中國人口,現在十來億,過去也以億為單位計,極多樣化,所以任何概括,很可能失真,似乎不宜。「十三維度」引用瓊瑤說的故事,令人嘆息..... (同樣的,「日本人」須加括號表示)。 大家或許知道,曾經風行多地的柏楊筆下的「醜陋的中國人」一書,已經不「再版」..... ~(「中國人」(瓊瑤筆下的,馮睎乾十三維度引。柏楊筆下的,......) Sérgio Vieira de Mello ( 1948 – 2003))
- 瓊瑤筆下的「中國人」台北和上海「雙城論壇」開幕,台北市政府昨晚在圓山大飯店辦了一場晚宴,招待上海訪問團。市長蔣萬安致詞時,特地引用瓊瑤自傳《我的故事》的一句話:「戰爭代表的就是流浪和苦難。」據說是為了強調交流與和平的重要。奇怪了,戰爭之苦人盡皆知,要表達這樣平庸的反戰思想,何必煞有介事引用瓊瑤阿姨呢?我最近研究瓊瑤的命盤,也看了她的自傳,覺得如果真要引述瓊瑤談戰爭,以下的話似乎才是典型瓊瑤金句:「別的人童年的教育來自學校,我童年的教育,卻來自戰爭。」故事說瓊瑤的祖父、父母和她三姊弟(那時候瓊瑤只有六歲)在逃難,一日之內,接連三次被日本兵喝停檢查,身上錢財都被他們洗劫一空。到了傍晚,他們在偏僻的山野走着,不覺迷路,忽然遇到一個農夫,便滿懷希望向他問路。誰知那農夫像日本兵一樣向他們喊了四個字:「站住!檢查!」這刻,瓊瑤全家才醒覺,對方不是普通農夫,而是喬裝的「漢奸」。祖父一天被日本人檢查三次,滿腔怒火無處宣洩,當場就爆發了,竟喊出一句像是民族偶像劇的台詞:「不行!我不給你檢查!日本人檢查我,我無可奈何,你,中國人!不行!我不給你檢查!」那「農夫」隨即拔出手槍,指着祖父,堅持要檢查。祖父依然拒絕。原來祖父懷裏藏着一張紙,寫了咒罵日軍的詩,瓊瑤的父親早勸他把詩丟掉,可祖父卻偏偏任性地留在身上,結果弄得自己進退維谷,全家也可能為了一首詩而遭殃(這情節十分瓊瑤)。以下是瓊瑤阿姨聲淚俱下的原文,不能撮寫,容我做一次文抄公:// 祖父嚴厲的說:“今天我們已被三批日本鬼子檢查過!我再也不被中國人檢查!”那“農夫”大大的發怒了,他吼著:“不檢查,也行,我馬上槍斃你!”他舞動著手槍,樣子是完全認真的,絕非虛張聲勢。祖父挺直了腰,更堅決,更固執的說:“你槍斃我,我也不給你檢查!”那“農夫”舉起了槍,父親立刻撲過去,攔在祖父面前,急急的說:“爹,讓他檢查吧,你就讓他檢查吧!”“不行!”祖父斬釘截鐵的說:“我寧可死,也不給他檢查!”他望著那“農夫”說,“你槍斃我吧,放掉我兒子和孫子們!”“你是個頑固的老頭,嗯?”那“農夫”有些困惑的看著祖父:“我只要檢查你,並不想要你的命,你對檢查比生命還看得重?”“是的,你可以槍斃我,就是不能碰我!”祖父越來越固執。“你開槍吧!”那“農夫”再度舉起槍,臉色嚴厲,看樣子,祖父的生命已繫之於一髮,小弟弟首先“哇”的一聲嚇哭了。立刻,父親對祖父跪了下去,含淚祈求:“爹,讓他檢查吧,請您讓他檢查吧!”“檢查了是死,”祖父低語:“不如維持尊嚴,讓他槍斃我,你們給他檢查,你們到後方去!”“爹,”母親看父親跪下了,就也對祖父跪下了。“要死,就全家死在一塊吧!”小弟弟素來是祖父所鍾愛的,此時已明白這“壞人”要打死祖父,就哭著跑過去抱著祖父的腿,一個勁兒的叫:“爺爺不要死!爺爺不要死!”我和麒麟也熬不住,撲過去,和父母們擁成一團,也抱著祖父,哭著叫“爺爺”。一時間,我們三個孩子哭聲震野,祖父只是用顫抖的手緊摟著我們,卻依舊固執的嚷著:“不檢查!不檢查!不檢查!”那“農夫”大概被我們這一幕弄傻了。半天都直瞪著我們沒說話。然後,他忽然粗聲吼了一句:“別哭了!還不快走!”//一家五口,哭哭啼啼跪抱爺爺的腿,場面何其悲壯!這樣一哭二鬧,居然真的讓全家奇蹟地死裏逃生,難怪瓊瑤把此事銘記於心。正是受這個「農夫」啟發,瓊瑤才在這一章的末段說:「別的人童年的教育來自學校,我童年的教育,卻來自戰爭。」那麼她到底受了什麼「教育」呢?她如是說://於是,我知道,即使一個“壞人”,也有一剎那的“良知”,即使是“漢奸”,也不見得完全忘了自己是“中國人”。//坦白說,「農夫」最終放過祖父,真是因為他忽然記起自己是「中國人」?瓊瑤似乎忘了,她在自傳另一章「在山溝裏」也寫過日本兵對他們起了惻隱之心(當然也是因為全家小孩哭哭啼啼),才沒有帶走瓊瑤的母親。其實惻隱之心人皆有之,無分國族,「農夫」之所以放棄檢查,相信是受不了那個瓊瑤小說式煽情場面,一時間動了仁心而已,跟他是否「中國人」無關。瓊瑤自傳分兩部,第一部最精彩的一章,我覺得就是這篇「『中國人』」,而當中有一句話特別值得細味:「是的,他是中國人,比日本人更可惡更可怕的中國人,日本人到底是為他們的天皇打仗,這中國人卻為日本人來打中國人,這是一個——漢奸!」瓊瑤當年應該想像不到,「比日本人更可惡更可怕的中國人」很快就統治了中國,而他和他的黨所殺的中國人,居然比日本人還要多一百倍。如果真要交流,或許,台灣人更該拿瓊瑤這章「『中國人』」來對中国人說:在某些時代,所謂「中國人」其實比外國侵略者更殘暴,他們高舉民族大義,卻用中國人的血,為自己的統治鋪路。相關文章:瓊瑤阿姨的奇葩命盤(上)
- Sergio (2009 film)
- Sergio (2020 film)
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In an obituary for Sérgio Vieira de Mello, The New York Times described him and his chief of staff, Nadia Younes, as "realists, even cynics" about the challenges of national struggle and ethnic conflict. The obituary also noted that they "took life as it found them, and tried to improve it for others".
Sérgio Vieira de Mello - Wikipedia
Before becoming the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2002, he was the UN Transitional Administrator in East Timor from Dec...
Sérgio Vieira de Mello (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈsɛʁʒju viˈejɾɐ dʒi ˈmɛlu]; 15 March 1948 – 19 August 2003) was a Brazilian United Nations diplomat who worked on several UN humanitarian and political programs for over 34 years. The Government of Brazil posthumously awarded the Sergio Vieira de Mello Medal to honor his legacy in promoting sustainable peace, international security and better living conditions for individuals in situations of armed conflict, challenges to which Sérgio Vieira de Mello had dedicated his life and career.[2]
He was killed in the Canal Hotel bombing in Iraq along with 20 other members of his staff on 19 August 2003 while working as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, with the rank of Under-Secretary-General, and United Nations Special Representative for Iraq. Before his death, he was considered a likely candidate for UN Secretary-General.
Sergio Vieira de Mello - The Lancet
He was appointed to the Iraq post on May 29, 2003, and had a genuine sympathy with the Iraqi people, perhaps because he lived ther...
The Lancet
Career chronology
[edit]- 1969–1971: French Editor, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
- 1971–1972: Project Officer, UNHCR, Dhaka, East Pakistan
- 1972–1973: Programme Officer, UNHCR, Juba, Sudan
- 1974–1975: Programme Officer, UNHCR, Nicosia, Cyprus
- 1975–1977: Deputy Representative and Representative, UNHCR, Maputo, Mozambique
- 1978–1980: Representative, UNHCR, Lima, Peru
- 1980–1981: Head of Career Development and Training Unit of Personnel Section, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
- 1981–1983: Senior Political Officer, UNIFIL, DPKO, Lebanon
- 1983–1985: Deputy Head of Personnel, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
- 1986–1988: Chef de Cabinet and Secretary to the executive committee, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
- 1988–1990: Director of Asia Bureau, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
- 1990–1991: Director of External Affairs, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
- 1991–1993: Director for Repatriation and Resettlement Operations, UNTAC, DPKO, and Special Envoy of High Commissioner Sadako Ogata, UNHCR, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- 1993–1994: Director of Political Affairs, UNPROFOR, DPKO, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
- 1994–1996: Director of Operations and Planning, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
- October–December 1996: Special Envoy of Secretary-General to the Great Lakes Region
- 1996–1998: Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, Geneva, Switzerland
- 1998–2002: Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, UN, New York, US
- June–July 1999: Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Kosovo
- 1999–2002: Transitional Administrator, UNTAET, DPKO, and Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dili, East Timor
- 2002–2003: High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland
- May–August 2003: Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to Iraq
Awards and recognition
[edit]Vieira de Mello received several posthumous awards and honours, chief of which was the Legion d'honneur, France's highest honor, given to his widow and two sons in Geneva. He was also awarded the Order of Rio Branco, the highest honor from the Government of Brazil to be given to a citizen, the Pedro Ernesto Medal, the highest honor in his hometown of Rio de Janeiro, in 2003. In April 2004, Sérgio Vieira de Mello was posthumously awarded the "Statesman of the Year Award" by the EastWest Institute. In 2003 he received the United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights[33] and, in 2004, he received the Pax Christi International Peace Award.
Following the initiative of the Villa Decius Association, the Polish Prize of Sérgio Vieira de Mello was established in the year 2003 to promote human rights, democracy, and tolerance and had its first edition in 2004.[34]
Sérgio Vieira de Mello Center
The Sérgio Vieira de Mello Center was founded by his mother, Gilda Vieira de Mello, and Sérgio's surviving spouse Carolina Larriera, also a former UN diplomat and Harvard-trained professional, to honor his legacy, and works with a network of supporters out of Brazil, Sergio's country of nationality and Timor-Leste, the country he helped create – around the world.[35]
The Sérgio Vieira de Mello Center works through a nationwide network of universities specialized in international relations and the future generation of world ambassadors. Specifically, the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Center focuses on the use of technology, entrepreneurism, and networks to mobilize mentors and disciples and build a sustainable peace model that can be easily replicated. It engages Harvard and MIT engineers and education professionals to empower local communities and schools. The Center matches ivory tower professionals with a base of the pyramid and disenfranchised youth, identifying easily obtained opportunities. With ANAPRI, the National Association of International Relations Professionals is mobilizing Congress for more resources for the professionalization of the sector.
The Center engages and actively supports a network of more than one hundred schools and institutions bearing Sérgio's name in Brazil and abroad, and provides teaching tools and in-kind material. It also runs the Gilda Vieira de Mello Prize dedicated to her son Sergio Vieira de Mello which is awarded annually in Geneva during the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights. The prize comes with a monetary award of CHF 5,000.[36]
Sergio Vieira de Mello Foundation
The Sergio Vieira de Mello Foundation was created in 2007 to honor his memory, pursue his ideals, and continue his unfinished mission. The Foundation was established in Geneva, at the initiative of his two sons and his estranged wife, with some friends and colleagues.[37] In 2008, Kofi Annan launched the first annual lecture, followed by Sadako Ogata in 2009, by Bernard Kouchner in 2010, by José Manuel Durão Barroso in 2011, and by Cornelio Sommaruga in 2012. Lectures take place at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva.
On 11 December 2008, the United Nations General Assembly made history when it adopted Swedish-sponsored GA Resolution A/63/L.49 on the Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Assistance of the United Nations,[38] that amongst other important humanitarian decisions, decided to designate 19 August as the World Humanitarian Day (WHD). The Resolution gives for the first time, a special recognition to all humanitarian and United Nations and associated personnel who have worked in the promotion of the humanitarian cause and those who have died in the cause of duty and urges all Member States, entities of the United Nations within existing resources, as well as the other International Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations to observe it annually in an appropriate way. As a background to this landmark resolution, the family of Sérgio Vieira de Mello resolved to work towards having 19 August recognized as a befitting tribute to all humanitarian personnel. Early April 2008 the Board of the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Foundation prepared a draft Resolution to be sponsored and adopted by the General Assembly designating 19 August as World Humanitarian Day. France, Switzerland, Japan, and Brazil, contacted with the draft Resolution, agreed to co-sponsor it.
Sérgio Vieira de Mello founded the United Nations Housing Rights Programme, currently a part of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, which aims to "assist States and other stakeholders with the implementation of their commitments in the Habitat Agenda".[39]
After his death, the Italian city of Bologna was dedicated to Sergio Vieira de Mello a square (Piazza Sérgio Vieira de Mello) situated in a modern part of the central quartiere Navile.
Vieira de Mello's life was the subject of the 2020 biopic Sergio, starring Wagner Moura in the title role.