2025年1月30日 星期四

卓別林 Bill Gates “Source Code: My Beginnings,” 《原始碼:我的開始》三卷回憶錄中的第一卷

 Mr. Gates, who turns 70 this year, is looking back a lot these days. Next week he is publishing “Source Code: My Beginnings,” which examines his childhood. The first of three projected volumes of memoirs, the book has been in the works for at least a decade but arrives at an unusual moment, as the tech billionaires have been unleashed. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg — their success has given them power that they are enthusiastically, even gleefully, using in divisive ways.

As a billionaire, other people invest you with huge powers, Mr. Gates said. Because you are successful in one sphere, he mused, “they think you’re good at lots of things you’re not good at.”

蓋茲先生今年已年屆 70 歲,這些天他經常回顧過去。下週他將出版《原始碼:我的開始》,回顧他的童年。這本書是計畫中的三卷回憶錄中的第一卷,籌備時間至少長達十年,但它的問世正逢一個不尋常的時刻,因為科技界億萬富翁們已經開始行動了。伊隆馬斯克、傑夫貝佐斯、馬克祖克柏——他們的成功賦予了他們權力,他們熱情地、甚至興高采烈地以分裂的方式運用著這種權力。




Bill Gates Isn’t Like Those Other Tech Billionaires
The Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist is taking a break from the future to examine his past — and mulling where billionaires now fit in.

《卓別林自傳》鍾玉澄譯,志文,1977譯註中的感嘆 Memories of Chaplin (老優之死1977.12.27 )很深入;
Rare photo of Charlie Chaplin playing the Cello.
《舞台春秋》(Limelight(1952/1972))中卓別林母親舞台失聲之慘痛經他由"長良川鵜飼" (cormorant fishing) 對日本文明的觀察、批評。
感動(89):元旦的一些領悟:工作可啟發靈感(Don't wait for inspiration. It comes while working' - Henri Matisse,),可促進"觸類旁通"(我的人工智慧的故事、體驗:英語學習:注意(到"爭眼球的經濟時代)attention (economy)/ attend)Richard P. Feynman — 'Knowledge isn't free. You have to pay attention.' 。"謀殺 murder"一字由來已久,從一群烏鴉到驚悚電影:A Murder of Crows )。卓別林過世,日本朝日新聞"天聲人語"專欄的一篇評論文章Memories of Chaplin (老優之死1977.12.27 )很深入;《舞台春秋》(Limelight(1952/1972))中卓別林母親舞台失聲之慘痛經他由"長良川鵜飼" (cormorant fishing) 對日本文明的觀察、批評。

