦預算。我們會平衡它。為了實現這一目標,我們詳細開發了所謂的金卡,它很快就會開始銷售。只需 500 萬美元,我們就能讓來自世界各地最成功的創造就業機會的人士購買獲得美國公民身份的途徑。
美國人民賦予我們大膽、深刻改變的使命。近一百年來,聯邦官僚機構不斷壯大,直至壓制我們的自由、擴大我們的赤字、並在各方面阻礙美國的潛力。這個由先驅者和冒險者創建的國家現在被淹沒在數以百萬頁的法規和債務之下:本來應該 10 天就能獲得的批准,卻花了 10 年、15 年甚至 20 年才被拒絕。
Niánlíng zài 140 suì dào 149 suì zhī jiān de rén.
And I also want to make interest payments on car loans tax deductible — but only if the car is made in America. And by the way, we are going to have growth in the auto industry like nobody has ever seen. Plants are opening up all over the place. Deals are being made — never seen. That’s a combination of the election win and tariffs. It’s a beautiful word, isn’t it?