2025年2月21日 星期五

感恩:10人聚餐 龐貝,紀元前三世紀The House of the Orchard in Pompeii

感恩:10人聚餐:楊誠學長一家 (夫人譚女士多年初見,最感佩; 聰慧的印尼外傭--向曹永洋學長解釋其一身服飾......。李怡晚年和家族故事.....)。文華學長照例從京都回台請客。金恆煒夫婦(不少的法律,胰臟癌等知識,義大利旅遊......);徐少帥夫婦......東海大學 (第2屆 (1960級),第5屆,第10屆,第17屆....)

The House of the Orchard in Pompeii may be modest in size compared to some neighboring structures, yet it stands out due to its stunning frescoes that illustrate lush gardens adorned with trees and decorative plants, showcasing remarkable attention to detail and artistic skill throughout the home.
Unearthed in the early 1900s, this residence is believed to have been built in the 3rd century BC and experienced several renovations over the years before being ultimately buried by the eruption of Vesuvius during its last restoration in antiquity.
After extensive restoration work, the site has recently reopened to the public. This lovely photograph was kindly provided by Ian and Diana, friends of our page, who recently had the pleasure of visiting. What a wonderful experience!

