2024年12月24日 星期二

Keanu Reeves (age 60 years 大明星奇洛李維斯平凡度日) is a Canadian actor and musician. Don McLean

Keanu Charles Reeves is a Canadian actor and musician. He is the recipient of numerous accolades in a career on screen spanning four decades. In 2020, The New York Times ranked him as the fourth-greatest actor of the 21st century, and in 2022 Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Wikipedia
Born: September 2, 1964 (age 60 years), Beirut, Lebanon
Upcoming movies: BallerinaGood Fortune

While shooting the movie "The Lake House", he overheard the conversation between two costume assistants, and a woman was crying because she would lose her house if she didn't pay a sum of 20 thousand dollars. He deposited it into her account.
On his birthday in 2010, he went into a bakery alone and bought a cupcake with a single candle. While he ate it outside, he offered free coffee and bread to all customers. This was his luxury birthday.
With what he earned from the Matrix trilogy, he distributed 50 million dollars to the special effects personnel, because according to him, they were the real heroes of the films.
He almost never used stuntmen, except for very specific things like stunts, and for this reason he recognized the work of his stuntmen by giving each of them a Harley Davidson motorcycle.
To this day, he regularly uses the subway and other public transportation systems such as the bus when necessary because it is the most practical thing, and he is never ashamed.
A large number of hospitals say they have received tens of millions of dollars from him.
He donated 90% of his salary in some films so that the production could hire other stars.
In 1997, a paparazzo found him on the street sitting next to a homeless man, listening to the homeless man's life and having breakfast with him.
All the good we know about Keanu Reeves was not told to us by him, but by those who benefited from him. He never declared anything.
For everything he has experienced, he could have had a sadder and more pessimistic view of life, but despite this he chose to be that something good among all the evil there is.
( All credit goes to the original creator )

在拍攝電影《湖邊小屋》時,他無意中聽到兩個服裝助理的對話,一個女人在哭泣,因為如果不付兩萬美元,她就會失去房子。他把錢存入她的帳戶。 2010年生日那天,他獨自走進一家麵包店,買了一個只有一根蠟燭的紙杯蛋糕。當他在外面吃的時候,他向所有顧客提供免費的咖啡和麵包。這是他奢華的生日。 他用《駭客任務》三部曲賺的錢,給了特效人員5,000萬美元,因為在他看來,他們才是電影中真正的英雄。 他幾乎從不使用特技演員,除了特技等非常具體的事情,因此,他通過給他們每人一輛哈雷戴維森摩托車來認可他的特技演員的工作。 直到今天,他仍然在必要時經常使用地鐵和公車等其他公共交通系統,因為這是最實用的東西,而且他從不感到羞恥。 許多醫院表示,他們從他那裡收到了數千萬美元。 在某些電影中,他捐出了90%的片酬,以便劇組聘請其他明星。 1997年,一名狗仔隊在街上發現他坐在一名無家可歸者旁邊,聽著無家可歸者的生活,並與他一起吃早餐。 我們所知道的基努·裡維斯的所有優點都不是他告訴我們的,而是那些從他那裡受益的人告訴我們的。他從未聲明過任何事。 對於他所經歷的一切,他本可以對生活有更悲傷、更悲觀的看法,但儘管如此,他還是選擇在所有邪惡中做善事。 (所有功勞歸原作者所有)

Keanu Charles Reeves (/kˈɑːn/ kay-AH-noo; born September 2, 1964)[2] is a Canadian actor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keanu_Reeves

捐贈70%片酬給醫院治療白血病患者 奇洛李維斯平凡度日




而現在,已成為著名的明星,他仍然住很謙虛:他卻常穿著開口的破鞋趴趴走,他有沒有保鏢,他不會買昂貴的衣服和高檔住宅,生活在一個小公寓,平常搭的是很普通的地鐵,還被民眾拍到讓座給婦人,或是被發現像個流浪漢在公園內吃著三明治。 During his initial rise to stardom, Reeves preferred to live in rental houses and hotels. He was also a long-term resident of the Chateau Marmont. However, around 2003, Reeves bought his first house in the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles. He has since purchased an apartment in Central Park West, New York City.[32]



Keanu Charles Reeves missed the first 20 minutes of the party dedicated to the end of filming of his new film in one of the clubs in New York.
He waited patiently in the rain to be let in.
No one recognized him.
The club owner said: "I didn't even know Keanu was standing in the rain waiting to be let in - he didn't say anything to anyone."
"He travels by public transport".
"He easily communicates with homeless people on the street and helps them".
- He is only 56 years old (September 2, 1964)
- He can just eat a hot dog in the park, sitting between ordinary people.
- After filming one of the "Matrix", he gave all the stuntmen a new motorcycle - in recognition of their skill.
- He gave up most of the fee for the salaries of costume designers and computer scientists who draw special effects in "The Matrix" - decided that their share of participation in the budget of the film was underestimated.
- He reduced his fee in the film The Devil's Advocate" to have enough money to invite Al Pacino.
- Almost at the same time his best friend died; his girlfriend lost a child and soon died in a car accident, and his sister fell ill with leukemia.
Keanu did not break: he donated $ 5 million to the clinic that treated his sister, refused to shoot (to be with her), and created the Leukemia Foundation, donating significant sums from each fee for the film.
You can be born a man, but to remain one..

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可能是 1 人的圖像

Don McLean (1945- )
Today's Highlights, October 2, 2005
Don McLean, the writer of one of America's favorite ballads, "American Pie," celebrates his 60th birthday today. The song topped the charts again in 2000, when it was recorded by Madonna. In 2001, "American Pie" was voted number 5 in a poll of the 365 "Songs of the Century" compiled by the Recording Industry Association of America and the National Endowment for the Arts and, in February 2002, "American Pie" was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. Among McLean's other hits are "Vincent," "And I Love You So" and "Castles in the Air."

......聽到唐‧麥可林(Don Mclean)要在五月來台北的消息,我彷彿回到了初戀的心動,從我青春的日子以來,這個歌手的那張《美國派》精選黑膠唱片、錄音帶或CD,一直是我播放 次數最多的音樂,不管是'American Pie'、'Castles in the Air'、'Vincent'、'And I Love You So'、'Fools Paradise'、'Crying',這些歌都是我的靈魂之歌,永恆時光之歌。.....韓良露 2008.05.06


唐·麥克林受到Buddy Holly約翰·甘迺迪過世相當大的影響。在他私人的生活上,他忍受著父親在1961年過世後所帶來的痛苦。麥克林於1963年Iona Preparatory School畢業,但是進入位於賓夕法尼亞州Villanova University只不過四個後就休學了。稍後他進入了位於紐約Iona College就讀夜校,並在1968年於此校獲得"工商管理"的學士學位。他在學校的活動中已經是一位很受歡迎的民謠歌手,在紐約藝術廳(New York State Council on the Arts)的獎金幫助之下,他開始接觸更多的大眾活動,在Hudson River附近的城鎮來回穿梭著。他從友人兼精神導師Pete Seeger那裡學習到了表演的藝術,麥克林在1969年隨著Seeger駕著他的船順著哈德遜河(Hudson River)而上,目的是伸張對此河流環保問題的主張。這個清水活動對於改善此河流的水質立下很大的功勞。[1]

[編輯] 歌曲

[編輯] "American Pie"

主條目:American Pie

唐·麥克林最著名的創作 "American Pie"常被用來詮釋與形容Buddy HollyRitchie ValensThe Big Bopper1959年2月3日飛機失事而死亡的事件。尤其是"那天就是音樂的祭日"(The Day the Music Died)這句歌詞最常被廣泛運用。麥克林也曾指出歌曲裡的詞句是他個人自傳,也抽象呈現他在50年代中期到60年代撰寫歌曲時的人生故事,[來源請求]。根據家鄉傳說 "the levy" 是他家鄉的酒吧-靠近"Iona College" 的"Beechmont Tavern"。"American Pie" 這首歌的涵意象徵了在那時期不斷激化與激烈改變的流行音樂,導致之前在1950年代發展出以輕快愉悅為特色的搖滾樂,轉變成[[1960年]代晚期以黑暗、省思、憤世嫉俗與增加社會關注為主的類型,這樣的轉變是由社會劇烈的轉變與浮動的政治氣氛驅使而成,音樂在此其中當然也被捲入其中,且在60年代末期要為變化中的美國下個定義。[來源請求]

唐·麥克林的 "American Pie" 也存在對於音樂三十多年來歷史的仔細觀察與哲學詮釋的議題,學者、現代美國文學的教授與他的歌迷仍繼續找尋著歌曲中更為深邃的意義。在訪問中麥克林逗趣的 說到,有許多關於這首歌的詮釋其實是假設的,很多關於這首歌的說法與涵意,其實他根本沒有提過也從未證實過。[來源請求]

American Pie

1971年発表。8分30秒の大作。アメリカのロック創世期に活躍したバディ・ホリーリッチー・バレンズザ・ビッグ・ボッパーなどが犠牲になった飛行機事故を題材にした曲である(曲中で繰り返される「The Day the Music Died」は、飛行機事故の当日をさしている)。


[編集] Vincent

1972年発表。オランダ出身の画家、フィンセント・ファン・ゴッホにささげられた曲。ゴッホの伝記を読んだ1971年に書かれたという。「Starry Starry Night」という歌詞で始まるが、これはゴッホの「The Starry Night(邦題:星月夜)」という絵に由来する。

[編輯] 其他歌曲


American Pie專輯收錄了一首歌曲Babylon是由麥克林與(The Weavers)的"Lee Hays"一同製作。樂團Boney M則在1978年將這首歌曲重新錄製為歌名Rivers of Babylon的版本,也在英國獲得了暢銷榜第一名的成績,不過這兩首歌的編曲與表現方式十分不同,以致於在聽到時不會隨即聯想這是同樣的一首歌。

1980年,麥克林創作了一首由Roy Orbison演唱獲得全球第一名的暢銷經典歌曲 "Crying",這首歌曲是先在海外發行取得成功後才在美國出版,成為了1981年前十名的暢銷作品。Orbison 本人曾說過麥克林是:" 本世紀的聲音。" ,並在之後再度錄製本歌曲且混合了麥克林的版本。

[編輯] 晚期作品

1991年,麥克林的"American Pie"因為重新成為話題而再度回到英國金榜前二十名的排行上,這首歌在2000年又因為瑪丹娜重新編曲演唱而再度成為全球大熱門歌曲。

2006年,他繼續著自己從美國延伸到歐洲的巡迴演唱活讀,新專輯Addicted to Black在這之後就會搭配他的自傳Killing Us Softly: The Don McLean Story一 起發行。一位同樣也是歌手兼創作人的藝人"Lori Lieberman",曾在演唱會看了麥克林演唱自己的創作 "Empty Chairs" ,之後就有感而發的寫下了一首名為 "Killing me softly with his blue"。藉此詩為靈感,之後兩位創作人Norman Gimbel/Charles Fox 也才寫出經典歌曲"Killing Me Softly with His Song。"


