Jimmy Carter, on Death ;曹永洋編《死的況味》《死》
“I found I was absolutely, completely at ease about death.”
“I’m going to live again.”
“我發現我對死亡絕對、完全放心。” “我還要再活一次。”
His death created a void in the world, in his community, in his family, according to many who knew him and many others connected to him only through his legacy. Despite that, many in Plains also believed that his death was not an end but a transition to the eternal life that he remembered the pastor preaching about.
That’s what he believed, too.
2019 年的那天早上,他在主日學說,在2015 年被診斷出癌症後,他認為自己不會活多久。 。他又活了九年。
He wrote about death in books — and he wrote more books than any other American president. He discussed it in speeches and in correspondence with friends.
Those observations were a product of his Christian faith. His perspective also grew out of experience, a fluency with death that came from seeing many of his closest family members, including all of his younger siblings, die before him.
His views were also shaped by his own advancing age. He described the sense of the inevitable looming over him and the health challenges that had piled up, including cancer that had spread to his brain.
「當我 12 或 13 歲的時候,我對此的焦慮變得如此強烈,以至於在每次祈禱結束時,直到我成年之後,在阿門之前我都會添加這樣的話:『上帝,請幫助我相信復活。
“活潑的信心”“Living Faith,” 1996,1996
作為一個男孩,他擔心即使是一絲懷疑都會導致他走向不同的命運,使他永遠與家人分離,尤其是與父母分離。 “這兩個人是我存在的核心,”他寫道,“我無法忍受我不能永遠和他們在一起。”
“By the time I was 12 or 13 years old, my anxiety about this became so intense that at the end of every prayer, until after I was an adult, before Amen I added the words ‘And, God, please help me believe in the resurrection.’”
Mr. Carter recalled the worries he had as a young person, stirred by learning in church about Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection and by the pastor’s sermons about how “all believers,” as he put it, “would someday enjoy a similar resurrection.”
“As I grew older,” Mr. Carter wrote, “I began to wonder whether this could be true.”
He was concerned as a boy that even an iota of doubt could lead him to a different fate, relegating him to an eternity separated from his family, particularly his parents. “These two people were the core of my existence,” he wrote, “and I couldn’t bear the idea that I would not be with them forever.”
《信仰:所有人的旅程》,2018 年出版
“I realize that my physical strength and endurance are steadily declining, and I am having to learn how to conserve them, but I have found with relief and gratitude — even when facing the prospect of an early death from cancer in my liver and brain — that my faith as a Christian is still unwavering and sustaining.”
“Faith: A Journey for All,” published in 2018
“If I were an amputee, for instance, my prayer would not be to restore my leg but to help me make the best of my condition, and to be thankful for life and opportunities to be a blessing to others. At the moment, we are monitoring the status of my cancer, and my prayers about my own health are similar to this.”
“Faith: A Journey for All”
《衰老的美德》,1998 年出版
“When other members of my family realized that they had a terminal illness, the finest medical care was available to them. But each chose to forgo elaborate artificial life-support systems and, with a few friends and family members at their bedside, they died peacefully.”
“The Virtues of Aging,” published in 1998
“If our doctors tell us that we have a terminal illness and can expect to live only another year, or five years, how would we respond? In fact, we confront exactly the same question if we are still healthy and have a life expectancy of fifteen or twenty more years.”
“The Virtues of Aging”
“Perhaps the most troubling aspect of our later years is the need to face the inevitability of our own impending physical death. For some people, this fact becomes a cause of great distress, sometimes with attendant resentment against God or even those around us.”
“The Virtues of Aging”
感動 (86~87):動態雕塑與音樂.......張目看歷史:習近平難過的 2023 。台灣的政績好 (蔡英文)。上野:吳昌的世界 (Ben Chen ) ;陳舜臣:"遠離一切顛倒"夢"想";明朝 香使(大白鯨時代;澳門);金農:青木正兒。紐約大學商學院的戴明講座(Toyoda 家族捐贈) 首屆的主持人。 重溫2021年直播:東海-台北:相識50年活動,訪師友。 "Dear Theo,大學時代梵谷的故事; ‘告別東海 TIME 05 、非官方論壇 :感謝按過讚的朋友。人工科學The Sciences of the Artificial。
Michelangelo Buonarroti──在托斯卡納佛羅倫斯。

Hanching Chung 的直播影片。
Hanching Chung 的直播影片。
Hanching Chung 的直播影片。

2018年12月30日 ·

2018年12月30日 ·
#本周回顾 被中国当局以“颠覆国家政权”罪判刑五年的台湾非政府组织活动人士李明哲的妻子李凈瑜12月24日表示,她的丈夫在狱中遭到非人道的对待。
#李明哲 #李凈瑜

2018年12月30日 ·

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2018年12月30日 ·
//我是職業譯者,深知翻譯工作吃力不討好(是所謂的 thankless work):除了收入不多外,譯得好大家通常認為是應該的;作品好看功勞歸原著作者,作品不好看卻往往會有人說「不知道是不是翻譯的問題」。//
晚上參加李肇修教授的後半場【全本巴哈無伴奏小提琴音樂會】(他的encore之Bach曲,真是神氣十足!),碰到許多朋友。會後,與志峰和家恆到我辦公室附近的"比利時啤酒"大聊;謝謝家恆送的【2017 Music Pad】以及李潔民、林添貴的故事;志峰的故事也多,譬如說廖亦武的柏林和訪台"故事"。
約29分鐘的訪談:地震、恐怖暴力、盜賊、....背後的數學Pareto (所謂80-20分布),參考拙譯J. M. Juran"管理三部曲":
POWER FUNCTION 請參考:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_law (有中文版)。這數學,其實高中生可能都可懂得。

BBC World Service
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