2024年12月18日 星期三

評論:各說各話/既不同床,美中之夢又相異:中美可解決世界上所有問題 (美國當選總統特朗普(Donald Trump. 我稱之為「馬斯克-泰勒絲範式」How Elon Musk and Taylor Swift Can Resolve U.S.-China Relations By Thomas L. Friedman 12.17 紐約時報))

評論:各說各話/既不同床,美中之夢又相異:中美可解決世界上所有問題 (美國當選總統特朗普(Donald Trump. 我稱之為「馬斯克-泰勒絲範式」How Elon Musk and Taylor Swift Can Resolve U.S.-China Relations By Thomas L. Friedman 12.17 紐約時報))

特朗普:中美可解決世界上所有問題   北京:願同美方拓展合作

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1 day ago — 在美國當選總統特朗普(Donald Trump)於周一的記者會上告訴媒體,新冠疫情使他與“朋友”中國領導人習近平的關係緊張後數小時,中國外長王毅周二在談及中美 ...

How Elon Musk and Taylor Swift Can Resolve U.S.-China Relations By Thomas L. Friedman 12.17 紐約時報

要點: 中國高端產品製造能力,舉世第一: 高鐵 (北京至上海經驗),EV電動車大廠商,越洋運輸大船,暗工廠 (DARK FACTORY,可遙控之AI協助之機械人工廠,新產品/設計之推出速度等......)

But if we don’t use this time to respond to China the way we did to the Soviet Union’s 1957 launch of Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, with our own comprehensive scientific, innovative and industrial push, we will be toast.



 What is that? I call it the “Elon Musk-Taylor Swift paradigm.” America would use higher tariffs on China to buy time to lift up more Elon Musks — more homegrown manufacturers who can make big stuff so we can export more to the world and import less. And China would use the time to let in more Taylor Swifts — more opportunities for its youth to spend money on entertainment and consumer goods made abroad, but also to make more goods and offer more services — particularly in health care — that its own people want to buy.那是什麼?我稱之為「馬斯克-泰勒絲範式」。美國將利用對中國提高關稅來爭取時間來培養更多的伊隆馬斯克——更多能夠製造大產品的本土製造商,這樣我們就可以向世界出口更多產品並減少進口。中國將利用這段時間讓更多泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)進入中國——讓年輕人有更多機會花錢購買國外製造的娛樂和消費品,同時也生產更多商品並提供更多本國人民想要的服務-特別是在醫療保健領域購買。

