2025年3月28日 星期五

鄭連德牧師(1926-2025 台灣生命線之父)。日本電影導演篠田正浩我的初葉相片。春天的第一天,考爾德的 10 英寸高的銅線花。In honor of the first day of spring, here is Calder’s 10-inch-high brass wire Flower.


日本電影導演篠田正浩過世 享耆壽94歲

日本電影導演篠田正浩過世 享耆壽94歲










為了慶祝春天的第一天,這是考爾德的 10 英寸高的銅線花。愛德華·比伯曼 (Edward Biberman) 回憶起 1929 年 3 月他與考爾德一起從巴黎前往柏林的旅程,他描述了這位藝術家在受到德國海關官員質詢時,必須證明他的那卷金屬線是用於藝術創作的,不需要繳納關稅:“[他] 伸手到魔線口袋裡,一言蜚地轉動著這幅金屬線,這一切都準備好轉動它,但這些金屬線就開始轉動它一言,看著金屬線,這一切就開始轉動它。 ,一根莖出現了,然後是一些葉子,最後是一朵完整的雛菊,花瓣和所有東西都出現了。即使在 1930 年考爾德突然轉向抽象主義之後,他仍然多次回歸花卉圖案,最著名的是在他的珠寶中。這種興趣與他的朋友蒙德里安的興趣相呼應,蒙德里安在發展出其標誌性的新塑膠風格之後很長一段時間內仍繼續繪畫花卉。


[圖:花(約 1928 年),黃銅線。 © 2025 考爾德基金會,紐約 / 藝術家權利協會(ARS),紐約]

In honor of the first day of spring, here is Calder’s 10-inch-high brass wire Flower. Recalling his trip with Calder from Paris to Berlin in March 1929, Edward Biberman described how the artist—when challenged by a German customs official—had to prove his roll of wire was for artmaking, not subject to duty: “[He] reached into his jacket pocket, took out a pair of wire-cutters, snipped off a length of wire, and without a word began a sleight-of-hand performance that the official watched incredulously. Calder twisted the wire, turned it, bent it, and slowly there emerged first a stem, then some leaves, finally a complete daisy, petals and all.” Even after Calder’s abrupt shift to abstraction in 1930, he returned many times to the flower motif, most notably in his jewelry. This interest echoes that of his friend Mondrian, who continued to paint and draw flowers long after developing his iconic Neo-Plastic style.
For more information: https://tinyurl.com/3xyph4tx
[Image: Flower (c. 1928), brass wire. © 2025 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York]

Artist Georgia O’Keeffe at home with her mobile, by artist Alexander Calder (1980).

Artist Georgia O’Keeffe at home with her mobile, by artist Alexander Calder (1980).
  • calderfoundation的大頭貼照

    Georgia O’Keeffe was born on this day in 1887. Calder and O’Keeffe knew each other for many decades, and over the course of their friendship, Calder gifted two important artworks to her: a black mobile that O’Keeffe hung in her home in Abiquiú, New Mexico, and an initial brooch, featured in this photograph. The OK brooch quickly became one of her favorite pieces of jewelry, appearing in nearly every portrait taken of her. When Calder and O’Keeffe met for the last time at a dinner just a few weeks before his death, she exclaimed: “Oh, Sandy, how are you! It seems like we’ve known each other forever.”   
    Image: Georgia O’Keeffe wearing OK brooch (c. 1945), New Mexico, 1950. Photograph by Carl Van Vechten. © 2023 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; © Carl Van Vechten 
    #Calder #AlexanderCalder #CalderFoundation #GeorgiaOKeeffe

Temple Grandin, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 2016.他將國家變成獨裁政權 2025 President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is throttling Turkey’s democracy




Outside powers cannot stop him from turning the country into an autocracy. Only Turkey’s citizens can do that


President of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The President of Turkey is often informally referred to as the Reis-i Cumhur, meaning 'President of the People'. The current office-holder is the 12th President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan since August 28, 2014.
Term length‎: ‎Five years, renewable once
Inaugural holder‎: ‎Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Residence‎: ‎Presidential Complex
两名批评土耳其现政府的记者再次遭受审判。两名记者分别是土耳其最悠久的报纸《共和报》(Cumhuriyet)的安卡拉分社社长艾德姆•古尔(Erdem Gul)和报社主编坎·杜达(Can…

In 2013 more than 2,000 animals were slaughtered every second. Meet the woman who reformed slaughterhouses to give animals a decent life


傳主Temple Grandin 的影片,台灣放映過。

Temple Grandin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mary Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) is an American professor of animal science at Colorado State University, world-renowned autism spokesperson ...

Welcome to Temple Grandin's Official Autism Website


Dr. Grandin is a noted autistic who is an author, speaker, cited expert in many publications, and video producer. Site shares her personal tale and much of her ...

Temple Grandin (TV Movie 2010) - IMDb


A biopic of Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who has become one of the top scientists in the humane livestock handling industry. ... Temple Grandin (based on the book: "Emergence"), Margaret Scariano (based on the book: "Emergence") ... Claire Danes, Julia Ormond, David Strathairn.
Quotes - ‎Plot Summary - ‎Awards - ‎Parents Guide

Temple Grandin's Web Page


Livestock behaviour, design of facilities and humane slaughter.

Temple Grandin (Trailer) - YouTube


Sep 15, 2010 - Uploaded by risonrg
Biopic of Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who overcame the limitations imposed on her by her condition to ...

Temple Grandin | Speaker | TED.com


Through groundbreaking research and the lens of her own autism, Temple Grandinbrings startling insight into two worlds.

Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds | TED Talk | TED ...


Temple Grandin, diagnosed with autism as a child, talks about how her mind works -- sharing her ability to ...
