Ukraine staged a major drone attack on the Russian city of Kazan ... Alongside the drones that hit the apartment block, three drones were ...
Both Tolstoy’s parents belonged to ancient Russian aristocratic families. His grandfather on his mother’s side, Prince Nikolai Volkonsky, was a member of the court of Catherine the Great and Russian Ambassador to Berlin. His paternal grandfather, Count Ilya Tolstoy, was governor of the city of Kazan (now the capital of Tatarstan), the place enshrined in Russian memory as the location of Ivan the Terrible’s defeat of the Tatar-Mongol Horde.
"關鍵少數思考學習法"分析社會大運動:新俄革命前後(1910~1930) 俄羅斯幾多精英(馬勒維奇(Kasimir Malevitch)和塔特林(Tatline)......)互動 (1): 四城市:維捷布斯克(Vitebsk)市聖彼得,莫斯科, Kazan (Volga region) 。以20 世紀名藝術家夏卡爾(Marc. Chagall, 1887-1985)為例出發 ;新俄革命前後的前衛藝術,社會参與群英:以有中文資料的書出發,簡介台大圖書館的英文資料等。
Bruce Chatwit 《The Volga伏爾加河》 Kazan (Volga region) Federal University 校友 列寧革命、夫婦美學修養 對前衛藝術的容忍 ,托爾斯泰 RODCHENKO AND POPOVA。 高爾基故事。俄羅斯建築師康斯坦丁·梅爾尼科夫 (Konstantin Melnikov) 蘇聯館是1925世博會 , 70年代Bruce Chatwit 訪問Konstantin Melnikov: Architect 1988 莫斯科家/梅爾尼科夫之家Melnikov Houseelnikov: solo architect in a mass society.1978
俄國藝術收藏家 George Costakis (科斯塔基斯 1913~90 )等3人
俄羅斯建築師康斯坦丁·梅爾尼科夫 (Konstantin Melnikov) 蘇聯館是1925世博會 , 70年代Bruce Chatwit 訪問Konstantin Melnikov: Architect 1988 莫斯科家/梅爾尼科夫之家Melnikov Houseelnikov: solo architect in a mass society.1978