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1999 年,勞特利奇出版了《意義地圖:信仰的架構》,其中彼得森描述了一種關於人們如何建構意義、形成信念和進行敘事的理論。根據彼得森的說法,他的主要目標是研究為什麼個人和群體都參與社會衝突,探索個人支持他們的信仰體系(即意識形態認同)[8] 的推理和動機,這最終可能導致謀殺和病態的暴行,如古拉格、奧斯威辛集中營和盧安達種族滅絕。
2018 年1 月,企鵝蘭登書屋出版了彼得森的第二本書《生活的12 條規則:混沌的解藥》,其中以比他之前出版的作品更容易理解的方式討論了自助原則。 14][19][37 ]該書出現在多個暢銷書排行榜上。
彼得森的第三本書《超越秩序:生活的 12 條更多規則》於 2021 年 3 月 2 日發行。 2020 年 11 月 23 日,他的出版商加拿大企鵝蘭登書屋 (PRH Canada) 舉行了一次內部市政廳,許多員工批評了出版該書的決定。
彼得森的第四本書《與上帝摔角的人:對神聖的看法》於 2024 年 11 月 19 日再次由企鵝蘭登書屋出版。
In 1999, Routledge published Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, in which Peterson describes a theory about how people construct meaning, form beliefs, and make narratives.[8][34][35] According to Peterson, his main goal was to examine why individuals and groups alike participate in social conflict, exploring the reasoning and motivation individuals take to support their belief systems (i.e. ideological identification)[8] that can eventually result in murderous and pathological atrocities, such as the Gulag, the Auschwitz concentration camp, and the Rwandan genocide.[8][36]
In January 2018, Penguin Random House published Peterson's second book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, in which self-help principles are discussed in a more accessible style than in his previous published work.[14][19][37] The book appeared on several best-seller lists.[38][39][40]
Peterson's third book, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life, was released on 2 March 2021.[41] On 23 November 2020, his publisher Penguin Random House Canada (PRH Canada) held an internal town hall where many employees criticized the decision to publish the book.[42]
Peterson's fourth book, We Who Wrestle with God: Perceptions of the Divine, was published on 19 November 2024, again by Penguin Random House.[43]