谷口吉生(Yoshio Taniguchi)Dies at 87. "believes that the greatest quality architecture can possess is stillness.”,Architect for MoMA’s Expansion, .. “is my opportunity to give back to America.”..In a Renewed Hotel Okura, Japanese Historians Still See a Loss
谷口吉生(Yoshio Taniguchi)Dies at 87 "believes that the greatest quality architecture can possess is stillness.”,Architect for MoMA’s Expansion, ....In a Renewed Hotel Okura, Japanese Historians Still See a Loss
Why such perfectionism? Mr. Taniguchi, who had no children, told Ms. Lessard that his buildings were his children. As for MoMA, the effort was in part repayment for the education he had received in the United States. “This,” he told Ms. Lessard, “is my opportunity to give back to America.”
Yoshio Taniguchi, Architect for MoMA’s Expansion, Dies at 87
He was a surprise choice for the $850 million project, but his design won praise as “drop-dead elegant.”
The entry to the newly expanded Museum of Modern Art in 2004. The Japanese architect Yoshio Taniguchi was a surprise choice to design the project.Credit...Mario Tama/Getty Images “Taniguchi is one of the few architects practicing today who believes that the greatest quality architecture can possess is stillness.”
Mr. Taniguchi focused on details of museum operations.
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Mr. Taniguchi in 2004 during a television interview at the Museum of Modern Art.Credit...Mike Segar/Reuters
In a Renewed Hotel Okura, Japanese Historians Still See a Loss
這座酒店在其戰後修建的現代派風格的大堂里,以精湛的技藝平衡了日本傳統元素和在當時看來充滿未來感的元素,前者如李子花形狀的漆器桌椅,後者則包括展示全球時區、亮着背光的世界地圖。包括奧巴馬總統在內的歷任美國總統及各國元首、名人、藝術家、設計師都經常在此下榻。它在1960年代的詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)小說《雷霆谷》(You Only Live Twice)里扮演了核心角色。
Top, Jeremie Souteyrat for The New York Times; bottom, Taniguchi and Associates
酒店的主樓和它標誌性的大堂已在9月拆除。1973年建造的南樓仍在正常運行,業主計劃重現舊的大堂中,在日本畫作《夢橋》(Bridge of the Dream)基礎上修建的樓廳,以及其六角形的頂燈。新設計的酒吧將會嘗試重現以前「蘭吧」(Orchid Bar)那種典雅的復古時尚風格。大倉酒店的這個酒吧里燈光柔暗,這裡調製的雞尾酒深受各國外交官、外籍人士和記者的喜愛。新建築還會融入升級措施,滿足抗震建築技術的最新標準。
重建大倉酒店的是原建築師谷口的兒子,世界著名的建築師谷口吉生(Yoshio Taniguchi),後者畢業於哈佛大學,曾在11年前重新設計了紐約現代藝術博物館(Museum of Modern Art)。谷口吉生最為人熟知的是簡練的線條和剋制的極簡主義風格。一些人形容,這與他父親的風格大相徑庭。其父關注於物件和實體的精湛工藝,也能天才般地在東西方之間找到和諧平衡,而這些都喚起了觀者的情感。
京都工藝纖維大學(Kyoto Institute of Technology)教授、戰後現代主義作品的倡導者松隈洋(Hiroshi Matsukuma)認為,東京建築值得讚歎的一點就是,它們體現了歷史的層次。與世界其他城市相比,東京20世紀的主要建築不算宏偉,比如11層高的大倉酒店。但他們就像樹榦上的年輪,體現了城市重建那種自然、矯健的發展步伐。