382 年前的這一天,艾薩克·牛頓爵士於 1642 年出生(按照儒略曆)。
艾薩克·牛頓爵士每週工作 7 天,每天 18 小時。他已經放棄了自己的個人生活,他可能從來沒有任何結婚或建立家庭的意圖。他想將一生奉獻給科學工作和對數學的追求,他也做到了。
On this day , 382 years ago Sir Isaac Newton, was born (as per Julian calendar) in 1642.
An English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author whose mind unlocked the laws of motion and universal gravitation, and is recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time.
Isaac Newton had severe mental problems due to childhood trauma and coped by isolating himself, leading to his notable scientific breakthroughs.
Historians and biographers have indeed noted that Newton exhibited signs of various psychological conditions, including possible bipolar disorder, depression, and traits consistent with what we might today diagnose as autism or even schizophrenia.
Newton's childhood was marked by significant trauma; his father died before he was born, and his mother remarried when he was very young, leaving him to be raised by his grandmother. This early separation from his mother and the subsequent relationship with his stepfather have been suggested as contributing factors to his later personality traits and mental health issues. His tendency towards isolation, intense focus on his work, and episodes of what might be described as manic productivity are well-documented.
Newton's work environment at Cambridge and later in London allowed him significant autonomy, which might be interpreted as isolation.
His colleagues and contemporaries did recognize his genius and often gave him space to work, perhaps out of respect or understanding of his peculiar habits and temperament.
Truth and Beauty-
Aesthetics and Motivations in Science by S. Chandrasekhar)楊建鄴和王曉民譯,長沙: 湖南科技出版社,
日)已三年多了。猶記得三年多前在The Economist
看到作者訃聞,心中哀嘆一位偉大而獨特的科學家去世。 特為此文致敬。
這本包含七篇擲地有聲的演講──「 他們反應我對於科學研究的動機和科學創造模式的一般觀點。」「 每篇都作過精心準備,在內容及細節上也做過認真的考慮。」 這本書遠比一般的「科普」更深入、更博通。可稱為作者瀝血「 明志」的作品,筆鋒中充滿智慧及情感。
1982年獲得該獎。作者畢生學問最特別的是, 研究主題好幾次變換過。不過,每次都能「善入善出」, 必有一番建樹。
作者不求驚天動地的突破,但求知識,不計名利。( 在量子力學草創的黃金時代,即使第二流的人, 也可以做出第一流的成果,而能在物理學上終身有成的人則甚少。) 讀者可從本書附錄<尋求秩序──錢德拉塞卡對黑洞、 藍天和科學創造的思考>中,大體了解斯人斯事。
作者有心逐字精讀莎士比亞全集,因為他以為唯有如此, 才可以從全系統、全人生之歷練,來了解莎士比亞的成長、成熟、 精進、造化。貝多芬在四十七歲時對一位朋友說:「 現在我知道怎麼作曲了。」作者堅信, 絕不會有位年滿四十七歲的科學家會如此說。因為科學家或因早慧( 了了)而產生傲慢心,或如達爾文般,因長期習慣思考數據、 推論後,反而對於詩歌等覺得索然無味。注意,作者只是從「 抽象的意義」來討論這個問題。作者心儀十九世紀物理學家瑞利(
Reileigh)的長達五十年的研究生涯,只研究自己了解的, 而又不與年輕人過意不去,就不會變成科學老怪人。
作者以為雪萊的《為詩辯護》, 乃是英國文學史中最動人的文獻之一:
「科學已經擴大了人們統轄外在世界王國的範圍,但是, 由於缺少詩的才能,這些科學的研究, 反而按比例地限制內在世界的領域;而且人既然已經馴服自然力, 但是人自身卻依然只是一奴隸。
真的,詩是神聖的東西。它自己就是知識的圓心,又是它的週邊; 它包含一切科學,一切科學也必須溯源到它。 它同時是一切其它思想體系的根和花朵。
很有點新資料。由於只看過中文本Chandrasekhar, S. (1975). Shakespeare, Newton, and Beethoven: Or, Patterns of Creativity. University of Chicago. 然而知道他晚年立志讀完莎士比亞全集,沒達心願。他可能是典型的印度菁英。學生們都得諾貝爾,才輪到他,而且有點挖努似的:Chandrasekhar was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1983 for his studies on the physical processes important to the structure and evolution of stars. Chandrasekhar accepted this honor, but was upset the citation mentioned only his earliest work, seeing it as a denigration of a lifetime's achievement.
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar FRS (pronunciation) (19 October 1910 – 21 August 1995)[3] was an Indian-American astrophysicist who spent his professional life in the United States.[4] He was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics with William A. Fowler for "...theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars". His mathematical treatment of stellar evolution yielded many of the current theoretical models of the later evolutionary stages of massive stars and black holes.[5][6] The Chandrasekhar limit is named after him.
一般對一個偉大的學者有很多稱讚的方式譬如說:桃李滿天下,開拓了一個全新的學術領域,這些Chandra 都當之無愧。
但我覺得最特別的是:Hans Bethe的說法:
Chandra was also the greatest master of the English language that I know”. — Hans Bethe, a Nobel Laureate and a Professor of Physics Emeritus at Cornell.