2025年2月26日 星期三

「Frankétienne弗蘭凱蒂安 2025 ,享年 88 歲。透過自己的作品照亮了世界,承載了海地人的靈魂,打破了沉默。願他的話語永垂不朽,願他的精神永垂不朽。再見,大師。」

 A portrait of Frankétienne in three-quarter profile. He is mostly bald, with a bushy white beard and white eyebrows. Behind him is part of a large painting showing a dark-outlined eye and teeth.

The artist and writer Frankétienne with one of his paintings at his home in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in 2011. Considered the father of Haitian letters, he published the first novel written in Haitian Creole.Credit...Allison Shelley for The New York Times

Frankétienne, Father of Haitian Letters, Is Dead at 88

A prolific novelist, poet, painter and soothsayer, he was inspired by the chaos of his country and published the first novel written entirely in Haitian Creole.

海地文學之父弗蘭凱蒂安去世,享年 88 歲 他是一位多產的小說家、詩人、畫家和預言家,他從自己國家的混亂中受到啟發,出版了第一部完全用海地克里奧爾語寫成的小說。

弗蘭凱蒂安娜於 2025 年 2 月 20 日在德爾馬斯去世,享年 88 歲。他的死亡具體情況尚未公佈。海地總理阿里克斯·迪迪埃·菲爾斯·艾梅評價他:「他透過自己的作品照亮了世界,承載了海地人的靈魂,打破了沉默。願他的話語永垂不朽,願他的精神永垂不朽。再見,大師。」[8]

Frankétienne died in Delmas on 20 February 2025, at the age of 88.[15] The circumstances of his death were not announced.[1] Haitian Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé said of him "Through his writings, he illuminated the world, carried the soul of Haiti and defied silence. May his word remain, may his spirit still blow. Farewell, master."[8]

A painting by Frankétienne with a face in the top left corner and two hands composed of squiggly white lines on a dark gray, black and red background.
“Comment s’en sortir” (“How to get out of it”), a 2011 painting by Frankétienne. In addition to some 50 written works in French and Haitian Creole, he produced thousands of paintings and sketches, often with poems woven in.Credit...Photographed by Allison Shelley for The New York Times

The book cover of “Dézafi,” with an abstract painting of squiggly, vertical lines in black, red, white and yellow, and two possibly human figures in the foreground.
Frankétienne’s “Dézafi,” published in 1975, was the first novel written in Haitian Creole. A looping, experimental work, it is seen as an allegory for slavery and political oppression.Credit...Uva Press

