Frankétienne, Father of Haitian Letters, Is Dead at 88
A prolific novelist, poet, painter and soothsayer, he was inspired by the chaos of his country and published the first novel written entirely in Haitian Creole.
海地文學之父弗蘭凱蒂安去世,享年 88 歲 他是一位多產的小說家、詩人、畫家和預言家,他從自己國家的混亂中受到啟發,出版了第一部完全用海地克里奧爾語寫成的小說。
弗蘭凱蒂安娜於 2025 年 2 月 20 日在德爾馬斯去世,享年 88 歲。他的死亡具體情況尚未公佈。海地總理阿里克斯·迪迪埃·菲爾斯·艾梅評價他:「他透過自己的作品照亮了世界,承載了海地人的靈魂,打破了沉默。願他的話語永垂不朽,願他的精神永垂不朽。再見,大師。」[8]
Frankétienne died in Delmas on 20 February 2025, at the age of 88.[15] The circumstances of his death were not announced.[1] Haitian Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé said of him "Through his writings, he illuminated the world, carried the soul of Haiti and defied silence. May his word remain, may his spirit still blow. Farewell, master."[8]
