2025年1月3日 星期五

巴黎聖母院主教的華麗轉身......各級神職人的一系列新潮,……,Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, from Haute Couture to the Holy Halls of Notre Dame

周四1205 下午二點半,漢清講堂:王晃三,徐歷昌和我,起碼。
12 月5日中午,周四約十一點,王晃三老師將來聊天。我順便請參加者便餐(晃三兄另有餐會)。
感謝:接到晃三兄寄來的《中原大學工業與系統工程學系 60周年(簡介)》,該書「感恩致謝」末頁:
「捐助系所發展基金—DHC 發展基金」中介紹:
「……一對隱名基督徒夫妻的捐助,,承諾分十年捐出美金200萬元,指定用於壯大本系。…… 」
另寄來 《小齒輪之歌:青松歲月的證言:中原工工 (1964~2024) 》。正是這本書的初版寫創系初期的艱辛,奮鬥,創新,感動美國一對隱名基督徒夫妻......
此片最後巴黎聖母院主教的華麗轉身,穿新“時尚”服裝,是天主教請藝術家設計各級神職人的一系列新潮,……每一福音有其顏色代表,有法文書,France24國際台有專訪(英文)。也有邀馬友友獨奏。有全程錄影 約六小時多。

"三一功小冊子小冊"我沒讀過 (漢清講堂有概論影片),這是晃三兄為中原大學作的系列教學影片(教育部剛頒發過獎)摘要,最近TED EDU有不少類似短片。

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Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, from Haute Couture to the Holy Halls of Notre Dame French fashion designer @jcdecastelbajac has a big mission: to dress the 700 ...

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Nov 21, 2024 — Designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac displays a liturgical vestment for bishops to be worn at the reopening of Paris' Notre-Dame Cathedral in December.
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Jean-Charles de Castelbajac

An Interview with the Paris-based Artist and Designer

Jean-Charles de Castelbajac sits in his apartment with a wool blanket draped over his lap, thinking about a memory from the past. The aristocratic French designer’s storied career has spanned half a century, including creative collaborations with icons and artists like Mick Jagger, Madonna, Jean-Michel Basquiat and even the Pope. Castelbajac is behind some of the most talked-about clothing items in recent history: Lady Gaga’s Kermit the Frog coat, Katy Perry’s President Obama dress and Farrah Fawcett’s costumes in Charlie’s Angels, to name a few. Even Andy Warhol acquired Castelbajac’s “poncho for two” back in the 1970s, which JC/DC (as he’s often affectionately referred to) delivered by hand to the artist’s Factory. But long before his tongue-in-cheek designs made pop culture waves, he was the boy with the blanket.

The Moroccan-born, Paris-based designer has always been attracted to unconventional materials, including blankets. His deep fascination was sparked while visiting family in Canada in the winter. His uncle in Ottawa sent him into the woods for one month “to become a man,” but Castelbajac came out an artist.

