2024年12月23日 星期一

Aamir Khan, Hans Wilsdorf (1881- 1960), the founder of noted watch brands Rolex and Tudor.

Aamir Khan is an Indian film actor, director and producer. Through his career in Hindi films, Khan has established himself as one of the most popular and influential actors of Indian cinema. Wikipedia

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Her reference came after Salman, speaking his mind on recent protest against Pakistani ...
Aamir Khan is a great actor, not me, says Amitabh Bachchan
The Indian Express - 21 hours ago
More news for Aamir Khan

Aamir Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aamir Khan is an Indian film actor, director and producer. Through his career in Hindi films, Khan has established himself as one of the most popular and ...

上個月「時代雜誌」亞洲版有一期的封面故事,即為創造印度影史票房紀錄的「三個傻瓜」的男主角阿默爾罕(Aamir Khan)。他走紅印度影壇已久,藉著自己的知名度,今年推出一季13集的電視節目,碰觸印度社會最醜陋、最疼痛的話題,從殺女嬰到種姓制度,無所禁忌。


瑞士是生產精緻名錶的國家,例如1853年設廠的梭曼(Thommen)錶,以耐高壓著名;1856年設廠的芝柏(Girard Perregaux)錶,以高快移動仍能保持精準著名。1905年,設廠的勞力士(Rolex)錶,以耐久耐用著名。
勞力士錶的創立者是威爾斯(Hans Wilsdorf, 1881- 1960),他是德國人,小時候在孤兒院。離開孤兒院後,流浪到瑞士,在拉秀德茲(La Chaux-de-Fonds)當鐘錶店的學徒。
拉秀德茲是世界上最著名的的鐘錶之城,位於瑞士與法國的邊界。成立於1528年,居民都是受到迫害,逃到拉秀山谷(La Chaux valley)的基督徒。當時法國宗教大迫害,許多基督徒逃出法國,有些前往拉秀德茲。拉秀德茲位於山谷,糧食有限,他們禱告上帝的幫助。他們製造咕咕鐘與手錶,大受歡迎,在艱難的環境中,得以生存。

Hans Wilsdorf
Hans Wilsdorf was a German watchmaker, and the founder of noted watch brands Rolex and Tudor. Born in Kulmbach, Germany and orphaned as a child, Wilsdorf worked for a Swiss watch manufacturer in La Chaux-de-Fonds.Wikipedia

