2023年6月10日 星期六

The Legacy of Jonas Salk / Françoise Gilot. Françoise Gilot on Henri Matisse

"Everyone ought to draw from Nigeria’s experience, which showed that battling polio is not only about the vaccinations but also about waging a complex war of logistics and, ultimately, winning over the hearts and minds of people."

Now more than ever, the battle against polio turns to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

懂得英語和一點點疫苗學的人,或值得花64分鐘聽聽這訪談:作者花十年的功夫寫這本"全面"的傳記,包括J. SALK 的心智、理想、科學圈、個人生活、婚姻....."美不勝收".....據說YouTube也有這訪談,推!

喬納斯·愛德華·索爾克英語Jonas Edward Salk,又譯為約納斯·沙克,1914年10月28日-1995年6月23日),美國實驗醫學家、病毒學家,主要以發現和製造出首例安全有效的「脊髓灰質炎/小兒麻痺疫苗」而知名。他出生在紐約的一個俄裔德系猶太移民家庭。雖然他的父母沒有受過多少正式教育,但他們決心讓兒子獲得成功。索爾克在紐約大學醫學院時就十分成功,但後來他選擇做實驗醫學家,而不是當一名醫生。
1955年「脊髓灰質炎疫苗」發明前,脊髓灰質炎是戰後美國對公共健康威脅最大的疾病之一。每年流行的情況都越來越嚴重。1952年的大流行是美國歷史上最嚴重的爆發。那年報導的病例有58000人,3145人死亡, 21269人殘疾,多數犧牲者是小孩。

Wed, Aug 19 2015 - 6:30pm The Legacy of Jonas Salk Janet Napolitano, President of University of California; Former Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Governor of Arizona Charlotte Jacobs, M.D.

90年代初,讀了Françoise Gilot著的: Matisse and Picasso: A Friendship in Art, Doubleday, 1990, New York: Anchor Books, 1992,覺得應該翻譯。不過我當時是某公司小主管,當然不可能。2015.8.22 聽了此訪談,才知道Gilot女士的"婚事:

In 1969, Gilot was introduced to Jonas Salk, the polio vaccine pioneer,[14] at the home of mutual friends in La JollaCalifornia. Their shared appreciation of architecture led to a brief courtship and they were married in 1970 in Paris.[15] They remained married until Salk's death in 1995. During her marriage, she continued painting in New York, La Jolla, and Paris.[16]


