2024年12月22日 星期日

David Dubal. REFLECTIONS FROM THE KEYBOARD: The Piano in Comparative Performance. Hosted by David Dubal.

2024.12.23 貝多芬 sonatas Ludwig van Beethoven composed 32 piano sonatas between

Beethoven and the Sonata Idea: Part 1 | Reflections from ...

https://www.wqxr.org › story › beethoven-and-sonata-id...

Dec 1, 2024 — Reflections from the Keyboard begins a new series about Beethoven's piano sonatas. Ludwig van Beethoven composed 32 piano sonatas between ...

A house was not a home without its piano, especially during the years between 1900 and World War I. This glorious decade gave us music of the drawing room, as well as the concert hall. Hear some of those pieces tonight at 9.
Pianist, teacher and author David Dubal hosts a weekly exploration of...

2014.7.18 _8點~9點,重溫David Dubal 介紹蓋希文。想起胡適之先生那一代的音樂享受.....
忙於譯事(美國張華:滿意 v 高興)和紫藤故事:紫藤廬 / 紫藤夜話:台灣崎嶇民主路

約近十多年來, 我選擇紐約的WQXR作為喜愛的網路古典音樂台;他們如果採取限制網友每天接達2小時的政策時,我還是不會錯過每周 David Dubal 的鋼琴音樂欣賞節目。
不過我很少去網站仔細閱讀。因此,今天看到 "老友" David Dubal 的照片,铊還是跟我從聲音中想像的"老先生"之形像差別甚大。

2004/7/1聽的REFLECTIONS FROM THE KEYBOARD: The Piano in Comparative Performance. Hosted by David Dubal.所記下的:
流過我們的耳、心靈,處處讓美感溢出(心靈)杯外,一直提省我們要不斷克服對事物的厭倦感(fatigues must be overcome)……德之美在於love或走出我們自然的限制,去與他人互動、同情,去發揮我們imagination之能力。想起:
【Timeout for Imagination By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Published: June 27, 2004】

周四WQXR節目The Piano in Comparative Performance. Hosted by David Dubal.
promise和reconcilation)之所以不成,多因其中一方不寬恕,而他方又不願受寬恕(forgive and forgiven)。」

又引明鋼琴家霍洛維茲說:「Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky的作品天地無限寬廣深入,不喜歡他的,似不可信任。」
通知臺灣的鋼琴家John Lin 說在節目會播其實地演奏。Lin知道該節目也會播 霍洛維茲的,就說:「多榮幸!能與大師在wqxr 同堂獻技!」

結語引言:「如果我們過去依五百年前國王說法,那麼我們現在還是奴隸;又完全依庸醫處方的話,我們早已死掉多少回合。所以我們珍惜過去的不盲從,懂得反抗(disobedient)、爭取獨立( independent)心智。希望後世子孫亦如此。」

REFLECTIONS FROM THE KEYBOARD: The Piano in Comparative Performance. Hosted by David Dubal. 這位主持先生在節目「始與終」之時,都會引一意味深長的嘉言。
今天引的是Igor Stravinsky的某作品,某小提琴師經數周練習新曲,向他坦承無能為力。他說 All I like is the sound of someone trying to play it. 
Claude Debussy and the Piano德布西(1862-1918 )與鋼琴 5集 台北時間晨間6點到7---本周前2天都睡到8點而今晨615分聽到電台老友David 的聲音:

Claude Debussywas born 150 years ago this month. To mark the occasion, WQXR is presenting a week of programs at 6 pm Aug. 20-24, dedicated to Debussy’s works for piano hosted by David Dubal, a distinguished pianist, author and teacher.
今天8.22 的結尾是Vladimir Horowitz 12年之後 1965年在林肯中心談的作品…..留言: I like to thank WQXR and David for such wonderful programs.I kept several program notes from Reflections in 2004.


David Dubal. Enlarge
David Dubal.

The Romantic Piano

Airs Thursdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 10 pm on WQXR.

Every great composer of the Romantic era was also a great pianist.
In this 13-part series, pianist, teacher and author David Dubal explores the way the giants of the 19th century wrote for the solo piano.  Each one-hour program will focus on a single composer, from Dubal’s list of six key Romantics: Franz Schubert, Felix Mendelssohn, Frederick Chopin, Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt and Johannes Brahms.
Each composer was impacted by the innovations in piano design, notably the arrival of the fortepiano, the predecessor of the modern piano and an instrument whose name literally means “loud-soft.” It was the perfect vehicle to express a wider, more intimate emotional range and capture the Sturm und Drang of the Romantic Age.
Dubal’s goal is not only to enhance our understanding of the composers and their repertoire, but also to offer some of the finest performances of their work. To that end, the program includes a healthy mix of modern recordings and historically significant performances, some dating back to the first third of the 20th century. You can also expect comparative performances, so you can hear different interpretive styles side-by-side and pick your own favorites.
The Romantic Piano marks David Dubal’s return to the weekly programming line-up for first time since 2009.

Latest Episode / Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Romantics: A One Track Mind

On the Season Finale of the Romantic Piano, David Dubal features works from Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt and Brahms, showcasing their connections to each other.

Johannes Brahms: Escaping Beethoven's Shadow

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tonight at 7 pm, host David Dubal explores the piano works of Johannes Brahms. Brahms used the instrument in almost every genre he composed in and was a formidable pianist himself.

Johannes Brahms: From Humble Beginning To Master

Thursday, June 13, 2013

On this edition of The Romantic Piano, David Dubal features part one of two episodes devoted to Johannes Brahms, one of the piano’s great masters.

Franz Liszt: The Nature Poet

Thursday, June 06, 2013

On this edition of The Romantic Piano, David Dubal shares Franz Liszt's poetic tastes and love of the natural world in composition.

Franz Liszt: World’s First Rock Star

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Franz Liszt's life saw many guises: child prodigy, Don Juan, priest, touring pianist, inventor of the solo piano recital and of the master class, and teacher of three generations of golden-age pianists.

Robert Schumann: Dark Struggles, Poetic Sounds

Thursday, May 23, 2013

"Robert Schumann became lost in insanity, requiring a straitjacket when taken for walks," notes David Dubal. "He was considered dangerous." Yet his personal struggles fueled his unique style.

Robert Schumann: Paganini of Piano

Thursday, May 16, 2013

For many, Robert Schumann is the most intimate of the Romantic troubadours and lived only 46 years. He was born three months after Chopin in 1810 and died in an insane asylum in 1856.

Frédéric Chopin and George Sand: A Collaborative Union

Thursday, May 09, 2013

No one understood the dramatic and poetic powers inherent in the instrument better than Frederic Chopin. Host David Dubal features his music on this edition of The Romantic Piano.

Frédéric Chopin: The Poet of the Piano

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Tonight at 8 pm: No one had understood the piano's special resources and enchantments more completely than Frederic Chopin, as David Dubal illustrates.

Felix Mendelssohn: a 19th Century Mozart

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mendelssohn lived only until the age of 38. Yet few artists ever worked harder for the good of the art of music, said David Dubal. This week's episode features his contributions to the piano.

Felix Mendelssohn: The Beau Brummel of Composers

Thursday, April 18, 2013

On this edition of The Romantic Piano, David Dubal focuses on Felix Mendelssohn, the elfin spirit of Romanticism's wings. Robert Schumann deftly called him the Mozart of the 19th century.

Franz Schubert, Party Animal?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tonight at 8 pm, host David Dubal considers Franz Schubert's songs and small piano pieces, many composed for poetry readings, charades and dancing.

Franz Schubert: The Lyric Bard of the Piano

Thursday, April 04, 2013

In this re-broadcast of the 13-week series that first aired last year, David Dubal features Schubert performances by Claudio Arrau, Dino Lipatti, Radu Lupu and others.

