2025年2月17日 星期一

Masayoshi Son, 孫正義:計畫名稱「IZANAGI」蘊含了我們對AI發展的思考。AGI( artificial general intelligence.)很快就來了AGI will arrive..... 軟銀計劃在堺市的舊電視液晶面板工廠部分土地建設人工智慧(AI)專用的數據中心,總投資額包含圖像處理半導體(GPU)的採購,可能達數千億日圓。...plans to invest $100 billion in U.S. projects......還靈不靈?A new biography sheds light not just on his hit-and-miss methods 再戰三百年;the $100 Billion Blitz on Silicon Valley


知情人士透露,軟銀與Sprint Nextel Corp. 、Clearwire Corp. 的三方合併週三得到美國聯邦通訊委員會的一致投票支持,由此獲得美國監管機構的最終批準。



周四,紐約州參議員查爾斯·E·舒默(Charles E. Schumer)向政府要求監管機構審核日本企業軟銀(SoftBank)與中國通訊設備製造商的關係,這使得美國國會出於國家安全的考慮,對這家亞洲公司提出的收購Sprint Nextel的計劃所產生的顧慮又加重了。
紐約州民主党參議員舒默在周四寫給財政部(Treasury Department)和聯邦通信委員會(Federal Communications Commission,簡稱FCC)的信中敦促,鑒於前不久中國黑客發動過廣泛的襲擊,它們應慎重考慮軟銀的交易。
  • 檢視大圖 去年10月,軟銀總裁孫正義(左)和Sprint Nextel的首席執行官丹·赫西宣布了一項合并協議。
    Yoshikazu Tsuno/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
    去年10月,軟銀總裁孫正義(左)和Sprint Nextel的首席執行官丹·赫西宣布了一項合并協議。

因為軟銀與華為和中興通訊(ZTE)等中國通訊設備製造商 的聯繫,華盛頓的一些資深議員表示應該對這樁交易持謹慎態度,舒默是其中最新的一位。本周四,亞利桑那州共和党參議員約翰·麥凱恩(John McCain)在單獨寫給FCC代主席米尼翁·L·克萊伯恩(Mignon L. Clyburn)的信中,要求FCC對併購提議進行審核。
如今,這家日本公司只需要得到FCC和財政部下轄的一個審核外商在美投資的政府委員會批准即可。預計這兩個機構都將很快作出決定。去年10月,軟銀宣布同意購買Sprint的多數股份,與它競爭的還有衛星電視公 司Dish Network。後者試圖用255億美元(約合1578億元人民幣)的價格競購,阻攔軟銀的交易。
在過去幾個月中,軟銀和Sprint一直在試圖減輕人們對 國家安全的擔心。他們曾向密歇根州共和黨人、眾議院情報委員會(House Intelligence Committee)主席邁克·羅傑斯(Mike Rogers)保證,他們會在今年早些時候,從其美國網絡中移出華為的設備。
Dish Network把國家安全當成了對抗軟銀的主要武器之一。它在華盛頓的媒體宣傳中利用了人們對外國公司掌控一家大型美國通訊公司的恐懼。
「軟銀的提議能改善美國的國家安全,因為只有軟銀已經承諾 會移除美國網絡中所使用的、政府擔心會危害國家安全的設備,」這名發言人在聲明中說。「Dish並未作出任何要換掉這些設備的承諾,而且如果這樣 做,Dish就需要進一步增加負債,而完成任何交易它都將需要舉借外債。」
其他國家在美國無線通信網絡中,已經持有了相當大的股份:英國沃達豐(Vodafone)持有美國最大的移動運營商威瑞森無線(Verizon Wireless)45%的股份,而美國T-Mobile則由德國德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)全資擁有。
他在寫給FCC和財政部的信中說,「考慮到這些事實,我擔 心Sprint未來網絡的重要部分可能還是要依賴不安全的中國設備,而且還容易受到侵擾。隨着Sprint的最終控制權落入外國公司手中,關於美國是否有 足夠的影響力和監管權來緩解這種擔心的重要問題也會隨之而來。」

Billionaire Son Taps Stashed Trillions for Sprint: Japan

Billionaire Masayoshi Son is targeting Japanese households with bonds offering 50 times the yield on deposit accounts to help fund Softbank Corp. (9984)’s $20 billion takeover of Sprint Nextel Corp. (S)
Japan’s third-largest carrier, the first to offer the iPhone in the nation, set a 1.47 percent yield on 300 billion yen ($3.2 billion) of four-year notes going on sale to individual investors today, Nomura Holdings Inc. said in a statement on Feb. 22. The three biggest banks offer 0.03 percent for a four-year time deposit, according to the lenders’ websites. Japanese corporate bonds pay an average of 0.58 percent while company notes worldwide offer 2.66 percent, Bank of America Merrill Lynch data show.
Billionaire Masayoshi Son, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Softbank Corp., speaks during a news conference in Tokyo. Photographer: Noriyuki Aida/Bloomberg
Softbank, which is at risk of being cut to junk grade by Moody’s Investors Service, relied on individual investors for 67 percent of 980 billion yen raised in bond sales in the past four years, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The Tokyo-based company is counting on the popularity of its brand and that of Apple Inc.’s devices to tap 840 trillion yen of cash and bank deposits owned by the nation’s households to help pay for the Sprint Nextel deal that will create the world’s third-biggest carrier.
“What helped support this company through the years isn’t the equity markets, financial establishments or institutional investors, but rather individual investors,” said Hiroaki Hayashi, who manages 1.5 trillion yen of fixed-income investments at Fukokushinrai Life Insurance Co. in Tokyo. “They are turning to their source of strength again” to fund the Sprint Nextel deal.

Downgrade Risk

Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s have put Softbank’s credit ratings under review for possible downgrade on concern the acquisition may undermine its financial strength. A downgrade of one step would bring the rating to a speculative, or junk, ranking at Moody’s.
The carrier’s bonds fell on the takeover news. The spread on 100 billion yen of 0.74 percent five-year notes targeting individuals it sold in September more than doubled to 141 basis points on Oct. 12 after reports of the acquisition, and traded at 155 on Feb. 22, JS Price data show.
The company also sold last week 70 billion yen of 1.467 percent four-year notes to institutions, priced to yield 137 basis points more than government debt, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The extra yield to own the debt of Japanese companies instead of sovereign bonds was at 42 basis points, Bank of America Merrill Lynch index data show.

Savings Pile

Japanese households owned 1,510 trillion yen of financial assets as of the end of September, according to the Bank of Japan. Cash and bank deposits accounted for more than half of the amount at 840 trillion yen, compared with 33 trillion yen of debt securities and 87 trillion yen in equities and investments, the data show.
Softbank has 186.6 billion yen of bonds maturing this year, including a 130 billion-yen retail note due Sept. 17, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
“The Sprint acquisition requires a considerable amount of funding and we felt that retail bonds are the appropriate method of financing,” Takeaki Nukii, a Tokyo-based spokesman at Softbank, said by telephone on Feb. 22. “We also knew that there is demand from institutional investors, so we included them in the offering.”
Softbank’s founder Son, 55, is Japan’s second-richest man with a net worth of $8.9 billion as of today, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Almost 95 percent of his fortune is from his 20 percent stake in shares of Softbank. Son’s company owns a professional baseball team.

Utility Bonds

Elsewhere in Japan’s credit markets, Kyushu Electric Power Co. sold 60 billion yen of 0.65 percent three-year notes paying 60 basis points more than similar-maturity government debt, Mizuho Financial Group Inc. said in a statement on Feb. 22. The utility last offered bonds in October when it raised 30 billion yen of 0.526 percent three-year securities offering a 42 basis- point spread, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
Japan’s corporate bonds have handed investors a 0.23 percent return this month, compared with a 0.29 percent gain for the nation’s sovereign notes in the period, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch index data. Company debt worldwide returned 0.49 percent.

BOJ Governor

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will nominate Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda as governor of the Bank of Japan, Japanese media reported. Abe is likely to present Kuroda to the Japanese Diet in the middle of this week, Kyodo News said, citing unidentified government sources. The Nikkei, Sankei and Asahi newspapers also reported that Abe is planning to nominate Kuroda.
The yen slid to as low as 94.77 per dollar today, a level unseen since May 2010, as investors speculate that Kuroda, 68, may help Abe to follow through on his pledges to counter more than a decade of deflation and spur a Japanese revival. The currency traded at 94.14 as of 11:43 a.m. in Tokyo.
Yields on Japan’s benchmark 10-year government bonds fell 1 1/2 basis points to 0.705 percent in Tokyo today, touching the lowest since Dec. 12. The Japanese securities yielded 124 basis points less than similar-maturity U.S. Treasuries, compared with 103 a year earlier, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

Default Risk

Five-year credit-default swaps that insure Japan’s sovereign bonds traded at 71 basis points on Feb. 22, compared with 123 a year earlier, according to data provider CMA, which is owned by McGraw-Hill Cos. and compiles prices quoted by dealers in the privately negotiated market. A drop in the contracts signals improving perceptions of creditworthiness.
The Sprint announcement came two weeks after Softbank agreed to acquire a stake in competing Japanese wireless provider eAccess Ltd. to help meet bandwidth demand from iPhone users. Sales of Apple phones and tablets have helped Softbank boost earnings.
The acquisition of Overland Park, Kansas-based Sprint’s 56.4 million subscribers would increase Softbank’s customer base to 96 million in the U.S. and Japan, the Japanese company said in October. The carrier’s biggest domestic competitor, NTT DoCoMo Inc., has about 60.8 million subscriptions.
Softbank reported on Jan. 31 that net income doubled to 65.9 billion yen in the three months ended Dec. 31. Operating income jumped 24 percent to 197.4 billion yen as sales gained 7.1 percent to 923.7 billion yen, it said.
“Retail investors are easily put off by corporate bonds they are not familiar with,” Hiroshi Nakamura, a Tokyo-based independent financial planner for individual investors, said in a telephone interview on Feb. 22. “Softbank’s name is well known for its TV commercials and it gives people confidence the company won’t go under easily.”


Softbank CEO Launches Charm Offensive
Softbank's shares rallied 9.6% after CEO Masayoshi Son made a pitch for the Sprint deal. Those powers of persuasion will be put to the test this week as he heads to the U.S. to lobby Sprint shareholders.
Softbank to Take Over Sprint
Japan's Softbank said it will buy a 70% stake in U.S. mobile carrier Sprint Nextel for about $20 billion, in the biggest-ever overseas acquisition by a Japanese company.

Bravado Behind Softbank's Sprint Deal

TOKYO—Softbank Corp.'s $20 billion takeover of Sprint Nextel Corp. is a calculated bet that the Japanese company can once again fix up a troubled mobile carrier and use it to rattle the industry's leaders.
It is also an ego trip.
"I'm a man," Softbank Chief Executive Masayoshi Son explained while announcing the deal Monday in Japanese. "It's part of my male ego to strive to be No. 1."

Masayoshi Son

Masayoshi Son Softbank Mobile Summit 2008
Born August 11, 1957 (age 55)
Tosu, Saga Prefecture, Japan
Alma mater University of California, Berkeley
Occupation Founder and CEO of SoftBank
Net worth US$ 8.1 billion

20多年來 日本傳奇人物Masayoshi Son 孫正義的許多作為 各界褒貶不一

這回的作為 有些地方也很有創意









Masayoshi Son (Japanese: 孫正義, Korean: 손정의; born August 11, 1957 in Tosu, Saga Prefecture, Japan) is a Zainichi Korean[1] Japanese businessman and the founder and current chief executive officer of SoftBank Capital, and the chief executive officer of SoftBank Mobile (the renamed, effective October 1, 2006, Vodafone K. K. ). According to the Forbes magazine, his net worth is 7 billion dollars and he is the richest man in Japan,[2] despite being the single person who has lost the most money in history (approximately 70 billion dollars in the dot com crash of 2000).



[edit] Background

A third-generation son of a Korean family in Japan, Son was not considered a Japanese citizen until his family adopted the Japanese surname Yasumoto (安本?). Son pursued his interests in business by securing a meeting with Japan McDonald's president Den Fujita. Taking his advice, Son began studying English and computer science.
At age 16, Son moved to California and finished high school while staying with friends and family in South San Francisco. He attended the University of California, Berkeley in which he majored in economics and studied computer science. Enamored by a microchip featured in a magazine, Son at age 19 became confident that computer technology would ignite the next commercial revolution.
Convinced that anything related to microchips could yield a fortune, Son decided to produce at least one entrepreneurial idea a day. He patented a translating device that he eventually sold to Sharp Electronics for $1 million. Applications of the patent include the Wizard series of Sharp PDAs.
Flush with cash, Son imported Space Invaders video arcade systems and dispersed them about the UC Berkeley campus. Soon after graduating from Berkeley with a BA in economics in 1980, Son started Unison in Oakland, California, which has since been bought by Kyocera.

[edit] Yahoo! BB

Although SoftBank's stake in Yahoo! had dwindled to 7%, Son established Yahoo! BroadBand in September 2001 with Yahoo! Japan in which he still owned a controlling interest. After a severe devaluation of SoftBank's equity, Son was forced to focus his attention on Yahoo! BB and BB Phone. Using ADSL technology that could reach speeds upwards of 10 Mbit/s (new service can reach about 100 Mbit/s), Yahoo! BB currently[citation needed] reaches 4.3 million subscribers each paying about $20–$30 a month, but continues to lose about $100 million a month. So far, SoftBank has accumulated about $1.3 billion in debt. Yet, Yahoo! BB acquired Japan Telecom, the then third largest broadband and landline provider with 600,000 residential and 170,000 commercial subscribers. Yahoo! BB is now Japan's leading broadband provider.

[edit] Vodafone K. K.

On March 17, 2006 Vodafone Group announced it had agreed to sell Vodafone K.K. to SoftBank for approximately 1.75 trillion Japanese yen (approximately US$ 15.1 Billion). On April 14, 2006 SoftBank and Vodafone K. K. jointly announced, that the brand and company name Vodafone will be changed to a "new, easy-to-understand and familiar company name and brand". Masayoshi Son is the CEO (Representative Director) of Vodafone K. K.

Investment in Solar Power

In response to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011, Masayoshi Son criticized the nuclear industry for creating “the problem that worries Japanese the most today”,[3] and engaged in investing in a nation-wide solar power network for Japan.[4]


  1. ^ Masayoshi Son - Forbes, Forbes, retrieved April 27, 2011.
  2. ^ Andrew Ross Sorkin (2010-12-13). "A Key Figure in the Future of Yahoo". New York Times. Retrieved 07 April 2012.
  3. ^ Michael Penn (2011-04-23). "Masayoshi Son Castigates the Nuclear Industry". Shingetsu Blog. Retrieved 31 August 2011.
  4. ^ Yasu, Mariko (2011-06-23). "Softbank's CEO Wants a Solar-Powered Japan". BusinessWeek. Retrieved 2011-08-23.

See also

External links


