Judith Ann Jamison was an American dancer and choreographer. She danced with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater from 1965 to 1980 and was Ailey's muse. She later returned to be the company's artistic director from 1989 until 2011, and then its artistic director emerita. Wikipedia
Born: May 10, 1943, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Died: November 9, 2024 (age 81 years), New York, New York, United States

Judith Jamison, Alvin Ailey Dancer of ‘Power and Radiance,’ Dies at 81
She became an international star as a member of the company and later directed it, guiding it out of debt and boosting its popularity.
The dancer and choreographer Judith Jamison in 2006. “Jamison doesn’t show you steps,” one critic wrote, “she uses them to show you a woman dancing.”Credit...Chester Higgins Jr./The New York Times
舞者兼編舞家朱迪思·賈米森(Judith Jamison),2006 年。 :Chester Higgins Jr./《紐約時報》
阿爾文艾利 (Alvin Ailey) 舞者朱迪思賈米森 (Judith Jamison) 去世,享年 81 歲
2006 年,舞者兼編舞朱迪思·賈米森(Judith Jamison)。 :Chester Higgins Jr./《紐約時報》

十二月的紐約舞會以《胡桃鉗》、阿爾文艾利美國舞蹈劇院以及他們帶來的歡樂為主題。 「但今年(截至 1 月 5 日)艾利公司在市中心的營地充滿了悲傷,因為朱迪思·賈米森於 11 月去世,」布萊恩·塞伯特 (Brian Seibert) 寫道。 20 世紀 70 年代,賈米森 (Jamison) 是公司的明星:身材勻稱、超人,但又熱情又詼諧。 1989 年艾莉過世後,她接任藝術總監,帶領樂團實現財務穩定和無與倫比的知名度。 「在賈米森的指導下,艾利舞者在技巧上變得越來越神聖,但又不失世俗的放鬆和靈魂,」塞伯特寫道。在本週的 Goings On 時事通訊中,了解有關 Jamison 如何塑造公司的更多信息
New York dance in December is all about “The Nutcracker,” the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, and the joy they both bring. “But the Ailey company’s encampment at City Center this year (through Jan. 5) is tinged with sadness, because Judith Jamison died in November,” Brian Seibert writes. In the 1970s, Jamison was the company’s star: statuesque and superhuman, yet warm and witty. After Ailey’s death, in 1989, she took over as artistic director and lead the group into financial stability and unparalleled popularity. “Under Jamison’s direction, the Ailey dancers grew more and more godlike in technique without losing earthly looseness and soul,” Seibert writes. In this week’s Goings On newsletter, read more on how Jamison shaped the company: https://newyorkermag.visitlink.me/c8Sblq