Manmohan Singh, Indian Premier Who Spurred Economic Boom, Dies at 92
The country’s first Sikh prime minister, he introduced free-market reforms that turned India into an economic powerhouse and sought reconciliation with Pakistan.
“Manmohan Singh became prime minister at a time when the country was on the edge, when its collective nerves were frayed and when its secular fabric was under assault,” she said in late 2018. “Within months, his persona and policies had a profound calming effect. The country once again had the assurance that the man at the very top was not a divisive person, that no group or individual need feel insecure.”
推動經濟繁榮的印度總理曼莫漢辛格去世,享年 92 歲
她在 2018 年底表示:「曼莫漢·辛格就任總理之際,國家正處於邊緣,集體神經緊張,世俗結構受到攻擊。」鎮靜作用。國家再次得到保證,最高層的人不是一個分裂的人,任何團體或個人都不需要感到不安全。
Mr. Singh, center, as India’s finance minister in 1995, with other officials in his department. He introduced measures liberalizing India’s economy, creating an economic juggernaut. Credit...Sondeep Shankar/Getty Images1995 年擔任印度財政部長的辛格先生(中)和他部門的其他官員。他推出了印度經濟自由化措施,打造了一個經濟強國。圖片來源:Sondeep Shankar/Getty Images
他自 1991 年以來一直是上層議會的成員。到 2007 年,印度已成為世界上經濟成長最快的國家之一,年增率為 9%。2018 年4 月,他在旁遮普省的演講中宣稱:「我們需要捫心自問,我們是否對民主失去了耐心,轉而轉向更專制的替代方案,這些方案很可能會產生更好的短期結果,但從長遠來看,最終會摧毀我們的國家和過去七十年的所有成就。
he had been a member of the upper Rayja Sabha since 1991. His arrival as a technocrat prime minister in 2004 was seen by many Indians as a break with entrenched corruption among the political and business classes. By 2007, India had one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, at 9 percent a year.In April 2018, he declared in a lecture at Panjab: “We need to ask ourselves whether we are losing patience with democracy and turning to more authoritarian alternatives that may well yield superior short-term results, but in the long term, will end up destroying our country and all the achievements of the last seventy years.”