2024年12月28日 星期六

《藝術家》595期12月/2024號。塩田千春:2021 台北市立美術展 顫動的靈魂。2024 巴黎大皇宮(Grand Palais)重開前鉅獻 《The Soul Trembles》;常玉展覽2021國立歷史博物館;2024【特別報導|常玉特展】。《藝術家月刊》50年▌《藝術家》595期12月號要目 ▌ 2024.12。Yasuhiro Nakasone 訪談/ (沒什麼內容?那你……)

可能是 3 個人和顯示的文字是「 www.orist-mogozine.com Sinee Since1975 1975 妻 藝術家 Artist 595 December Artlot595Decembor2024 595December2024 2024 聖地亞哥朝聖之路專輯 文藝復與與拉姜爾的素描 梁慧圭 梁慧圭:閨年 閨年 埃員 席勒 埃買·席勒:如人風景 :如人風景 莊喆九十歸鄉大展 莊詰九 十歸鄉大展 法蘭西斯 法蘭西斯・培根:人之存在 培根 人之存在 名家傑作郭熙 郑飛 ISSN1016-4170NTS180 ISSN 1016-4170 NT$180 9771016417007 」的圖像

◣◥ ▌《藝術家》595期12月號要目 ▌◤◢

從悲壯之旅到自我療癒——朝聖之路 ⊙潘(示番)
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聖地亞哥朝聖之路的前世今生 ⊙賴守正
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饒富人間況味的聖者—耶穌的十二使徒 ⊙編譯/朱惠慈
歐洲藝術精神文化大動脈的精髓—西班牙聖地亞哥大教堂博物館 ⊙周芳蓮

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史博館「花都尋夢」座談會 跟隨藝術家們重返巴黎尋夢 ⊙國立歷史博物館
史博館「再見常玉」座談會 重遇常玉的經典與新觀點 ⊙國立歷史博物館

這次展覽,史博館在新聞稿把重點畫在"花30塊門票看50億元常玉49件油畫",既然是50億的珍寶,史博館是怎麼對待的呢? 聯合報的新聞寫道:"1966年,長年旅法的常玉計畫來台展覽,自選畫作從法國寄來當時教育部,不幸人還沒啟程,就因瓦斯中毒客死巴黎。這批失了主的畫作就此存放教育部,分別於1968、1986年移撥史博館,史博館館長張譽騰感嘆,當時部分畫作據說還被水浸過,雖有修復,但限於經費,並不徹底。去年博物館法通過,條文中規定「博物館應修復重要典藏,並得申請事業主管機關補助」;再加上常玉辭世達50年,著作財產權成為公共財,畫作圖像將可供公眾自行拍攝、製作文創商品,史博館向文化部申請500萬元修復經費,終讓名畫回春。"

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山水寄夢.花鳥傳神:丹青鬼才劉墉的藝術世界—「臺灣美術全集」推出第40卷《劉墉》 ⊙陳筱君
台灣膠彩的世代遞嬗 ⊙李孟學

揭露隱蔽視角,另闢跨文化的溝通橋梁—倫敦海沃德美術館「梁慧圭:閏年」 ⊙林盈君
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捕捉人物靈魂的氣息—倫敦國家肖像藝廊「法蘭西斯.培根:人之存在」 ⊙黃其安
我的本質,我的腐朽—紐約新畫廊「埃貢.席勒:如人風景」 ⊙賴懷宇
靈性與自然脈動—東京都美術館「田中一村展:奄美之光.靈魂繪畫」 ⊙邱筱臻
並置演繹的時空敘事—大阪中之島美術館「開館3週年紀念特展TRIO 巴黎、東京、大阪 現代藝術藏品」 ⊙邱筱臻
文藝復興與拉斐爾的素描—巴黎古斯多蒂亞基金會「義大利素描的誕生與文藝復興」+里爾美術館「拉斐爾經驗」 ⊙唐忠珊
跨越時空重生—馬德里普拉多美術館「魯本斯工作室」 ⊙周芳蓮
編織萬物相連—大阪中之島美術館「塩田千春:連結我(アイ)」 ⊙邱筱臻

2021年4月30日 · 台北市   塩田千春:顫動的靈魂開幕記者會上,塩田千春説:「這世上有多少人,就有多少種想法......有些人是無法活在社會既定框架下的,我自己就是沒辦法那樣活著的人。所以我只能把內心無法套用於既定規則的感受思維,化為作品來傳達......這次能在一個讓人可以活得很自在的社會展出,我感到榮幸。」

#展覽現場 #塩田千春聯訪整理 ── 因為《塩田千春:顫動的靈魂》來到台灣,我非常開心。本來台灣是接在韓國、印尼、澳洲等國家後的最後一站,但由於台灣的防疫政策做得很好,所以是這些國家中唯一不用延期,能夠如期舉行,當然臺北市立美術館也非常熱情邀約,對這一切只有「感謝」兩個字。
【EXHIBITION】巴黎大皇宮重開前鉅獻 日本藝術家塩田千春大型展覽
巴黎大皇宮(Grand Palais)原為了1900年巴黎世界博覽會而建,旨在展示法國的藝術、科技與文化實力,結合了新古典主義、裝飾藝術和新藝術風格,其玻璃與金屬結構的巨大拱頂成為其標誌性特色。大皇宮於2021年3月暫時關閉以迎接2024年巴黎奧運會,經過重修工程後,將於2025年6月重新開放,在此之前大皇宮將舉辦一場專題展覽,名為《The Soul Trembles》的展覽向日本藝術家塩田千春的詩意作品致敬。
《The Soul Trembles》將展出七個巨型裝置、雕塑、照片、繪畫、表演影片以及藝術家二十年藝術生涯相關的檔案文件,這種糾結的藝術表達方式,探討了時間性與動態的概念。此次展覽顧名思義著眼於生命的脆弱性,「靈魂的顫動」正是基於她的生命經歷而創作,透過充滿情感與發人深省的佈置與公眾分享。例如一件混淆我們感官的鏡中連衣裙,或是一個不斷堆疊的行李箱樓梯,無不充滿深刻的寓意與情感張力。
Photo: Atelier Jodar © GrandPalaisRmn 2024
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中曽根康弘的回憶錄 有中國版

中曽根康弘 - Wikipedia

中曽根 康弘(なかそね やすひろ、1918年(大正7年)5月27日 - )は、日本の政治家。
位階は従六位。勲等は大勲位。財団法人世界平和研究所会長。中曾根 康弘とも表記 ...
ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/中曽根康弘 - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容


INTERVIEW/ Yasuhiro Nakasone: Learn lessons from Fukushima crisis and continue to promote nuclear energy




People of my generation know what it's like to have their country ravaged by war and then rise from the ashes," noted Yasuhiro Nakasone. "But many people today haven't had that sort of experience." (Yoshiyuki Suzuki)

Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone was one of the first Japanese politicians to promote nuclear energy shortly after World War II, believing Japan's postwar recovery hinged on it.

Today, how does Nakasone feel about the severe damage caused by the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant? The Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11 triggered a huge tsunami that crippled the Fukushima plant. How should the Japanese people deal with this catastrophe that is said to be comparable in magnitude to the 1945 defeat in the war?

Following are excerpts of his recent interview with the vernacular Asahi Shimbun.

* * *

Question: The Great East Japan Earthquake caused tremendous damage to the Tohoku region. What are your thoughts?

Answer: I was here (in my Tokyo office) when the quake struck. It was quite a jolt. But the quake itself caused less damage than the tsunami it triggered. Tsunami damage is usually more dire than earthquake damage.

Q: What do you think of the disaster response by the administration of Prime Minister Naoto Kan?

A: Faced with a crisis of this nature, the administration must first act to contain immediate damage. Then it starts the task of preparing a policy for post-disaster reconstruction. At this stage, I wouldn't go so far as to expect the administration to come up with specific plans that might raise survivors' hopes. Still, the administration must live up to its responsibility and indicate a general direction of its reconstruction policy. But the Kan administration has neglected to do so. All it has done was to conduct government business as usual.

It is the job of politicians to give encouragement and hope to the people of the Tohoku region by showing them an overall blueprint of how they can get their jobs and day-to-day lives back and what will become of other regional issues. All the politicians need to do is to let the survivors see a specific direction. It's for bureaucrats to fill in the details over time.

Q: The public has been rather harsh with Prime Minister Kan. How do you feel about this?

A: Kan is a former civic movement leader from Tokyo. Because his dealings have been mostly with Tokyoites, he isn't attuned to, and doesn't quite understand, the real needs of the people of Tohoku. The regional prefectures differ from the capital in many ways, including history, social culture and lifestyle.

Q: The accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has exposed Tohoku to the dangers of radiation.

A: The quake alone wouldn't have inflicted all that damage. It was the tsunami that did it. In the future, location will be the most critical factor in building a nuclear power plant.

Q: A massive amount of water is needed to cool nuclear reactors. Isn't that why nuclear power plants are usually built near the sea?

A: An inland site is also a possibility if there is a lake nearby. However, in the event of an accident, there's the possibility of radioactive substances contaminating the lake. The same goes for plants built on riverbanks. People living downriver wouldn't want that. That leaves coastal locations as the only viable option. The question, then, is how to protect the plants from tsunami. The answer is to build them on high ground that's safe from tsunami.

Q: Since the end of World War II, you have consistently promoted nuclear energy, haven't you?

A: Energy was the most critical issue in postwar Japan. We had no oil, no gas, and our coal reserves were dwindling. To recover from the defeat in the war and be back on our feet again, securing energy was our country's most urgent task. That's why I concluded nuclear energy had to be the answer. I believed its utilization could go hand-in-hand with our policy of promoting science and technology.

And when I learned that U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was switching to a policy of peaceful utilization of nuclear power, I said to myself: "Japan must not lag behind the United States. Nuclear energy is going to define the next era."

Q: So you believed energy security and the advancement of science and technology would help our country's development?

A: Yes, that was my foresight telling me so. I believed, and also told everyone, that without energy security and science and technology, Japan would remain a fourth-class nation that depends on farming only. I had serious concerns then about our country's future.

Q: You were involved in the planning of Japan's first nuclear-related budget and legislation, weren't you?

A: Yes. Together with a handful of like-minded legislators, I began exploring the possibility of including a nuclear-specific budget in the fiscal 1954 budget bill. After I consulted party executives in strict confidence, I took the Lower House Budget Committee by total surprise by proposing a 235-million-yen nuclear budget. The rest is history: The bill became law.

I had made sure the public didn't catch on to what I was up to. I feared people could block my proposal out of ignorance. Sure enough, after the bill became law, certain members of the press made a huge issue of what I had done. "Nakasone has created a budget for building an A-bomb," they claimed.

Shigeyoshi Matsumae, a Socialist Party of Japan legislator and a scientist who founded Tokai University, tried hard to make the Socialists understand what my nuclear policy was really about.

Later, I collaborated with Matsumae to establish a supra-partisan nuclear energy committee. I was with the Japan Democratic Party at the time and I headed this committee. We worked on nuclear legislation on which all our country's future nuclear policies would be based. What I want to stress is that we made it quite clear then that nuclear energy was to be used only for peaceful purposes.

The atomic energy basic law, which was enacted in 1955, spelled out that the research, development and utilization of nuclear power must be for peaceful ends only. Aside from power generation, the law also saw to the extensive application of nuclear energy and radiation to medicine and industry.

Q: Dealing with nuclear power always entails risks of major accidents. Didn't that worry you?

A: In promoting our nuclear policy, we enforced strict plant management standards to protect all facilities from earthquakes and other natural disasters. I personally believe everything was done with great prudence, including the enactment of various related laws. Minor accidents have occurred over the years, but there never was such a serious crisis as experienced at Fukushima, where radiation leaked from its reactors.

Q: Tokyo Electric Power Co., which operates the Fukushima plant, came under fire for saying the March event was beyond anything they could ever have foreseen.

A: That's the sort of mentality TEPCO and all other nuclear power plant operators must outgrow.

Q: The radiation leak from the Fukushima plant forced nearby residents to evacuate, contaminated the seawater, and gave rise to harmful rumors that caused economic damages. As a long-time advocate of nuclear power generation, how do you feel about this unwanted outcome?

A: The Fukushima accident has caused tremendous hardships to the nearby residents. It is truly regrettable that it is affecting not only their lives and jobs, but also the future of their children.

Q: Do you still believe Japan needs nuclear power generation?

A: Yes. Even though the Fukushima accident has done tremendous damage, I believe we must thoroughly examine what happened and learn lessons from it in order to maintain and advance our nuclear policy. Considering the global trend, the future of our country, our energy needs and our scientific and technological capabilities, we must move forward bravely and overcome this crisis and the hardships it has brought. We Japanese are not quitters. The majority of the world is not against peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.

Q: But the ripples from the Fukushima crisis have spread around the world. French President Nicolas Sarkozy visited Japan and appealed for the implementation of global safety standards. And German Chancellor Angela Merkel has switched course to end her country's reliance on nuclear power generation.

A: President Sarkozy had been scheduled to visit Japan anyway. The March disaster turned his trip into a sympathy visit, and he offered his advice as the leader of an advanced nuclear nation. As for the German decision, that was only to be expected, given the Merkel administration's character. The reactions of the world are bound to vary from country to country.

Q: There was widespread suspicion that the Japanese authorities were withholding information concerning the accident at the Fukushima plant.

A: Japan must disclose every detail to the world. Nuclear energy is "global public property." If we are to benefit from it, we must reciprocate. It is Japan's responsibility to disclose information.

Q: Don't you think the Fukushima crisis has made it more difficult for Japan to build new nuclear power plants?

A: It is become more difficult, yes, but we must make efforts.

Q: What do you think Japan's energy policy should be like in the future?

A: I imagine there will be more talk about renewable energy sources, such as solar energy. But the power supply we can expect from those sources is still negligible. For instance, solar and wind combined won't even meet 10 percent of our needs. Our country's energy policy has to move forward along with the people. Until the people become fully able to understand the present situation, the government must proceed very carefully, and should avoid making a rash decision.

Q: The ruling Democratic Party of Japan and the opposition Liberal Democratic Party are exploring the possibility of forming a "grand coalition" to deal with the daunting task of post-disaster reconstruction. What are your thoughts on this?

A: Everybody thinks a grand coalition will be a good thing. But it shouldn't happen unless this becomes necessary for policy reasons and the parties concerned know exactly what they are getting into. Personally, I don't necessarily think a grand coalition is a good idea. The Cabinet of the sole party in power can do its job with greater flexibility and act more boldly, like a lone horseman charging forward. But if another party offers to collaborate and the partners can fully agree on policy, then it makes every sense to form a coalition. In fact, that would be ideal.

Q: What do you think the LDP should do?

A: It should stay put for now as an opposition party. Its job is to keep an eye on the administration and point out its failings. The March disaster has put everything on hold, but depending on how post-disaster reconstruction proceeds, the LDP could revive its demand for the dissolution of the Lower House and call a snap election. The party that wins the election becomes that lone horseman.

Q: How do you think post-disaster reconstruction should proceed?

A: The most important thing is to respect the historical, social background of the Tohoku region and the lives of the people who are rooted there. Being treated with due respect is always a great morale booster. In the old days, Tohoku was derided as a worthless backwater.

There is this old saying to the effect that the mountains north of Shirakawa (in current Fukushima Prefecture) can be bought for a song. But after World War II, the locals developed their economy with their typical tenacity and diligence. Now it's time to consider the March disaster as an opportunity to turn Tohoku into a new center of culture and civilization.

As for how exactly to go about this, people in Tohoku could discuss it with Diet members, business leaders, academics and so on.

Q: Do you think Japan will be able to recover from the disaster?

A: The Japanese people overcame the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and the defeat in World War II, and did amazing jobs of rebuilding their nation. The Japanese people today are just as capable. The question is whether the people's elected representatives can galvanize the entire nation into action, but they must try anyway like their predecessors did. They owe it to their people and to the history of Japan.

* * *

Yasuhiro Nakasone is a former prime minister. Born in 1918, he was first elected to the Lower House in 1947. After taking posts as director-general of the former Science and Technology Agency, minister of transport, minister of trade and industry and others, he served as prime minister from 1982 to 1987. He retired as a Lower House lawmaker in 2003.

