你與《讀者文摘》; Reader's Digest(1922-);亞洲版; 輕裝化; The Agony and the Ecstasy (1961); 縮減/盜版本,《痛楚與狂喜》(1986)
Reader’s Digest Building, Tokyo, c. 1955.
1960s • Architecture
Tagged with: Antonin Raymond, Architects, Occupation era, Reader's Digest Building

Reader’s Digest Building, Tokyo, c. 1955. A not-particularly striking image of the building, designed by Antonin Raymond who had had an architectural practice in Japan before the Pacific War. But, the building, under construction from 1949-1951, was transforming on multiple levels. While Raymond used the latest concrete construction techniques available at the time, he also sought to blend traditional Japanese and modern western architecture and to follow ‘the Japanese respect for proper orientation, closeness to nature, and use of material in their natural state,’ including sculpting the landscape into bulbous mounds, with a stream and reservoir added for natural air-conditioning.
認識 ,與《讀者文摘》的讀友們同享最熱門的幽默笑話集錦
節省 時間、金錢或兩者皆省的妙方!居家、旅遊、家庭、飲食、理財等領域的祕訣、竅門和文章。
重拾 睽違多年的雅好:閱讀、吸收、分享新知的樂趣。
除了《讀者文摘》,公司旗下還有超過二十五種雜誌,服務數百萬讀者,包括Every Day with Rachael Ray 以及美國暢銷烹飪雜誌Taste of Home。公司每年又出版書籍近五千萬本,種類包括《讀者文摘精選版》、兒童圖書以及烹飪、DIY、保健、園藝等。此外,公司也銷售錄影帶、有聲書籍及 各類音樂產品,由貝多芬、艾拉‧費茲傑羅以至時下流行音樂天后的作品都網羅其中。
《讀者文摘》中文版出版已逾四十年,其間連續五年獲亞洲出版業協會 (Society of Publishers in Asia, SOPA) 表揚,一九九九年起連續三年榮獲中文媒體「傑出雜誌獎」,二零零二年並獲頒中文媒體「傑出專題報導獎」,二零零三年更獲中文媒體「傑出雜誌」榮譽獎及中文 媒體「傑出專題報導」優異獎雙重殊榮。過去數十年,《讀者文摘》中文版不斷精益求精,帶給讀者最新、最切合時宜的資訊。為慶祝創刊四十週年,《讀者文摘》 二零零五年三月以全新設計面世。讀者文摘亞洲區業務,並不受美國讀者文摘債務重整影響
讀者文摘亞太區總裁兼亞洲區代理董事總經理Paul Heath確實,美國讀者文摘之債務重整,將不會影響亞洲區的業務,並重申讀者文摘亞洲區的業務將越發強壯。
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Spanish Version of 'Reader's Digest' |

2010.2.5 這家命運已走到末日了嗎
Reader's Digest: DeWitt and Lila Wallace published their first issue of condensed articles; the pocket-sized volume cost 25 cents (1922)
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A Boarding School Student In Bed With 'Reader's Digest' |