米開朗基羅( Michelangelo, 1475~1564) 的建築,肖像:Michelangelo: God's Architect, William Wallace 聖彼得大教堂(St Peter's)、卡皮托利諾山Capitoline Hill,勞倫圖書館 Laurentian Library......等等
Portrait of Michelangelo Buonarroti", between circa 1548 and circa 1553 by Daniele Ricciarelli (c. 1509 – 4 April 1566), better known as Daniele da Volterra, was a Mannerist Italian painter and sculptor.
米開朗基羅( Michelangelo, 1475~1564) 的建築:聖彼得大教堂(St Peter's)、卡皮托利諾山Capitoline Hill,勞倫圖書館 Laurentian Library......等等
翡冷翠 1504 年兩藝術大師之爭Michelangelo and Leonardo in Florence;1945 年東京大轟炸倖存者之殤 Paper City;
First edition | |
Author | Irving Stone |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Genre | Biographical, Historical novel |
Publisher | Doubleday |
Publication date | March 17, 1961[1] |
痛苦与狂喜 The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965)
Michelangelo and Leonardo in Florence: James Hall (1504)Travels Through Time
https://www.tttpodcast.com › season-6 › michelangelo...
Feb 14, 2023 — In this episode, the acclaimed art historian James Hall takes us back to 1504, to see two masters - Michelangelo and Leonardo - at work.
1504 in art
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › 1504_in_art
The Signoria of Florence commissions both Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci to paint the walls of the Grand Council Chamber in the Palazzo della Signoria.
Leonardo vs Michelangelo in Florence's Palazzo Vecchio
The Geographical Cure
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It was a powerful republic and premier city of the Italian Renaissance. In 1504, Florence found its two greatest artists in the city at the same time. Florence ...
Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci: A Melting Masterpiece
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Aug 1, 2013 — In 1504, one of the most important artistic disputes in history took place in the Hall of the Five Hundred: Leonardo da Vinci and ...
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by PR Duncan · 2004 — In 1504 they were each commissioned to paint frescoes of scenes from two victorious Florentine army battles to decorate the Great Council Hall where members of ...
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Paper City: Surviving the world's deadliest air raid
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5 days ago — Survivors of the 1945 firebombing of Tokyo campaign for official recognition of this forgotten tragedy.
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Paper City tells the story of three survivors of the 1945 fire-bombing of Tokyo as they launch one final campaign to leave behind a record of this forgotten ...
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Mar 10, 2023 — One of the subjects in Adrian Francis' documentary “Paper City” is Minoru Tsukiyama, a survivor of the 1945 Tokyo firebombing.
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Jul 21, 2022 — In Paper City, Japanese survivors recount their experiences of the 1945 firebombing of Tokyo ; A street festival. The film argues we must ...
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Apr 15, 2023 — Paper City (2021) is a reflective, powerful, groundbreaking documentary film that highlights the 70th anniversary of the firebombing of Tokyo on ...
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May 29, 2022 — “Paper City” explores the forgotten firebombing of Japan's capital. ... An aerial view of a firebombed area in Tokyo in 1945.
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Unprecedented in scale and intent, the incendiary air attack on eastern residential Tokyo by 334 U.S. B-29 bombers just after midnight on March 10, 1945 ...
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Paper City (@papercitytokyo) • Instagram photos and videos
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Award-winning Tokyo Firebombing Documentary Screens in Kobe (June 9-13), Hiroshima (June 10-23) & Tokyo (June 21). See website below for details!
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米開朗基羅二洛多維科博納羅蒂西蒙尼(意大利: [mikelandʒelo二lodoviːkoˌbwɔnarrɔːtiSIMONI] ; 1475 3月6日- 18 1564年2月)簡稱為米開朗基羅(英文:/ ˌ米aɪ ķ əl æ Ñ dʒ ə升oʊ,ˌ米ɪ ķ -/ [1]),是意大利文藝復興時期的雕塑家,畫家,建築師和詩人,出生於佛羅倫薩共和國,對西方藝術的發展產生了無與倫比的影響。他的藝術用途十分廣泛,以至於他經常被認為是原型文藝復興時期男子的有力競爭者,以及他的對手佛羅倫薩同胞萊昂納多·達·芬奇。[2]一些學者形容米開朗基羅是他那個時代最偉大的藝術家,甚至是有史以來最偉大的藝術家。[3] [4]
Michelangelo's architectural commissions included a number that were not realised, notably the façade for Brunelleschi's Church of San Lorenzo in Florence, for which Michelangelo had a wooden model constructed, but which remains to this day unfinished rough brick. At the same church, Giulio de' Medici (later Pope Clement VII) commissioned him to design the Medici Chapel and the tombs of Giuliano and Lorenzo Medici.[96] Pope Clement also commissioned the Laurentian Library, for which Michelangelo also designed the extraordinary vestibule with columns recessed into niches, and a staircase that appears to spill out of the library like a flow of lava, according to Nikolaus Pevsner, "... revealing Mannerism in its most sublime architectural form."[97]
In 1546 Michelangelo produced the highly complex ovoid design for the pavement of the Campidoglio and began designing an upper storey for the Farnese Palace. In 1547 he took on the job of completing St Peter's Basilica, begun to a design by Bramante, and with several intermediate designs by several architects. Michelangelo returned to Bramante's design, retaining the basic form and concepts by simplifying and strengthening the design to create a more dynamic and unified whole.[98] Although the late 16th-century engraving depicts the dome as having a hemispherical profile, the dome of Michelangelo's model is somewhat ovoid and the final product, as completed by Giacomo della Porta, is more so.[98]
米開朗基羅的建築任務包括一些尚未實現的任務,特別是布魯內萊斯基的佛羅倫薩聖洛倫索教堂的立面,米開朗基羅為此建造了木製模型,但至今仍未完成。在同一座教堂中,朱利奧·德·美第奇(Giulio de'Medici)(後來的教皇克萊門特七世)委託他設計了美第奇小教堂以及朱利亞諾和洛倫佐·美第奇墓。[96]教皇克萊門特還委託勞倫森圖書館(Laurentian Library)負責,米開朗基羅還設計了非同尋常的前廳,柱子凹進了壁ches中,根據尼古拉斯·普夫斯納(Nikolaus Pevsner)的說法,樓梯似乎像熔岩一樣從圖書館溢出。……以其最崇高的建築形式展現了風格主義。”
1546年,米開朗基羅為Campidoglio的人行道製作了高度複雜的卵形設計,並開始為Farnese Palace設計上層建築。1547年,他開始完成聖彼得大教堂的工作,開始由Bramante設計,並由數位建築師進行了數種中間設計。米開朗基羅回到了布拉曼特(Bramante)的設計中,通過簡化和增強設計以保留更具活力和統一性的整體,從而保留了基本形式和概念。[98]儘管16世紀晚期的版畫將圓頂描述為半球形,但米開朗基羅模型的圓頂有點像卵形,而賈科莫·德拉·波塔完成的最終產品則更是如此。[98]
sacristy :(聖堂)的更衣所;祭衣間:為舉祭者更換祭衣之所。