
昨天晚上知道Grayson Perry (1960~) 榮獲 Erasmus prize。
去Wikipedia 查他,說,He was awarded the Turner Prize in 2003. He was interviewed about the win and resulting press in Sarah Thornton's Seven Days in the Art World.--恰巧,我有此書中譯本 (上海三聯),可惜它無索引。
所以只好到Google Books 買本英文版電子書 (兩百多台幣)。後來,我想到最好的介紹,應該在YouTube。(希望他 2013 BBC Reith Lectures. In a series of talks titled Playing to the Gallery,[59] he considered the state of art in the 21st century 還能找到)
Grayson Perry – 'Pottery Is My Gimmick' | TateShots
6 年前