2016年4月29日 星期五

Wang Shu 王澍

image ©施崢 
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2002年,建築師王澍出版了他的第一本建築學文集:《設計的開始》。在書中的作者介紹 里,王澍被這樣描述:“他抨擊專業建築學,但他的所謂‘業餘建築’活動超越一般而言的設計而指向某種關於建築的建築;他堅持感悟建築本身,執着於功能解 讀,貶低造型藝術的重要性,但他的作品具有某種超越風格爭論的藝術質量;他反對關於建築的文學化敘事,但無論他的設計還是寫作都具有某種難以辨別其來源的 文學氣質。他強調建築師首先應是一個文人秉承某種批判使命但鋒利的矛頭不僅指向自己之外,更始終指向自己,甚至以嘲諷與自嘲消解着‘批判’的戾氣。”
2012年5月,王澍在人民大會堂金色大廳領取了建築設計界的最高獎項:普利茲克獎。他沒有海外留學背景,身份是中國美術學院的教授,不屬於任何建 築設計院,在獲獎之前,他一直獨立於國內現行主流體系之外,一年幾乎只按照喜好做一個項目,每個項目從設計到建成耗時數年。如果按照國內建築設計院年度人 均產值的方式來衡量,王澍創造的價值和設計的面積無法和大多數建築師相比。從1980年代末開始至今,他的建成作品有約二十多項,其中在杭州和上海的一些 早期作品在建成後已經拆除了。
普利茲克獎幾乎每一次都授予了風口浪尖上的建築師,比如安藤忠雄、弗蘭克·蓋里、扎哈·哈迪德,等等,他們在獲獎之前都曾領受過萬眾矚目。王澍卻尤 如獨行俠,獨自逆流行走。其他人在試驗新材料,他收集舊東西,木頭、瓦片、瓷片,偶爾幾個立面換上玻璃為主角也與時下流行的超白玻璃幕牆大相徑庭;其它建 築師謀求更高科技、更驚悚的設計時,他拒絕電腦,說自己的設計來源是自然、宋畫與古詩,對於建造的理解來自普通匠人;當城市化浪潮到來時,他說“重要的 是,建築師通過自己的創作怎麼樣來幫助人們跨越城鄉之間對立價值觀的鴻溝”。
書中,他描寫小到“八間不能住的房子”里的小燈具,大到幾千平方米的圖書館,王澍都將中國傳統意韻、鄉土技藝氣息、李漁的情致結合在一起,再混雜一 些詩意與後現代風格。可以說他狡猾地生成了只屬於自己的哲學。他敘述的方式坦率、信心滿滿又興緻勃勃,像生造一個平行宇宙,領着讀者隨他進入其中。如果嘗 試去理解他並最終認為自己真的理解了他,你會發現,他的哲學導致了他的設計。
王澍不是那種陷入細節調整的建築師,他所做的是從建築的生成體系和生成方式上來進行控制。在這方面,合理性不容質疑,沒有可替代的選項。在書里,王 澍為他的朋友陳默設計了藝術工作室,但設計方案只有兩張圖紙和六條原則,其他的不再多說。對於陳默的追問,王澍的回答是“你相信我的設計,我相信你的感 覺”。當工作室建成,雖然細節略有變化,但所有的一切都掌控在王澍最初設計的整個空間秩序架構中。之後,王澍曾經在上海的“頂層畫廊”項目里回憶這段往 事:“設計對我也許只是胡亂的開始,我惟一知道的是讓工匠們在何處停止,並把這一切當做某種現成品和盤接受。”
兩年前,我曾見過王澍。《世界建築》雜誌請王澍到清華大學建築學院演講,報告廳里人滿為患,學生、教授和其他建築師從各處趕來,想知道王澍到底“葫 蘆里賣的什麼葯”。那次演講,王澍說起他在寧波博物館的立面上使用了大量舊磚瓦,怎麼拼接使用並沒有嚴格的施工圖,他只設定原則,將每一塊磚的選擇權交給 了現場的工匠們,最後立面變成了斑駁無序的狀態。按照他的說法:“腳手架拆下了三米,他們就不敢拆了,因為市民反映這個東西太奇怪了,後來我們去市政府大 講堂做了一千多人的兩個小時報告,拆下來以後大家就歡欣鼓舞,每天一萬人參觀,每天只能三千人參觀的博物館每天一萬人參觀,連續三個月一百萬人去參觀。”
這是王澍的獨到之處,他具有佈道者的特質。他可以通過討論會、演講來宣講和闡釋他的哲學,那種不以美為美,形體介於複雜、簡單、粗糙之間,看上去粗 笨卻又複雜到匪夷所思的設計風格。起初他使人難於理解,之後因為他的固執己見、他的肆意妄為,或者是因為他的語言魅力,他又讓人欣然接受。

Pritzker Prize, officially The Pritzker Architecture Prize (prĭt'skər), award for excellence in architecture, given annually since 1979. Largely modeled on the Nobel Prize, it is the premier architectural award in the United States and is named for the family that founded the prize; it is awarded by the Chicago-based Hyatt Foundation. Architects who have won the prize are: 1979, Philip Johnson (United States); 1980, Louis Barragan (Mexico); 1981, James Stirling (Great Britain); 1982, Kevin Roche (United States); 1983, I. M. Pei (United States); 1984, Richard Meier (United States); 1985, Hans Hollein (Austria); 1986, Gottfried Boehm (Germany); 1987, Kenzo Tange (Japan); 1988, Gordon Bunshaft (United States) and Oscar Niemeyer Soares (Brazil); 1989, Frank Gehry (United States); 1990, Aldo Rossi (Italy); 1991, Robert Venturi (United States); 1992, Alvaro Siza (Portugal); 1993, Fumihiko Maki (Japan); 1994, Christian de Portzamparc (France); 1995, Tadao Ando (Japan); 1996, Rafael Moneo (Spain); 1997, Sverre Fehn (Norway); 1998, Renzo Piano (Italy); 1999, Norman Foster (Great Britain); 2000, Rem Koolhaas (Netherlands); 2001, Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron (Switzerland); 2002, Glenn Murcutt (Australia); 2003, Jørn Utzon (Denmark); 2004, Zaha Hadid (Great Britain), the first female recipient; 2005, Thom Mayne (United States); 2006, Paulo Mendes da Rocha (Brazil); 2007, Richard Rogers (Great Britain); 2008, Jean Nouvel (France); 2009, Peter Zumthor (Switzerland); 2010, Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, partners in the firm Sanaa (Japan); and 2011, Eduardo Souto de Moura (Portugal).

See study by M. Thorne (1999).


Architect and Professor Wang Shu was born in 1963 in Urumqi, a city in Xinjiang, the western most province of China. He received his first degree in architecture in 1985 and his Masters degree in 1988, both from the Nan Nanjing Institute of Technology.

Wang Shu and his wife, Lu Wenyu, founded Amateur Architecture Studio in 1997 in Hangzhou, China. The office name references the approach an amateur builder takes—one based on spontaneity, craft skills and cultural traditions. Wang Shu spent a number of years working on building sites to learn traditional skills. The firm utilizes his knowledge of everyday techniques to adapt and transform materials for contemporary projects. This unique combination of traditional understanding, experimental building tactics and intensive research defines the basis for the studio’s architectural projects.

The studio takes a critical view of the architecture profession’s part in the demolition and destruction of large urban areas. At the 2006 Venice Architecture Biennale, Amateur Architecture Studio expressed views of on-going demolitions in “Tiled Garden,” an installation made from 66,000 recycled tiles salvaged from demolition sites. Rather than looking toward the West for inspiration, as many of Shu’s contemporaries do, his work is rooted in the context of Chinese history and culture.

Wang Shu has often explained in lectures and interviews that “to me architecture is spontaneous for the simple reason that architecture is a matter of everyday life. When I say that I build a ‘house’ instead of a ‘building’, I am thinking of something that is closer to life, everyday life. When I named my studio ‘Amateur Architecture’, it was to emphasize the spontaneous and experimental aspects of my work, as opposed to being ‘official and monumental’."

Wang Shu is Professor and Head of the Architecture School at China Academy of Art, Hangzhou. In 2011, he became the first Chinese Kenzo Tange Visiting Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

He has exhibited individually and participated in several major international exhibitions including: the 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale at which he received a special mention for the “Decay of a Dome” installation – a project whose light, mobile and utterly simple structure can be speedily constructed or returned to nothingness; the 2009 “Architecture as a Resistance” solo exhibition at the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels; the 2007 Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture; the 2003 “Alors, La Chine?” exhibit at the Centre Pompidou, Paris; the 2002 Shanghai Biennale at the Shanghai Art Museum; the 2001 “TU MU-Young Architecture of China” exhibit at AEDES Gallery, Berlin; and the 1999 Chinese Young Architects’ Experimental Works Exhibition, UIA Congress, Beijing.

In 2011, Wang Shu received the Gold Medal of Architecture (grande médaille d’or) from the l'Académie d'Architecture of France. In 2010, Wang Shu and Lu Wenyu were awarded the Schelling Architecture Prize, which goes to individuals who have responsibly advanced architecture's development with significant designs, realized buildings or with profound contributions to architectural history and theory. The Vertical Courtyard Apartment, in Hangzhou was nominated for the 2008, German-based International Highrise Award. In 2005, the project “Five Scattered Houses” in Ningbo received an acknowledgement from the Asia Pacific Holcim Awards for sustainable construction, and in 2003, the Wenzheng Library received the Architecture Art Award of China.

Wang Shu/Amateur Architecture Studio is known for the following built works: Library of Wenzheng College, Suzhou University, China (2000); Ningbo Contemporary Art Museum, Ningbo, China, (2005); Five Scattered Houses, Ningbo, China (2005); Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art (Phase I) Hangzhou, China (2004); Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art (Phase II) Hangzhou, China (2007); Ceramic House, Jinhua, China (2006); Vertical Courtyard Apartments, Hangzhou, China (2007); Ningbo History Museum, Ningbo, China (2008); and, Exhibition Hall of the Imperial Street of Southern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou, China (2009).


王澍今日將在北京舉行的一個儀式上領取2012年普利茲克獎(Pritzker prize),他的言論突顯中國各界對於城市規劃的普遍抱怨,目前中國正處於城市化的過程中,僅在去年一年就有逾2000萬農村居民遷至城市。

王澍是首位在中國從事建築設計工作的普利茲克獎得主,他在一個匯聚歷屆得獎者和本土建築師的論壇上表示,中國的城市已基本上被剝奪了昔日的獨特性格與美麗。 “在30年時間裡,我們建造了一個全新的國家,”他表示。







“此舉向中國官方及其嬌慣的開發商發出一個信號:'尊重過去,而不要只是把它抹掉',”《建築評論》(Architectural Review)上月在一篇文章中表示。

2002年普利茲克獎得主格倫•馬庫特(Glenn Murcutt )在前述論壇上表示,中國面臨的風險是擁抱一種“拉斯維加斯模式的”現代性。 “中國需要非常小心地對待徹底忘記過去的做法,”他表示。

