2025年2月9日 星期日

Michael Burawoy (1947 – 2025) 唐山講座08與淦話咖啡因和梁國淦 韓日反中情緒:炒地皮、搭健保便車......Past Forward bY Clay Routledge懷舊的力量:從存在心理學的視角,探索被塵封已久的生命潛能


活動主辦人:唐山講座08與淦話咖啡因梁國淦  0211 1430起 


Michael Burawoy (15 June 1947 – 3 February 2025) was a British sociologist who worked within Marxist social theory, best known as the leading proponent of public sociology and the author of Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process Under Monopoly Capitalism—a study on the sociology of industry[12] that has been translated into a number of languages.

Michael Burawoy
Born15 June 1947
Died3 February 2025 (aged 77)
Academic background
Alma mater
ThesisMaking Out on the Shop Floor[1] (1976)
Doctoral advisorWilliam Julius Wilson[1]
Academic work
School or traditionMarxism
InstitutionsUniversity of California, Berkeley
Doctoral students
Notable works
Notable ideas
InfluencedLuke Bretherton[11]
Websiteburawoy.berkeley.edu Edit this at Wikidata

Aside from the sociological study of the industrial workplace in Zambia, Burawoy studied industrial workplaces in ChicagoHungary, and post-Soviet Russia.[10] His method of choice was usually participant observation, more specifically ethnography.[18] He further expanded the extended case method.[10] For his book The Radiant Past: Ideology and Reality in Hungary's Road to Capitalism (1992) he worked as a furnace operator in a Hungarian steel plant.[13] Based on his studies of the workplace he looked into the nature of postcolonialism, the organization of state socialism, and the problems in the transition from socialism.[10]

Author (or co-author)

  • The Colour of Class on the Copper Mines: From African Advancement to Zambianization. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1972
  • Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process Under Monopoly Capitalism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979
  • The Politics of Production: Factory Regimes Under Capitalism and Socialism. London: Verso, 1985
  • The Radiant Past: Ideology and Reality in Hungary's Road to Capitalism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992 (With János Lukács)
  • The Extended Case Method: Four Countries, Four Decades, Four Great Transformations, and One Theoretical Tradition (University of California Press), 2009
  • Symbolic Violence: Conversations with Bourdieu (Duke University Press), 2019



Clay Routledge is an existential psychologist, a writer, and a consultant.

Clay is Vice President of Research and Director of the Human Flourishing Lab at Archbridge Institute and coeditor of Profectus, a magazine on human progress and flourishing. 

As a leading expert in existential psychology, Clay’s work focuses on helping people reach their full potential and build meaningful lives. Clay spent two decades in academia as a professor of psychology, professor of management, and distinguished professor of business. During that time, he taught undergraduate, MBA, and PhD courses in social and personality psychology, cultural psychology, research methods, and team leadership. He also published more than 100 academic papers, co-edited three books, authored three books, and received numerous awards for his scholarly research and student mentorship. In 2022, Clay joined Archbridge Institute as Vice President of Research and Director of the Human Flourishing Lab. 

Subscribe to read Clay’s weekly newsletter Flourishing Friday here.

  「回想往事有助於應對壓力、建立自尊、與他人建立連結以及管控壓力。這是一項引人入勝的研究,探討人類如何思考時間。」——珍.特溫格(Jean M. Twenge),《跨世代報告》作者
  「懷舊是一項深刻但卻經常遭到低估的能力。基於十多年的研究,作者大力提倡,多多懷念往日的美好時光,就能改善生活,並創造光明的未來。」——康士坦丁・賽德凱茲(Constantine Sedikides),英國社會心理學教授
  「懷舊能產生正向的推力,有助於對抗孤獨、提升自信心,並推動社會向前進。」——亞瑟・布魯克斯(Arthur C. Brooks),《重啟人生》作者
  「與一般人的看法相反,懷舊不會讓人止步不前。我們能依此適應不斷變化的世界,並找到前進的動力,以樂觀的態度去展望未來。」——馬里安・圖皮(Marian L. Tupy),Humanprogress.org創始人和編輯
  「對於我們這些喜愛剪貼簿的老派人士,早就知道懷舊的魔力,他敦促我們擁抱過去,將其作為邁向光明未來的指引。」——艾莉森・道頓(Alison Dutton),Creative Memories執行長
作者: 克雷.勞特雷奇
原文作者: Clay Routledge
譯者: 劉宗為
定價:380 元 (書店取書77折)
可能是 1 人、電話和文字的圖像




在《Past Forward》一書中,心理學家克雷·勞特利奇對一種我們都經歷過但常常誤解的情感進行了一項令人著迷的調查。十五年多的研究表明,懷舊不僅僅是一種玫瑰色的情緒或「活在過去」——它也可以成為我們幸福的強大資源。勞特利奇博士利用最新研究成果闡明了懷舊情緒對我們生活產生的多種影響,尤其是當我們以意識和辨別力對待它時。他提供了許多利用懷舊情緒來激發你動力的實踐方法;抵消孤獨感;加深健康的社會連結;激發創造力;克服壓力、焦慮和創傷;揭示您最持久的價值觀;等等。

魯特利奇博士說:“懷舊最健康的形式是我們將過去編織成有意義的生活故事的方式。” “它幫助我們了解什麼讓生活更有價值——並激勵我們去做偉大的事情。”


「克萊·魯特利奇提出了一個發人深省的論點:懷舊之情實際上對我們有好處。 《Past Forward》得出了一個令人驚訝但堅定的結論:思考過去可以幫助我們應對、建立自尊、與他人建立聯繫並管理壓力。這是關於人類如何思考時間的一次非常有趣的研究。 ―Jean M. Twenge 博士,《Generations》一書作者

「在《過去的前進》一書中,著名心理學家克雷·勞特利奇深入探討了懷舊之情的深刻且常常被低估的力量。這本發人深省、文筆流暢的書基於數十年的研究,揭開了我們對過去的懷念的奧秘,並揭示了我們如何有意識地利用懷舊情緒來改善我們現在的生活並建設更美好的未來。 ―Constantine Sedikides,博士,英國南安普敦大學社會心理學教授

“如果你懷念‘過去的美好時光’,那麼你很幸運。在《過去的前進》中,克萊·勞特利奇向我們展示了懷舊是生活中明顯的積極力量——它可以對抗孤獨、增強自尊、推動社會前進。一本令人著迷的書。 ―Arthur C. Brooks 博士,哈佛大學甘迺迪學院和哈佛商學院教授,《從力量到力量》一書的作者,該書曾位列《紐約時報》暢銷書榜首

「在《過去的前進》一書中,克萊·勞特利奇令人信服地指出懷舊可以成為進步的重要盟友。與我們的直覺相反,對過去的懷念並沒有阻礙我們前進。它幫助我們適應不斷變化的世界,並找到以樂觀的態度前進的動力。重要的是,勞特利奇向讀者展示瞭如何利用懷舊的力量來改善自己的生活和周圍的世界。 ——Marian L. Tupy,humanprogress.org 創辦人兼編輯,《每個聰明人都應該知道的十大全球趨勢》和《過剩》的合著者

「克萊·勞特利奇深思熟慮地探索了記憶和懷舊的價值,強調它們對我們的個人成長和集體進步的深遠影響,敦促我們擁抱過去,將其作為走向更美好明天的指導力量。對於我們的剪貼簿社區來說,我們很早就知道懷舊之情中蘊含著魔力,但克萊·魯特利奇幫助我們準確地理解了過去的魔力如何影響我們的未來。 ―Creative Memories 執行長 Alison Dutton

Xīnshū xiàn yǐ shàngshì!

New Book Available Now!

Discover research and practices for mindfully using nostalgia to live a more intentional, connected, and meaningful life.

When an old song makes you want to dance like you did in high school, or you long for the comforting taste of your mom’s cooking, that’s more than just memory—it’s nostalgia. And according to the latest research, that special feeling is more important and valuable than most of us realize—not just for relating to our past, but for allowing us to move into an uncertain future with hope and confidence.

In Past Forward, psychologist Clay Routledge presents a fascinating investigation into an emotion we all experience yet often misunderstand. As more than fifteen years of research reveals, nostalgia is more than rose-tinted sentiment or “living in the past”—it can also be a powerful resource for our well-being. Dr. Routledge uses the latest findings to illuminate the many ways that nostalgia can impact our lives, especially when we approach it with awareness and discernment. He offers a treasury of practices for harnessing nostalgia to boost your motivation; counteract loneliness; deepen healthy social connections; spark creativity; overcome stress, anxiety, and trauma; reveal your most enduring values; and much more.

“In its healthiest form, nostalgia is the way we weave the past into a meaningful life story,” Dr. Routledge says. “It helps us see what makes life worth living—and inspires us to do great things.”

Early Praise for Past Forward

Clay Routledge makes the thought-provoking case that looking back with nostalgia can actually be good for us. Past Forward comes to a surprising but solid conclusion: thinking about the past can help us cope, build self-esteem, connect to others, and manage stress. It’s a fascinating look into the research on how humans think about time.” ―Jean M. Twenge, PhD, author of Generations

In Past Forward, acclaimed psychologist Clay Routledge delves deeply into the profound and often underestimated power of nostalgia. Drawing on decades of research, this thought-provoking and lucidly written book unravels the mysteries of our longing for the past and reveals how we can all use nostalgia intentionally to improve our present lives and build a brighter future.” ―Constantine Sedikides, PhD, professor of social psychology, University of Southampton, UK

“If you miss ‘the good old days,’ well, lucky you. In Past Forward, Clay Routledge shows us that nostalgia is an unmistakably positive force in life―combating loneliness, boosting self-esteem, and driving society forward. A fascinating book.” ―Arthur C. Brooks, PhD, professor at the Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Business School, author of From Strength to Strength, a #1 New York Times bestseller

In Past Forward, Clay Routledge convincingly argues that nostalgia can be a critical ally of progress. Counterintuitively, our nostalgic longing for the past doesn’t hold us back. It helps us adapt to a changing world and find the motivation to move forward with an optimistic outlook. Importantly, Routledge shows readers how they can take advantage of the power of nostalgia to improve their own lives and the world around them.” ―Marian L. Tupy, founder and editor of humanprogress.org, coauthor of Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know and Superabundance

“Clay Routledge thoughtfully explores the value of memories and nostalgia, emphasizing their profound impact on our personal growth and collective advancement, urging us to embrace the past as a guiding force toward a brighter tomorrow. For our scrapbooking community, we’ve known for a long time that there is magic in nostalgia, but Clay Routledge helps us understand exactly how that magic of the past impacts our futures.” ―Alison Dutton, CEO of Creative Memories

