知新集:Rene Burri 勒內.布里 在Magnum Stories 一書中說他與 Picasso 的故事,有趣台北2023年展覽: 視覺爆炸及其他從《二十世紀的眼睛 (Henri Cartier-Bresson: L’Oeil du siècle) 》2000的一頁照片說起: 《東方照相記:近代以來西方重要攝影家在中國: 亨利.卡蒂埃–布列松在中國(上/下)》 漢清講堂189 簡介 Henri CARTIER-BRESSON (1908-2004)2017;卡笛爾-布勒松;卡提耶-布列松 1988;《二十世紀的眼睛 (Henri Cartier-Bresson: L’Oeil du siècle) 》2020Epictetus, “You become what you give your attention to,”
---- 身後諸問題
David Hockney The Student: Homage to Picasso. , 1973. Aquatint etching on Arches mould-made paper. 75.5 × 56.5 cm (29.7 × 22.2 in). 1973
10 Artists on Picasso’s Enduring, Confounding Influence
María Kodama, Keeper of the Borges Legacy, Dies at 86
She was a writer and translator but was best known as the widow of Jorge Luis Borges, one of Latin America’s great writers.
“I’ve been through 30 years of hell,” she said in the interview with The Sydney Review. “I have been defamed.”
知新集: 蔣勳 :「觀音閣」「花雨空中落 潮音靜裡聞」;《世紀風華 -- 橘園美術館珍藏展 》1999......Picasso過世50周年紀念專輯 (紐約時報等): Love Him or Hate Him? 藝術家雜誌:藝術大師的千面萬貌──「紀念畢卡索1973-2023」畢卡索逝世五十週年活動等
蔣勳 《世紀風華 -- 橘園美術館珍藏展 》台北:時報出版,1999

Picasso: Love Him or Hate Him?
Fifty years after the artist’s death, a critic wrestles with her mixed feelings.
Times Topics: Pablo Picasso
News about Pablo Picasso, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.
- April 5
Picasso: Love Him or Hate Him?
- Indeed, what the book really is, or wants to be, is a form of art history as protest. Cohen-Solal’s recurring first-person appearances throughout make this clear. At one point, she bluntly, exasperatedly asks us, “Doesn’t the scandal of the greatest artist of his age, stigmatized and targeted because he was a foreigner, resonate now with the rebirth of our ordinary xenophobias?” In her thematically insistent book, she works hard to make the scandal known for what it was and is.