2024年12月17日 星期二

《百年孤寂》的知音:馬世芳等人;(陳思宏加碼:千明宮的 《鯨》):How Netflix Made Magic Look Real in ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’1967, 百年孤寂10講 敏隆講堂 台灣的楊索看影集的準備功夫;美國米教授;Netflix matches García Márquez’s raw ambition....? 王璞 《嘰哩咕嚕》自序

最近 Netflix 《#百年孤寂》上架,引起熱議。看到不少人說:書架深處那本永遠讀不完的《百年孤寂》是否該挖出來重新挑戰一次呢?
去年 Hong Foundation-敏隆講堂 邀請 Wei Hsiung Chan #詹偉雄 先生策劃,邀請十位講者談《百年孤寂》,我覺得是非常精彩的「引路」設計。敝人應邀主講其中一場,收穫也非常多。團隊同事細心為每一講上了字幕,誠心推薦各位一看。連結見留言。
(附上一小部分投影片當 teaser,實況完整版還有更多精彩的)





單純以封面來說,我比較喜歡Europa的英國與義大利文版本,設計者就是設計《鬼地方》的義大利插畫家Ginevra Rapisardi,我超喜歡她的作品,愛,太愛,看她的作品網站,真是愛到瘋。真希望有一天我在台灣出的小說,能跟她合作。許願。

這本小說的英文版比韓文版慢了19年,真的是等好久啊。沒關係,還是等到了,而且一出版,立刻入圍International Booker Prize 2023,來到了最後決選名單Shortlist,雖然最後沒得獎,但這成就真的很偉大。所以,各位作者啊,翻譯真的很難急,就是要等待。作者要穩住。專注寫作。


對,這就是這本小說的核心,小說分成三部,The Wharf,Pyeongdae,The Brickyard,人物超多,幾世代更迭,出版社要寫這本書的文案一定很崩潰,因為故事真的超多,主線支線都精彩,沒辦法幾段就寫完。










這幾天好多朋友在談論 #NETFLIX 推出的全新影集《 #百年孤寂》,喜歡這本書的,懷著期待又害怕的心情;沒有讀過書的,看完影集對於小說原貌,應該更感好奇。


When it was opened by the giant, the chest gave off a glacial exhalation. Inside there was only an enormous, transparent block with infinite internal needles in which the light of the sunset was broken up into colored stars. Disconcerted, knowing that the children were waiting for an immediate explanation, José Arcadio Buendía ventured a murmur:

“It’s the largest diamond in the world.”

“No,” the gypsy countered. “It’s ice.”

1970 translation by Gregory Rabassa

Translation results

Translation result

當它被巨人打開時,"胸口"散發出冰冷的氣息。裡面只有一個巨大的透明塊體,內部有無數的針狀物,夕陽的光芒在其中被分解成彩色的星星。何塞·阿卡迪奧·布恩迪亞知道孩子們正在等待立即的解釋,因此感到不安,於是冒險低聲說道:“這是世界上最大的鑽石。” 「不,」吉普賽人反駁。 “是冰。”

In the novel, which opens in the 19th century, the people of Macondo marvel at things already considered ordinary elsewhere: a daguerreotype machine, magnets, ice. But no one questions the presence of a ghost — or whether a baby can be born with the tail of a pig or flowers fall like rain from the sky.

在這部 19 世紀的小說中,馬孔多人民對其他地方已經司空見慣的東西感到驚訝:銀版照相機、磁鐵、冰。但沒有人質疑鬼魂的存在,也沒有人質疑嬰兒是否會帶著豬尾巴出生,或者花朵是否會像雨一樣從天而降。

A dense, green garden with a massive tree and a woman watching as tiny yellow flowers rain down.

Flowers raining down on Úrsula, the matriarch of the Buendía family.


Pablo Arellano/Netflix

How Netflix Made Magic Look Real in ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’

The series, which will be released this week, adapts the novel for the screen for the first t

我曾試圖加入「西尼氣」吧,好跟老同學們談談西尼氣。可不知為何總被各種各樣莫名其妙的理由打回: 戶名不對、密碼不對、戶名与密碼不匹配,使我不由得懷疑:莫非它也跟嘰哩咕嚕這地名一樣,是個馬爾克斯<<百年孤獨>>式的存在?
在那本不朽之作里,城中一場有成千上萬犠牲者的慘案,轉眼就被所有的市民遺忘;而那名執著地講述那一場劫難的幸存者,反而被大家當成瘋子。~ 王璞 《嘰哩咕嚕》自序

Gabriel García Márquez believed a screen adaptation of “One Hundred Years of Solitude” would need a runtime of 100 hours; it would also have to be filmed in Colombia, entirely in Spanish.

Netflix has honoured two of these wishes in its new series https://econ.st/3BowsYM

Photograph: Netflix


We’ve watched 4 episodes of Netflix’s adaptation of One Hundred Years Of Solitude so far, we loved the adaptation s much. It is truly visually stunning and a gripping drama. Adaptations are the most faithful page-to-screen.  I read the Chinese translation of the novel in the early 1980s in China and later its English version and taught this novel twice. I’m rereading this novel to refresh my memory now. Overall I recommend the series to all PPl who love literature and films.


The Atlantic 

Gabriel García Márquez’s masterpiece works better than he might have expected, Shirley Li writes. https://theatln.tc/5zm3Pqs6

“Up until his death, in 2014, García Márquez claimed that the book was impossible to commit to film. ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude,’ he said, ‘is written against the cinema’—which is why, following its publication in 1967, the author repeatedly rejected attempts to purchase the rights,” Li writes. “He insisted that the scope and voice of his most famous book would work on-screen only if it were told in Spanish over the course of 100 hours—or, according to other reports, a full 100 years.
“Netflix’s 16-episode take, the first half of which is now streaming, isn’t 100 hours long, but it is a superb translation anyway,” Li continues. “Filmed in Colombia and told in Spanish as García Márquez wished, the show has the blessing of the author’s sons, who serve as executive producers. Book purists may not find these efforts enough to convince them of the production’s legitimacy. But its endeavor to faithfully render the novel, including by recruiting Latin American directors and an almost totally local cast, have led to what may be the best execution of a so-called unadaptable novel yet. Netflix’s ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ matches García Márquez’s raw ambition. Watching it feels like watching a gorgeous, strange, enchanting dream.”
Read the full review here: https://theatln.tc/5zm3Pqs6
📸: Pablo Arellano / Netflix
大西洋報 16分鐘· 雪莉李 (Shirley Li) 寫道,Netflix 對加夫列爾加西亞馬奎斯 (Gabriel García Márquez) 傑作的演繹效果比他預期的要好。 https://theatln.tc/5zm3Pqs6 加西亞·馬奎斯在 2014 年去世前一直聲稱這本書不可能拍成電影。他說,《一百年的孤獨》是針對電影而寫的——這就是為什麼在 1967 年出版後,作者一再拒絕購買版權的嘗試,」李寫道。 「他堅持認為,他最著名的書只有在 100 個小時(或根據其他報道,整整 100 年)的時間內用西班牙語講述,才能在銀幕上發揮作用。 「Netflix 的 16 集節目(前半部分現已在串流媒體播放)時長不到 100 小時,但無論如何,它是一個出色的翻譯,」李繼續說道。 「按照加西亞·馬奎斯的意願,這部劇在哥倫比亞拍攝,並以西班牙語講述,得到了擔任執行製片人的作者兒子的祝福。書籍純粹主義者可能認為這些努力不足以讓他們相信作品的合法性。但它忠實地呈現這部小說的努力,包括招募拉丁美洲導演和幾乎完全本地的演員陣容,可能是一部所謂的「不適應的小說」的最佳執行。 Netflix 的《百年孤寂》與加西亞馬奎斯的野心不謀而合。觀看它就像觀看一場華麗、奇異、迷人的夢。 在這裡閱讀完整評論:https://theatln.tc/5zm3Pqs6 ⁠ 📸:巴勃羅·阿雷拉諾 / Netflix

