2025年2月10日 星期一

Alvin Toffler(1928 – 2016):Future Shock (1970).....War and Anti-War (1993) 。1978年在英國:無人機和人工智能:無人機和人工智能是戰爭的未來 2025。戰爭也暴露了俄羅斯技術上電子戰的弱點: 烏克蘭戰爭中的電磁頻譜攻擊 無人機操作員和干擾者正在進行一場高科技軍備競賽

 Alvin Eugene Toffler[1] (October 4, 1928 – June 27, 2016) was an American writer, futurist, and businessman known for his works discussing modern technologies, including the digital revolution and the communication revolution, with emphasis on their effects on cultures worldwide. He is regarded as one of the world's outstanding futurists.[2]

Alvin Toffler co-wrote his books with his wife Heidi.

最愛 4小時 
Russia began its all-out invasion as the world’s electronic-warfare superpower. But the war has exposed vulnerabilities in its tech

Fighting the war in Ukraine on the electromagnetic spectrum

Drone operators and jammers are in a high-tech arms race

A member of a drone operations team, keeps a careful eye out for enemy drones
Photograph: Sean Sutton/Panos Pictures

FOR SOLDIERS at the front, electromagnetic defences are as vital as air: invisible when present, and disastrous when not. In July Ukrainian troops in southern Donbas found this out the hard way. Abruptly, Russian drones switched frequencies, from standard 700-1,000 megahertz to 400-500 megahertz, blinding Ukraine’s electronic-warfare (ew) systems. The drones flew deep behind the lines, cutting off units and making supply routes impassable. Tens of Ukrainian military vehicles were destroyed daily in what Serhii Beskrestnov, a Ukrainian EW specialist, calls a “Russian safari”. Only when Ukraine understood what was happening, and secured new EW systems working at 500 megahertz, weeks later, were they able to stabilise the situation.




圖:Sean Sutton/Panos Pictures

2025 年 2 月 5 日|基輔


對前線的士兵來說,電磁防禦與空氣一樣重要:存在時看不見,不存在時則會帶來災難。 7 月份,頓巴斯南部的烏克蘭軍隊深刻地體會到了這一點。俄羅斯無人機突然將頻率從標準的 700-1,000 兆赫切換到 400-500 兆赫,使烏克蘭的電子戰系統失靈。無人機深入敵後,切斷部隊後路,使補給路線無法通行。烏克蘭電子戰專家謝爾蓋·別斯克雷斯特諾夫 (Serhii Beskrestnov) 稱其為“俄羅斯狩獵”,每天都有數十輛烏克蘭軍車被摧毀。直到幾週後,烏克蘭才了解到正在發生的事情,並獲得了以 500 兆赫茲運行的新型電子戰系統,才得以穩定局勢。

彭博商業周刊 / 中文版 

【新形態戰爭】馬斯克接受西點軍校採訪 稱無人機和人工智能是戰爭的未來
最新發布的SpaceX行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk,見圖)去年夏天在西點軍校對話的視頻顯示,馬斯克認爲,人工智能和無人機是戰爭的未來。「目前的烏克蘭戰爭就已經在很大程度上是無人機戰爭,如果發生大國戰爭,那麼很可能會是一場無人機戰爭。」

