2025年1月21日 星期二

Elon Musk希特勒敬禮之後 . 有人發起HelloQuitteX(哈囉離開X)A news site focused on Elon Musk is set to launch帶頭扼殺一項兩黨支出協議,部分原因是宣揚有關該協議的虛假和誤導性言論。大嘴巴洩密王?Trump’s disrupter-in-chief 特斯拉車主透過保險桿貼紙進行公投。台灣實體雜誌約灣4/5天, all in for Donald Trump, has involved himself in the U.S. election. Mark Zuckerberg 川普勝選會如何威脅特斯拉在中國的成功? 悶了幾年,終於出口氣....., Elon Musk's full interview with CNBC's David Faber. The World of Elon Musk, Dissecting Elon Musk’s Tweets: He’s Thinking About Creating a Social Media Platform 2022。王傳福 Wang Chuanfu,; Horthy Miklós, Willy Brandt 1913-1992

A news site focused on Elon Musk is set to launch

The world’s richest man led the charge to kill a bipartisan spending deal, in part by promoting false and misleading claims about it.




Elon Musk將在川普次期政權中擔任重要職位,但他未能遵守處理機密資訊所需的規範手續,這引發高度關注。美國空軍已基於外洩風險,拒絕馬斯克接觸某些高級別機密。


這名顧問提議不應批准馬斯克取得「安全許可」(Security Clearance)。公司內部對馬斯克未遵守與外國接觸及海外出訪的報告義務感到質疑,但多名員工因提出警告而遭到解雇或調離職務,導致更多人選擇保持沉默。






For Tesla Owners, a Referendum Through Bumper Stickers

As Elon Musk has become a key player in President-elect Donald J. Trump’s world, Tesla owners are marking their cars to signify where they stand — for or against.
Numerous stickers are arranged together on a lawn. They all have messages expressing anger with Elon Musk.

Since finding success with his original “I Bought This Before We Knew Elon Was Crazy” bumper stickers, Matthew Hiller has expanded his offerings with several others related to the Tesla chief executive.Credit...Matthew Hiller

隨著馬斯克(Elon Musk) 成為當選總統唐納德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump) 世界中的關鍵人物,特斯拉車主正在為他們的汽車做標記,以表明他們的立場——支持或反對。
































Elon Musk is Trump’s disrupter-in-chief

Elon Musk Shows Off Tesla ‘Robotaxi’ That Drives Itself

6 min read

A Tesla robotaxi driving on a darkened street.

Mark Zuckerberg 悶了幾年,終於出口氣.....

CNN International

Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth increased by more than $28 billion between your morning coffee and your lunch break.

Mark Zuckerberg made $28 billion this morning after Meta stock makes record surge | CNN Business
Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth increased by more than $28 billion between your morning coffee and your lunch break.

Launching a new social network is notoriously hard. But as Twitter bleeds users and advertisers, and as Elon Musk’s management continues on its eccentric path, the opportunity for Mark Zuckerberg is becoming bigger. Read why: https://econ.trib.al/KCxL0gb

Image: Getty Images


What Mr. Musk says on Twitter has a huge reach, now more than ever: His audience is one of the largest, with nearly 128 million accounts following him. It is where he solicits advice, conducts polls, condemns censorship and announces sweeping policy changes on the platform. As a power user who now controls the company — he recently called himself the “chief twit” — Mr. Musk has vowed to remake the social network in his vision.
馬斯克先生在 Twitter 上所說的話現在比以往任何時候都具有巨大的影響力:他的聽眾是最大的聽眾之一,有近 1.28 億個帳戶關注他。他在這裡徵求意見、進行民意調查、譴責審查制度並在平台上宣布全面的政策變化。作為現在控制公司的超級用戶——他最近稱自己為“首席智者”——馬斯克先生發 誓要按照他的願景重塑社交網絡。

The World of Elon Musk

The billionaire’s story includes the world’s most valuable automaker, an innovative rocket company and plenty of drama in his personal and professional life.


Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said that he had ‘supposedly’ tested positive for COVID-19, with no major symptoms https://reut.rs/3ILSq5i

Elon Musk Says He’s Thinking About Creating a Social Media Platform
Elon Musk, chief executive of Tesla Inc., said in tweets that he is giving serious thought to creating a social media platform because Twitter is “failing to adhere to free speech principle.”

Bloomberg Asia

Elon Musk says that Twitter, "as the de facto public town square," is falling down on the job.

BYD Takes #1 Electric Car Spot As Electric Car Sales Triple In China ...


このページを訳す 2016/01/20 - BYD Takes #1 Electric Car Spot As Electric Car Sales Triple In China (Video Interview) ... In 2014, Wang Chuanfu, founder and chairman of BYD, actually won the Zayed Future Energy Prize Lifetime ..... Opinions and comments published on this site may not be sanctioned by, and do not necessarily represent the views of Sustainable Enterprises Media, Inc., its owners, sponsors, affiliates ...

彭博商業周刊 / 中文版

【即時頭條】「中國版馬斯克」 王傳福準備上演壓軸大戲
數十年來,中國的金融專家一直認為富有遠見卓識的綠色科技創業者、電池和電動汽車製造商比亞迪公司的行政總裁王傳福有望躋身主宰全球汽車行業的實業家之列。九年前,投資巨擘巴菲特(Warren Buffett)收購了比亞迪10%的股份。然而汽油動力汽車仍然在中國和全世界占主導地位,這讓王傳福一直處在一些汽車大亨的陰影之下,這當中包括了雷諾(Renault)的行政總裁古森(Carlos Ghosn)、通用汽車(General Motors)的巴拉(Mary Barra),以及大眾汽車(Volkswagen)的穆勒(Matthias Müller)。

投資者表示贊同。自8月以來,比亞迪的股票在香港交易已經上漲了44%,達到每股70港元(約合8.97美元)。摩根大通的汽車業分析師賴以哲(Nick Lai)預測,這隻股票可能再上漲約40%,超過2009年巴菲特宣佈投資後達到的高點。
比亞迪是一家圍繞電池核心技術打造的硬件創新企業。投資諮詢公司Automobility的創辦人魯索(Bill Russo)表示,作為一家中國公司,比亞迪在生產經濟型電動汽車方面可能具有得天獨厚的優勢,「作為中國的領先電動汽車製造商,他們面臨的形勢似乎比以往任何時候都更加有利。」
雖然王傳福常常被稱作中國的馬斯克(Elon Musk),但也許說馬斯克是美國的王傳福才更加準確。兩人都因為大力投資開發鋰離子電池動力汽車,打破了內燃機長達一個世紀的壟斷而大獲成功。但是王傳福一直領先於Tesla這位美國的創新者,早在2003年他就創辦了手機電池生產企業,打造了第一家大型汽車電池工廠。王傳福在2008年銷售了自己的第一款大眾市場電動汽車,同年建起了第一家太陽能面板工廠,在2009年開始生產電動商務巴士。相比之下,Tesla公司2008年交付了第一輛電動汽車,2016年才進軍太陽能面板領域。
王傳福「意識到生產高質量電池的關鍵因素之一並不是科技,而是生產能力」,伯克希爾哈撒韋公司的前任高層索科爾(David Sokol)說。他於2008年來到中國為巴菲特調查這筆投資,後來加入了比亞迪董事會。「他的天才之處在於認識到生產質量決定了一切,」比亞迪的英文名稱BYD即是「打造你的夢想(Build Your Dream)」的英文縮寫,公司追求的是王傳福所說的綠色夢想:太陽能工廠、能源存儲站和電動汽車,它們都有助於世界的可持續發展。
王傳福也曾遭受質疑。當他在2003年宣佈他的手機電池公司將收購一家汽車製造商時,投資者紛紛撤資,當時的公司股價在三天時間下跌了31%。五年後,比亞迪的F3是中國銷量最好的車型,公司已經開始銷售第一款雙模插電式混合動力汽車。那一年,巴菲特的中美能源控股公司(MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co.)現在叫做伯克希爾哈撒韋能源(Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co.)決定以18億港元(當時相當於2.32億美元)的價格收購比亞迪10%的股份。這家美國公司的投資目前價值約160億港元。王傳福「是一個無比聰明的人,」索科爾說,「在我們參觀他們的公司時,可以看出處處都能顯示出他對細節的關注。」
中國2008年新能源汽車銷售總量僅為2.4萬部,然而到了2015年,比亞迪已經成為世界上最大的電動汽車生產商,並延伸到電動公共汽車、叉車、道路清掃車和輕型卡車生產。一年之後,韓國巨頭三星電子(Samsung Electronics Co.)加入了這場盛宴,斥資30億元(約合4.49億美元)收購了比亞迪2%的股份,投資額幾乎是巴菲特的兩倍,持有的比亞迪股份卻僅是巴菲特的五分之一。撰文/彭博社

Elon Musk just met that 100-day deadline to get Australia a giant Tesla ...


このページを訳す 1 日前 - Elon Musk will get paid for building the world's largest lithium ion battery in South Australia, with testing on the 100-megawatt project about to begin ahead of next week's December 1 deadline to build it in 100 days, or it's free.

Elon Musk, Uber's Kalanick join Trump's business adviser team

- Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Uber CEO Travis Kalanick will join President-elect DonaldTrump's Strategic and Policy Forum, giving the tech ...

A blend of financial laboratory, corporate labyrinth and buttock-clenching thrill ride, Musk Inc has pushed the boundary of what was thought possible

Elon Musk's finances are as jaw-dropping, inventive and combustible as his space rockets
An assessment of Musk Inc
2014年 06月 13日 08:38

Getty Images

特 斯拉汽車(Tesla Motors Inc.)周四在博客上稱,該公司將開放專利技術,不會向使用其專利技術的公司提出侵權訴訟。

該公司首席執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)在博客上寫道,以往特斯拉帕洛阿爾托總部大廳內有一堵專利牆。如今不再是這樣了。特斯拉本著開源精神,為推動電動車技術拆掉了這堵牆。



Mike Ramsey

Elon Musk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk‎ Elon Musk is an American business magnate, investor, and inventor. He is currently the CEO & CTO of SpaceX and CEO & Chief Product Architect of Tesla ...

Talulah Riley - ‎Justine Musk - ‎Tesla Motors - ‎SpaceX
News for elon musk

Elon Musk's SpaceX wins the bidding rights for historic NASA launch pad
Raw Story ‎- 1 day ago
The California-based SpaceX is owned by PayPal co-founder Elon Musk, and Blue Origin is a venture of Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos.


這一期,我們要跟大家分享一個人物:Elon Musk(馬斯克)。
Google創辦人佩吉(Larry Page)這麼描述他:「我有多少資產呢(約合新台幣七千四百億元)?如果我今天被巴士撞死,我應該把這一切都留給Elon。」

今年你一定要認識Elon Musk

這個數字,是《商業周刊》所選出的2013年年度人物,特斯拉(Tesla)執行長伊隆.馬斯克(Elon Musk),所創造的特斯拉電動車,在全球車市的市占率。
2011年10月,蘋果創辦人賈伯斯過世後,全世界的人都在討論,誰會是下一個賈伯斯?「馬斯克的名字,從這個時候開始,總是被提到。」矽谷創投「創業家基金」(Founders Fund)投資總監諾藍(Scott Nolan)接受《商業周刊》訪問時說。
賈伯斯的夢想,讓全世界有近6億人為之癡狂,還被美國總統歐巴馬譽為「美國最偉大創新者」,馬斯克不僅被公認是最有可能超越賈伯斯的人,德國投資銀行貝倫堡(Berenberg)更建議蘋果執行長庫克(Tim Cook)應該購併特斯拉,尋求新生命力,因為馬斯克對產品的創新力,是最像賈伯斯的人。
▲本世紀最瘋狂夢想家 改變4大領域
▲這台最夯的電動車 關鍵零件來自台灣

Willy Brandt (German pronunciation: [ˈvɪli ˈbʁant]; born Herbert Frahm; 18 December 1913 – 8 October 1992) was a German statesman and politician, leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, or SPD) from 1964 to 1987 and chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1969 to 1974. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971 for his efforts to achieve reconciliation between West Germany and the countries of the Soviet bloc. He was the first Social Democrat chancellor since 1930.
Though controversial in West Germany, Brandt's policy of Ostpolitik can be considered his most significant legacy and it aimed at improving relations with East Germany, Poland, and the Soviet Union. Of similar importance, the Brandt Report became a recognised measure for describing the general North-South divide in world economics and politics between an affluent North and a poor South.
Brandt resigned as Chancellor in 1974, after Günter Guillaume, one of his closest aides, was exposed as an agent of the Stasi, the East German secret service.

Germany marks Willy Brandt's 100th birthday with tribute
German and international figures have marked what would have been the 100th birthday of Willy Brandt, the first Social Democratic Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Some 1,500 guests gathered Wednesday in the northern city of Lübeck to honor and remember the life of former Chancellor Willy Brandt just one week shy of what would have been his 100th birthday.
In the Music and Congress Hall in Lübeck, German President Joachim Gauck said that even more than 20 years after his death the political values ​​of Brandt are still felt. "Willy Brandt is still present - with everything that he embodied: his love of freedom, and his quest for peace and justice."
Gauck's Austrian counterpart Heinz Fischer, who was invited as a guest speaker, praised Brandt saying, "He had good friends, enthusiastic supporters and bitter enemies. But history has decided in his favor. Today we know that Germany and Europe were lucky to have Willy Brandt," Fischer said.
Born in Lübeck on December 18, 1913, Brandt was one of the greatest European statesmen of the 20th Century. In 1933, Brandt fled Germany for Norway to escape Nazi persecution.
After World War II, Brandt helped rebuild West Germany's Social Democratic Party (SPD) and in 1969 he was elected as the first Social Democratic Chancellor since 1930.
He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971 for his efforts to achieve reconciliation between West Germany and the countries of the Soviet Bloc. Brandt died in 1992 in Unkel near Bonn.
hc/lw (dpa, epd)

Elon Musk (/ˈlɒn ˈmʌsk/; born 28 June 1971) is a South African-born American business magnate, investor, and inventor.[2] He is best known for founding SpaceX and for co-founding Tesla Motors and PayPal (originally X.com). At SpaceX he is the CEO and Chief Designer and at Tesla Motors he is Chairman, CEO and Product Architect. Musk is also Chairman of SolarCity.

California is home to many clever people. One of them is Elon Musk, the hyperactive boss of Tesla Motors, an electric-car company, and SpaceX, a rocketry business. There is nothing Mr Musk likes more than revolutionising high-tech industries. And he thinks he has come up with a better way to get California moving than a standard high-speed train http://econ.st/13oc8Qj


Main article: Hyperloop On August 12, 2013, Musk unveiled a proposal for a new form of transportation between Los Angeles and San Francisco, after being disappointed with the approved California High-Speed Rail system. He named it "hyperloop", a subsonic air travel machine that stretches approximately 350 miles (560 km) from Los Angeles to San Francisco and will allow commuters to travel between the cities in 30 minutes or less, providing a shorter traveling time than even a commercial airplane can currently provide.[40] The idea is similar to the tubes used to ship mail or packages between buildings.[41]



霍爾蒂·米克洛什 霍爾蒂·米克洛什(匈牙利語:Horthy Miklós,德语:Nikolaus von Horthy und Nagybánya,1868年6月18日-1957年2月9日),匈牙利的軍人與政治人物。

生平 霍爾蒂出身地主家庭,並且參與奧匈帝國海軍,在第一次世界大戰期間由於擊潰義大利亞得里亞海的海軍而馳名。1918年霍爾蒂以海軍少將名義轉任海軍艦隊司令官,直到第一次世界大戰的結束為止。


Miklós Horthy

Regent of Hungary
In office
1 March 1920 – 15 October 1944
Prime Minister Károly Huszár
S. Simonyi-Semadam
Pál Teleki
István Bethlen
Gyula Károlyi
Gyula Gömbös
Kálmán Darányi
Béla Imrédy
Pál Teleki
F. Keresztes-Fischer (acting)
László Bárdossy
F. Keresztes-Fischer (acting)
Miklós Kállay
Döme Sztójay
Géza Lakatos
Preceded by Károly Huszár (acting)
Succeeded by Ferenc Szálasia
Personal details
Born Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya
18 June 1868
Kenderes, Austria-Hungary
Died 9 February 1957 (aged 88)
Estoril, Portugal
Political party None
Spouse(s) M. Purgly de Jószáshely
Children 4
Religion Calvinism
a. As "Leader of the Nation".

Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya (Hungarian: Vitéz[1] nagybányai Horthy Miklós; Hungarian pronunciation: [viteːz nɒɟbaːɲɒi horti mikloːʃ]; German: Nikolaus von Horthy und Nagybánya; 18 June 1868 – 9 February 1957) was regent of the Kingdom of Hungary during the years between World Wars I and II and throughout most of World War II, serving from 1 March 1920 to 15 October 1944. He was styled "His Serene Highness the Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary" (Hungarian: Ő Főméltósága a Magyar Királyság Kormányzója). A self-proclaimed anti-Semite[2][3] with a strong contempt for Bolshevism,[4] he was at the center of Hungary's rise of fascism[5] and involvement in the Holocaust.[6][7][8]
Horthy started his career as an officer in the Austro-Hungarian Navy, ultimately rising to the rank of Admiral. He served in the Otranto Raid and at the Battle of the Strait of Otranto (1917) and was its commander-in-chief in the last year of the First World War.
After Hungarian communists under Béla Kun seized power in Hungary in 1919, proclaiming the Hungarian Soviet Republic and commencing Hungary's Red Terror, a counterrevolutionary government was formed which asked Horthy to take command of its forces. In 1919, Romanian, Czechoslovakian and Yugoslavian forces invaded Hungary and later the Romanian army overthrew Kun's government. He allowed Hungary's White Terror to persist at first but eventually shut it down and imprisoned a few extremists among the anti-communists. When the Romanians evacuated Budapest in November 1919, Horthy entered at the head of the National Army.
The Hungarian Communist Party was banned, and in 1920 Horthy was declared Regent and Head of State, a position he held until his deposition in October 1944. Horthy refused to step down when the former King of Hungary, Charles IV attempted to regain his throne on two occasions. Later in 1921, the Hungarian parliament formally nullified the Pragmatic Sanction, an act that effectively dethroned the Habsburgs.
A conservative who was distinctly inclined toward the right of the political spectrum, Horthy guided Hungary through the years between the two world wars and, in exchange for the restoration of some of the Hungarian territories lost by the Treaty of Trianon, he took Hungary into an alliance with Nazi Germany.
In April 1941, Hungary entered World War II as an ally of Germany. Horthy's faltering allegiance to his German patrons, however, eventually led the Nazis to invade and take control of the country in March 1944. In October 1944, Horthy announced that Hungary would surrender and withdraw from the Axis. He was forced to resign, placed under arrest and taken to Bavaria. At the end of the war, he came under the custody of American troops.
After appearing as a witness at the Nuremberg war-crimes trials in 1948, Horthy settled and lived out his remaining years in Portugal. His memoirs, Ein Leben für Ungarn (A Life for Hungary),[9] were published in German in 1953, followed by an English translation three years later.

1 Early life and naval career
1.1 Dates of rank and assignments
2 Interwar period, 1919–1939
2.1 Commander of the National Army
2.2 Regent
2.3 Seeking redress for Trianon
3 World War II and the Holocaust
3.1 Uneasy alliance
3.2 War
3.3 Occupation
3.4 Deposition and arrest
4 Post-war life
5 Titles, styles, honours and arms
5.1 Titles and styles
5.2 Full title as Regent
6 Notes
7 See also
8 References
9 External links

曠日持久的訴訟程序,加大了社會處理匈牙利猶太人在二戰期間所犯罪行的難度,包括兩次大戰期間的反猶主義。例如霍爾蒂(Miklós Horthy)是兩次大戰期間匈牙利的國家首腦,也是臭名昭著的反猶主義者,他在1944年5月到6月之間,將40多萬猶太人運往奧斯威辛的主謀之一,但他在匈牙利卻被恢復了名譽,多處立有霍爾蒂的塑像和紀念碑。
匈牙利國會議長克韋爾(László Kövér)則在2012年5月出席詩人尼爾洛(József Nyírö)的紀念儀式。尼爾洛曾是40年代匈牙利納粹黨箭十字黨主要的文化思想家,以色列因此將克韋爾列為不受歡迎人物。(節錄自德國之聲中文網2013/8/13報導)

