Kyoto City University of Arts, founded in 1880, has produced leading painters in the art world. Its policy emphasizes Shasei: painting from life through intensive observation.
e way in which a simple exchange can shape a person's destiny
To the sorrowful, I will never return,
To the angry, I was cheated,
But to the happy, I am at peace,
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I cannot speak, but I can listen.
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore gazing at a beautiful sea,
As you look upon a flower and admire its simplicity,
Remember me.
Remember me in your heart:
Your thoughts, and your memories,
Of the times we loved,
The times we cried,
The times we fought,
The times we laughed.
For if you always think of me, I will never have gone.”
~Margaret Mead
右翼 YouTube用戶幫助總統尹錫烈贏得了選舉。在他拙劣地實施戒嚴令後,他們現在成為了他的盟友。
How Fear and Conspiracy Theories Fuel South Korea’s Political Crisis
Right-wing YouTubers helped President Yoon Suk Yeol win his election. They are now his allies in the wake of his botched imposition of martial law.
谷歌韓國表示,它根據其社群準則管理 YouTube 內容。
諷刺的是,正是 YouTube 幫助尹先生宣布戒嚴令的消息在 12 月 3 日晚瘋傳,促使民眾湧向國會,以推遲軍隊的推進,並為反對派議員投票爭取時間下戒嚴。
「這是演算法不同角色之間的衝突,」洪先生說。 “演算法有助於資訊傳播,但也會讓你成為資訊的奴隸。”
Google Korea said it manages YouTube contents according to its community guidelines.
Ironically, it was also YouTube that helped news of Mr. Yoon’s declaration of martial law go viral on the night of Dec. 3, prompting citizens to rush to the National Assembly to delay the advance of troops and buy time for opposition lawmakers to vote down the martial law.
“It was a clash between the different roles of algorithms,” Mr. Hong said. “Algorithms help information go viral, but also help make you a slave to it.”
Itooka had four children.[1] In 1979, her husband died.[1] Following his death, Itooka relocated to Ashiya, Hyōgo.[1] In her later years, she maintained an active lifestyle.[1] In her 70s, she climbed Mount Nijō, summited Mount Ontake twice.[2] At the age of 100 in 2008, Itooka successfully climbed each step of Ashiya shrine without any assistance.[3] She participated in the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage, which was a pilgrimage to more than 33 temples.[4] Itooka attributed her longevity to eating bananas and drinking Calpis, a Japanese dairy-based beverage.[1]
糸岡 富子在她的晚年,她保持著積極的生活方式。 70多歲時,她登上了二條山,兩次登頂禦嶽山。 2008年,100歲的糸岡在沒有任何幫助的情況下成功登上了蘆屋神社的每個階梯 [3]她參加了西國觀音參拜活動,並參拜了超過 33 座寺廟。 糸岡 富子將她的長壽歸功於吃香蕉和喝可爾必思(一種日本乳製品飲料)。
On an icy winter ride from northern Tokyo into neighboring Chiba, we meet a number of artists with one thing in common - the many years they have spent perfecting their traditional arts.
有些很容易消除:瓊·迪迪安(Joan Didion)的《奇幻思維之年》 (台灣有譯本)雖然讀起來感人至深,但與總統無關。其他的則穩操勝券,標題中就有一位總統。我很快就對這些產生了欣賞:對大衛·麥卡洛的《杜魯門》(台灣有譯本)、馬克斯·布特的《雷根》和《"紐約報"都翻譯成"泰晤士報"》專欄作家莫林·多德的《布希世界》的讚賞。
Some were easy to eliminate: Joan Didion’s “The Year of Magical Thinking,” while an affecting read, has nothing to do with presidents. Others were shoo-ins, with a president right there in the title. I rapidly developed an appreciation for those: Shout-out to David McCullough’s “Truman,” Max Boot’s “Reagan” and “Bushworld” by the Times Opinion columnist Maureen Dowd.
As I coded, I often found myself thinking about the limits of presidents’ ability to shape their own legacies.
當我編碼?時,我經常發現自己在思考:總統塑造自己遺產的能力有限。 一些暢銷書——包括卡特先生的妻子羅莎琳·卡特(Rosalynn Carter)和他的白宮辦公廳主任漢密爾頓·喬丹(Hamilton Jordan)的書——直接討論了他的總統任期。但我認為與他有關的其他作品,例如幽默作家阿特·布赫瓦爾德(包可華
A few best sellers — including books by Rosalynn Carter, Mr. Carter’s wife, and Hamilton Jordan, his White House chief of staff — dealt squarely with his presidency. But others that I judged to be about him, such as a political satire by the humorist Art Buchwald, treated Mr. Carter like a sideshow or a one-term speed bump between Watergate and Mr. Reagan’s morning in America. History, it sometimes seemed, had relegated Mr. Carter to a bit player.
故事的結尾充滿了希望:卡特先生的臨終關懷期,延長近20 個月,這將使美國人想要更多地了解他,並激勵未來的作者更深入地探討卡特先生的總統任期間和下台之後。
The story ends with a hope: that Mr. Carter’s extended hospice stay, nearing the 20-month mark, will make Americans want to learn more about him — and spur future authors to more deeply explore Mr. Carter’s presidency and his postpresidency, now in its fifth decade.
時尚界代表安娜溫圖(Anna Wintour) 也出席了周六的活動,她是《Vogue》雜誌的長期主編,也是拜登總統授予榮譽的18 人之一。NEW York Times
In her introduction, Ms. Wintour, who was dressed in a shin-length plaid coat and forwent her ever-present oversized sunglasses for the occasion, was hailed for using “fashion as a mirror to reflect our culture.”
Ralph Lauren 自由勳章,最高等級榮譽
Ralph Lauren 以最高平民榮譽書寫時尚歷史
幾十年來,這位 85 歲的老人幾乎成為美國時尚的代名詞,成為第一位贏得總統自由勳章的時裝設計師。
來自檔案:我們 1989 年對 Ralph Lauren 的訪談。
近 30 年後,Ralph Lauren 公司正在為沒有自己名字掌舵的未來做準備。有關更多信息,請閱讀勞倫本週決定從公司辭職的信息http://on.ft.com/1MGqgXT 以及我們對勞倫對他即將離開的公司的重要性的分析