2024年12月19日 星期四

三好達治(Miyoshi Tatsuji,1900-1964)代表作 『測量船』(1930年) 『駱駝の瘤にまたがつて』(1952年)。現代中國繆司-台灣女詩人作品析論/鍾玲著; Japanese women novelists in the 20th century : 104 biographies, 1900-1993




三好達治(Miyoshi Tatsuji,1900-1964)是日本「四季」派的代表性詩人,以抒情詩風享譽詩壇。強調知性,他的現代主義抒情在昭和時期的文學運動極具風采。
詩人十五歲時從軍,後棄武從文,從東京帝國大學法文系畢業,成名之前靠翻譯法國文學如左拉,波德萊爾等的作品為生。出版詩集:“駱駝背上肉峰”,“四季” 等
三好達治は大正から昭和にかけて活躍した日本の詩人です。 萩原朔太郎と知り合い、朔太郎の住む東京の馬込文士村の地に下宿し、詩誌『詩と詩論』創刊......

Tatsuji Miyoshi
Born23 August 1900
Nishi-ku, Osaka, Japan
Died5 April 1964 (aged 63)
Tokyo, Japan
Occupationwriter, critic, poet
Genrehaiku poetry, essays
This is a very short poem "Soil" by a great poet Miyoshi Tatsuji (1900-1964). It is like a tanka poetry but written in free verse which has charm to make us think about something essential.
The ants are
Dragging the butterfly's wings
It looks like a yacht
The first two lines are an event in reality to which the poet lowers his gaze but in reverse (saying the interjection "Ah") the last one is turned to the imaginary world. Tiny ants are working hard to carry butterflies, their precious food. Eventually, they spread out into the vast ocean where he gazes out into the horizon. Earth, sea, ants, and butterflies are organically and imaginatively linked together. It could be the natural cycle and law.
Miyoshi was a great master at writing lyrically the richness in nature. The sail the poet saw on the surface of the sea must have been as beautiful as a butterfly's wing.
Some of the masterpieces in English could be found.

